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Related-Party Section 1031 Exchanges

As the adage goes, “Don’t do business with relatives.” If a taxpayer enters into a Section 1031 tax-deferred real property exchange (an “Exchange”) with a relative or with a “related person” the adage can prove...more

California Provides Path to Deduct State Income Tax for Calculating Federal Tax [UPDATED]

In IRS Notice 2020-75, the IRS invited the states to circumvent the $10,000 limit on the deduction of state taxes by individuals, trusts, and estates for purposes of calculating federal income tax by permitting the states to...more

California Provides Path to Deduct State Income Tax for Calculating Federal Tax

In IRS Notice 2020-75, the IRS invited the states to circumvent the $10,000 limit on the deduction of state taxes by individuals, trusts, and estates for purposes of calculating federal income tax by permitting the states to...more

IRS Extends Deadlines for IRC §1031 Exchange Transactions and Qualified Opportunity Fund Investments

On April 9, 2020, the IRS issued Notice 2020-23 providing sweeping tax filing and tax payment deferral until July 15, 2020. This relief includes extensions of the 45- and 180-day deadlines for IRC §1031 exchange transactions...more

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