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Your Wallet's New Reality: The Financial Truth About Life After Divorce

Divorce changes everything—including your finances. Many people underestimate the true cost of living solo until it’s too late. Your financial affidavit isn’t just paperwork—it’s your financial lifeline....more

Five Ways to Sabotage Your Divorce (And Why You Really Shouldn't)

You're going through a divorce. Your spouse says something that cuts deep—maybe they call you an unfit parent or threaten that you'll walk away with nothing. These brief yet hurtful comments can trigger impulsive actions. But...more

Serve Papers, Not Drama: A Modern Guide to Telling Your Spouse “We Need to Talk”

The decision to divorce is never easy. From the initial contemplation to untangling shared finances, the process demands careful thought at every turn. Once you've made the decision to file, you face your first legal hurdle:...more

Call and Wait: What is a Conflict Check?

You decide you want a divorce, or your spouse tells you they want a divorce. You are served divorce papers from a process server or law enforcement. You want help now. You do not want to wait. Folks dealing with divorce...more

Critical Risk Areas Identified in Annual Family Office Survey Report

Family law attorney Tyler Coe covers the new report with insights from Edward Marshall and how it equips family offices with insights that can enhance performance and manage risk to position themselves for success....more

Parenting Rights: All or Nothing

Iowa law clearly states that “parents with joint legal custody” means both parents jointly have legal custodial rights and responsibilities toward their child and neither parent has legal custodial rights superior to those of...more

Holiday Harmony: Scheduling Tips for Divorced or Separated Parents

During the holidays, families spend time together observing religious, secular, and other personal traditions. For parents living together with their children, planning where everyone should be and when can already be a...more

I Don’t Appreciate Your Alleged Depreciation

In Iowa, child and spousal support (alimony) amounts are mainly determined by each party’s income. But income is not the whole story. Parties may deduct certain qualified expenses, resulting in a lower income amount used in...more

Make Them Pay: Iowa Alimony

Under Iowa law, alimony, also known as spousal support, refers to the financial help provided by one spouse to the other following a divorce or separation. It addresses the economic disparity that can arise when one spouse...more

American Indian Tribal Semi-Sovereign Status and Adoption

American Indian tribes hold an exceptional legal status within the United States. As semi-sovereign entities, tribes have various rights, including enacting legislation, maintaining an independent judiciary, and governing...more

What to do When Your Employee Is Getting Divorced

Maybe you noticed that an employee needs more time off lately or has seemed extra stressed or distracted. Perhaps they even told you they are having a tough time in their personal life and are divorcing their spouse. While...more

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