Latest Posts › Federal Election Commission (FEC)


Federal Election Commission Clarifies Permissible Uses of Campaign Finance Data

This week the Federal Election Commission (FEC or the Commission) issued Advisory Opinion 2021-05 (Tally Up), telling a campaign vendor that it may not integrate federal campaign finance data into software that scores groups...more

Strategic Options for Corporate and Trade Association PACs Following the US Capitol Violence

The fallout from the violence at the U.S. Capitol continues to reverberate far beyond politics. In the business sector, companies are taking actions that make clear that free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of...more

Political Contributions for the 2020 Election: What Prospective Donors Should Know

With the 2020 elections rapidly approaching, individuals may be considering making contributions to political candidates, campaigns, action committees (PAC), or parties. The following update identifies the campaign finance...more

FEC Releases NPRM for Disclaimers on Internet Communications

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) took a step last week toward clarifying the “paid for by” and other disclaimer requirements that apply to political advertisements that appear on digital media. At its meeting on March...more

While Hamstrung By DOMA, Federal Election Commission Still Opens Door To Joint Political Contributions From Same-Sex Couples

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) this week became the latest government agency to grapple with the impact of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on the federal rights of legally married same-sex couples. At issue was...more

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