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The recent 3 – 3 split by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in GM Berkshire Hills LLC v Berks County Board of Assessment and Wilson School District leaves in place a school district’s ability to target recently sold...more
The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court (in Duffield House, L.P. v. City of Philadelphia - available here) unanimously held that the City’s reassessment of only commercial real estate (not residential real estate) in 2018...more
The City of Philadelphia Revenue Department announced administrative extensions to the due dates for 2020 real estate taxes (originally due March 31, 2020) and 2019 business taxes (originally due April 15, 2020)....more
In Duffield House LP v. City of Philadelphia–a case involving assessment appeals by approximately 700 owners and lessees of commercial and industrial properties in the City–Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Judge Gene...more
In a unanimous decision in Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc. v. Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court affirmed the Commonwealth Court's holding that Pennsylvania's dollar-based cap on corporate net income...more
The Philadelphia Office of Property Assessment (OPA) has reviewed the assessed values of all commercial and industrial real estate in Philadelphia, and earlier this year, many owners of commercial and industrial real estate...more
In view of market conditions, now is a good time to review your company’s real estate portfolio to consider assessment appeals for tax year 2016. Deadlines for appeal in certain Pennsylvania counties follow:...more
The Office of Property Assessment (OPA) has simplified the process for owners of tax-exempt real estate in Philadelphia to recertify that their properties are, in fact, tax-exempt. The OPA's original notices to property...more
In view of current market conditions, now is a good time to review your company’s real estate portfolio to consider assessment appeals for tax year 2014. ...more
For straightforward real estate transactions involving a deed for consideration, the Pennsylvania realty transfer tax is based on the purchase price....more