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Blakes Continuity Podcast: Cutting Through the Weeds: A Look at Environmental Issues Impacting Businesses [Audio]

Across Canada, companies are facing a host of environmental challenges, including sustainability, regulatory obligations and other issues. In episode 12 of our Continuity podcast, Tony Crossman, Terri-Lee Oleniuk and Grace...more

B.C. Enters New Era of Water Regulation as Water Sustainability Act Is Brought into Force

Nearly two years after passing the Water Sustainability Act (WSA), the province of British Columbia has quietly brought it into force through the registration of five new regulations. Together, these implement a new regime...more

Proposed Policies for Implementing B.C.’s New Water Sustainability Act Available for Comment

On July 30, 2015, the British Columbia government released four discussion papers for public comment outlining proposed new policies for regulations under the Water Sustainability Act. These papers are important as much of...more

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