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Pennsylvania Cuts Corporate Income Tax Rates, Makes Other Significant Tax Changes

Pennsylvania’s budget season just ended and Act 53 of 2022 (Act 53), made many significant changes to the Commonwealth’s business and individual taxes....more

Pennsylvania Provides Additional Extensions for Many Tax Returns

In light of the ongoing pandemic, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue announced that the due dates for many Pennsylvania individual and business tax returns have been extended....more

Carried Interest – Proposed Regulations – Impact on Real Estate: The Good and the Bad

On July 31, 2020, the IRS and Treasury released the long-awaited proposed regulations on the new carried interest rules in Section 1061 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that became law as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act...more

Virginia Extends Tax Payment Deadlines to June 1, Filing Date Remains Unchanged and Interest Will Accrue

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced that “while filing deadlines remain the same, the due date for payment of individual and corporate income tax will now be June 1, 2020.” However, the Virginia extension to pay, while...more

New York State Extends Tax Filing Date in Lockstep with Federal Deadline Extension

Following U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s announcement via Twitter on Friday, March 20, that Treasury would be moving Tax Day from April 15 to July 15, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Budget Director Robert Mujica...more

Philadelphia Announces Relief for Property and Business Taxes and Provides Wage Tax Guidance for Displaced Workers

The City of Philadelphia Revenue Department announced administrative extensions to the due dates for 2020 real estate taxes (originally due March 31, 2020) and 2019 business taxes (originally due April 15, 2020)....more

IRS Provides Additional Guidance Regarding Changing Tax Day to July 15

Following Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s Twitter announcement that Tax Day would be moved from April 15 to July 15, 2020, in response to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the IRS released Notice 2020-18 (available here)...more

Pennsylvania 2019 Tax Bill Adds Opportunity Zone Conformity for Personal Income Tax, Adopts New Sales Tax Provisions, and Amends...

Act 13 of 2019 (Act 13), signed by Governor Wolf on June 28, 2019, made several changes to Pennsylvania tax laws, including the following significant changes. ...more

Pennsylvania Allows Federal Depreciation for Corporate Net Income Tax (But Not Bonus Depreciation)

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 72 of 2018 into law last week. Act 72 will allow Pennsylvania corporate net income tax (CNIT) taxpayers to use the federal Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), but not...more

Pennsylvania Publishes Guidance Regarding New Repatriation Tax

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue (the Department) published an Information Notice setting forth its position as to how the repatriation income and deduction under Section 965 of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) (the...more

Lawsuit Seeks Repeal of 2017 Pennsylvania Tax Act

A group of Pennsylvania fireworks sellers recently filed a complaint in Commonwealth Court, challenging whether the Pennsylvania General Assembly properly enacted Act 43 of 2017 (the 2017 Tax Act). ...more

Analysis of Key Provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

As we are sure you know, H.R. 1, informally known as the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, became law on December 22, 2017. This new law will impact almost all taxpayers. Ballard Spahr's Tax Group has prepared a detailed summary of...more

Federal Tax Reform: An Analysis of the House and Senate Bills

As we are sure you know, both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate have passed their own versions of tax legislation, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The two different bills will be reconciled in a conference...more

Pa. Supreme Court Decision May Materially Shorten Time for Filing Tax Refund Claims

Pennsylvania taxpayers should be aware of the recent decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in Mission Funding Alpha v. Commonwealth, in which the court held that a refund claim is timely only if it is filed within three...more

Pa. 2017 Tax Bill Changes Withholding Requirements, Sales Tax, Corporate Income Tax, and Tax Appeal Procedure

The Tax Bill signed by Governor Tom Wolf on October 30, 2017 made several significant changes to Pennsylvania tax laws that are estimated to generate additional revenue for the Commonwealth. Notable changes under the new law...more

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Declares Dollar-Based NOL Cap Unconstitutional

In a unanimous decision in Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc. v. Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court affirmed the Commonwealth Court's holding that Pennsylvania's dollar-based cap on corporate net income...more

Unified Framework for Tax Reform

President Donald J. Trump and the "Big Six"—House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, White House adviser Gary Cohn, House Ways & Means Committee...more

Where Federal Tax Reform Goes, Will State Taxes Follow?

With Republicans in control of both the White House and Congress, comprehensive federal tax reform likely is on the horizon. Both the tax reform plan outlined by President Donald J. Trump during his campaign (the Trump Plan)...more

Pennsylvania Tax Changes and Tax Amnesty Program

As part of the budget package, the Pennsylvania General Assembly made many significant changes to various Pennsylvania tax laws and the unclaimed property law (including a tax amnesty program) that are estimated to generate...more

PA Commonwealth Court Holds NOL Tax Deduction Cap is Unconstitutional, Creating Potential Refund Opportunities

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court unanimously held in a 7-0 decision that Pennsylvania's net operating loss (NOL) cap that limits a corporation's ability to deduct NOL carryforwards for corporate net income tax (CNIT)...more

IRS Proposes To Eliminate ‘Confusing’ 36-Month Non-Payment Testing Period for Cancellation of Debt

The Internal Revenue Service recently proposed very well-received regulations under Section 6050P of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) that would eliminate the requirement for financial entities to treat debt as canceled...more

Significant Pennsylvania Tax Changes

The General Assembly made significant changes to a number of Pennsylvania taxes as part of the 2013-2014 budget process. These changes were enacted in Act 52, signed into law on July 9, 2013, and have various effective dates....more

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