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SALT Scoreboard - Quarter 4, 2024

This is the fourth edition of the Eversheds Sutherland SALT Scoreboard for 2024. Since 2016, we have tallied the results of what we deem to be significant taxpayer wins and losses and analyzed those results. Our entire SALT...more

California’s proposed market sourcing reg raises questions

The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has proposed amendments to its regulations that govern how sales of services and intangibles are sourced for income tax purposes. The changes to this income tax apportionment...more

SALT Scoreboard - Quarter 3, 2024

This is the third edition of the Eversheds Sutherland SALT Scoreboard for 2024. Since 2016, we have tallied the results of what we deem to be significant taxpayer wins and losses and analyzed those results. Our entire SALT...more

SALT Scoreboard - Quarter 2, 2024

This is the second edition of the Eversheds Sutherland SALT Scoreboard for 2024. Since 2016, we have tallied the results of what we deem to be significant taxpayer wins and losses and analyzed those results. Our entire SALT...more

California Legislature drops the other shoe, kicking taxpayers right in the apportionment formula

California legislators released bill language addressing Governor Gavin Newsom’s “May Revise” to the state budget that includes the Governor’s so-called “apportionment fix.” If enacted, Assembly Bill 167 and Senate Bill 167...more

SALT Scoreboard - Quarter 1, 2024

This is the first edition of the Eversheds Sutherland SALT Scoreboard for 2024. Since 2016, we have tallied the results of what we deem to be significant taxpayer wins and losses and analyzed those results. Our entire SALT...more

FTB strikes back: Loses two cases at the Office of Tax Appeals, reverses two cases in the legislature

On May 14, California Governor Gavin Newsom released proposed trailer bill language for the so-called “apportionment fix” introduced in his “May Revise” to the state budget last week (see our prior Legal Alert here)....more

California Governor “May Revise” taxpayer apportionment win

On May 10, California Governor Gavin Newsom introduced his “May Revise” of the state budget. In addition to net operating loss deduction suspensions and tax credit usage limitations, one particularly concerning corporate...more

Proposal to reform San Francisco gross receipts tax

On May 6, 2024, the San Francisco Controller and Treasurer released their proposed final tax reform ordinance language. To become effective, San Francisco voters will have to pass a measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot by a...more

Georgia’s 2024 legislative session: Major tax legislation moving forward

This year’s Georgia’s legislative session is quickly progressing, with some major tax legislation moving towards passage. Last Thursday, February 29, 2024 was “Crossover Day”—the 28th legislative day of 40 total legislative...more

Better than a box of chocolates: Foreign dividends included in California sales factor denominator

On February 14, 2024, the California Office of Tax Appeals (OTA) denied the California Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB) request for rehearing in the Appeal of Microsoft Corporation and Subsidiaries (OTA Case No. 21037336)....more

SALT Scoreboard - Quarter 4, 2023

This is the fourth edition of the Eversheds Sutherland SALT Scoreboard for 2023. Since 2016, we have tallied the results of what we deem to be significant taxpayer wins and losses and analyzed those results. Our entire SALT...more

Reforming San Francisco’s gross receipts tax

On February 5, 2024, the Offices of the Controller and Treasurer & Tax Collector for the City and County of San Francisco published a report outlining tax reform recommendations in time to inform a potential ballot measure...more

A dash of SALT on the deal: Key takeaways from TEI's 2023 M&A Seminar

State and local tax (SALT) issues may arise from mergers, acquisitions, or dispositions. Eversheds Sutherland Partner Todd Betor presented on Unique State Tax Issues at Tax Executives Institute’s 2023 Mergers & Acquisitions...more

Florida District Court of Appeals hears oral arguments in addback dispute

​​​​​​​On October 11, 2022, the Florida District Court of Appeals, First District held oral arguments on State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Florida Department of Revenue, a case relating to the “add back” to...more

Maryland’s zombie digital ad tax is not dead

Maryland lawmakers are expected to revive a pair of failed controversial tax expansion proposals shortly after the scheduled start of the next legislative session on January 13, 2021. On May 7, Governor Larry Hogan vetoed...more

Eversheds Sutherland files amicus curiae brief on behalf of COST in Fresno Measure P case

Eversheds Sutherland has filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the 550 members of the Council On State Taxation (COST) on the important issue of whether imposition of certain local special taxes in California requires a...more

Court holds California local tax subject to supermajority voting requirement, California Supreme Court review likely

On September 5, a Fresno trial court held that the California Constitution imposes a two-thirds vote requirement on special local taxes, including those proposed by voter initiative. The decision comes just two months after a...more

Court holds California local taxes not subject to supermajority voting requirement

On July 5, a San Francisco trial court held that local taxes imposed by voter initiative are not taxes imposed by a “local government” and therefore are not subject to the two-thirds supermajority voter approval requirement...more

California’s use tax nexus and marketplace collection requirements

On April 25, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 147 into law, modifying use tax nexus thresholds for state and local district taxes, and establishing marketplace collection requirements. These...more

California Office of Tax Appeals Releases Final Draft Emergency Regulations on Rules for Tax Appeals

Starting January 1, 2018, the California Board of Equalization’s (BOE) significant appellate responsibilities—including hearing appeals regarding income tax and sales and use taxes—transfer to the newly-created Office of Tax...more

New California Tax Agencies’ Roles Clarified

On September 16, 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill (A.B.) 131 into law, making various changes to the Taxpayer Transparency and Fairness Act of 2017 (Act) enacted on June 27, 2017. The Act overhauled...more

California Legislature Passes Bill That Creates Two New Tax Agencies and Reduces the Board of Equalization’s Powers

Major changes to California’s tax policies got a step closer after the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 102, the Taxpayer Transparency and Fairness Act of 2017 (Act) on June 15, 2017, as part of the state budget....more

California Supreme Court Holds Multistate Tax Compact is Not Binding

On December 31, 2015, the California Supreme Court closed the book on California’s Multistate Tax Compact election saga, unanimously holding that the Compact is not a binding contract among its members and the State was not...more

MTC Launches Transfer Pricing Effort

On June 2, the Arm’s Length Advisory Group (the Group) of the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) met in St. Louis, Missouri, to begin the process of developing a multistate arm’s length pricing adjustment service. States...more

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