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House Financial Services Committee Announces AI Working Group

On January 11, 2024, the House Financial Services Committee announced the formation of a bipartisan Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”). The working group is to be led by the Chairman of the Digital Assets...more

FTC Authorizes use of Compulsory Process in AI Investigations

On November 21, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) approved in a 3-0 vote a resolution authorizing the use of compulsory process in nonpublic investigations involving products and services that involve or claim to involve...more

FCC and FTC Announce new AI Calling and Voice Initiatives

On November 16th, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) and Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced new independent initiatives regarding the use and implications of AI technologies on consumers in the context of...more

CPPA publishes new draft regulations addressing AI, risk assessments, cyber audits

The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) recently published two new sets of draft regulations addressing a range of cutting-edge data protection issues. Although the CPPA has not officially started the formal...more

CPPA Publishes New Draft Regulations Addressing AI, Risk Assessments, and Cyber Audits

The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) recently published two new sets of draft regulations addressing a range of cutting-edge data protection issues. Although the Agency has not officially started the formal...more

Webinar Recording - Artificial Intelligence An Overview of the U.S. and EU Regulatory Landscape [Video]

The emergence of tools like ChatGPT has demonstrated the tremendous business potential for artificial intelligence. At the same time, businesses need to be aware of the growing patchwork of laws and regulations in the U.S....more

Managing Legal Issues From the Use of ChatGPT and Generative AI

The AI application ChatGPT quickly became a household name, but already is morphing into a more advanced version of generative AI. At the same time, Microsoft’s redesigned Bing search engine will soon run on a new,...more

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