Perkins Coie's Privacy & Security practice maintains this comprehensive chart of state laws regarding security breach notification. The chart is for informational purposes only and is intended as an aid in understanding each...more
/ Breach Notification Rule ,
Class Action ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Information Security ,
Notification Requirements ,
Popular ,
Privacy Laws ,
State Privacy Laws
Perkins Coie's Privacy & Security practice maintains a comprehensive chart that summarizes state laws regarding security breach notification. The chart is for informational purposes only and is intended as an aid in...more
As more and larger data breaches come to light, states continue to update and expand their breach notification statutes, adding to the patchwork of notification obligations that now exists in every state. Generally speaking,...more
This spring has brought a particularly active round of revisions to state data breach notification laws. Most notably, as of July 1, 2018, every state will have a breach notification law. Alabama and South Dakota both passed...more
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is effective May 25, 2018, requires notification to European regulators within 72 hours of the discovery of many types of data breaches. This deadline requires speed and...more
2017 has reminded us that data security threats continue to evolve and that the stakes for companies can be very high if their data security programs fail to evolve as well. Before the recent announcement of Equifax’s...more
/ Cyber Insurance ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Security ,
Equifax ,
Hackers ,
Human Resources Professionals ,
Phishing Scams ,
Ransomware ,
Risk Assessment ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Tax Fraud ,
Tax Scams ,
Third-Party Service Provider
The spring legislative sessions this year brought a now-familiar round of revisions to data breach notification laws, with states broadening their laws in often divergent ways. This year, Illinois, Nebraska, and Tennessee...more
The SEC announced last week that an investment adviser had agreed to settle charges that it failed to take required steps to protect against and respond effectively to a cybersecurity breach. The action comes on the heels of...more
/ Best Practices ,
Board of Directors ,
Broker-Dealer ,
Capital Markets ,
Compliance ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Incident Reporting ,
Cyber Insurance ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Loss Prevention ,
Data Security ,
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Due Diligence ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,
Incident Response Plans ,
Investment Adviser ,
Popular ,
Regulation S-P ,
Risk Alert ,
Risk Assessment ,
Securities Act of 1933 ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Third-Party Service Provider
Since at least 2005, the Federal Trade Commission has asserted that it may regulate lax data security practices as an “unfair” business practice under Section 5 of the FTC Act. The Wyndham hotel chain was the first to...more
Credit Cards ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Debit Cards ,
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Fraudulent Charges ,
FTC Act ,
FTC v Wyndham ,
Hackers ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Popular ,
Section 5 ,
Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices ,
Target’s 2013 data breach has generated over 100 consumer lawsuits, which were consolidated last year before the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. On December 18, 2014, Judge Paul A. Magnuson issued a...more
For the first time, online retail sales exceeded $1 billion on Black Friday and reached nearly $1.5 billion on Cyber Monday this year. Analysts expect this increase in e-commerce to continue, and Forrester Research estimates...more