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Great Fund Insights: ELTIF Regulation: consolidated text including ELTIF 2.0

The ELTIF-RTS, the final piece of the puzzle for the ELTIF framework, have been published in the Official Journal on October 25, 2024 and entered into force on October 26, 2024. This marks the end of a long and complex...more

AIFMD: Consolidated text including AIFMD II changes

The amendments to the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD II") were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 26 March 2024, and came into force on 15 April 2024. As part of our Great...more

AIFMD II: Unveiling the timeline for the new loan origination regime

The text of the Directive amending the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) (AIFMD II) was published on 26 March 2024 and will enter into force on 15 April 2024. AIFMD II introduces, among other changes,...more

ESMA finalises the draft RTS on ELTIFs

The ELTIF regime was revised earlier this year to address the low uptake of the product in the market. The amended ELTIF regulation will enter into force on 10 January 2024 but many asset managers were awaiting the regulatory...more

New law modernising Luxembourg investment funds takes effect

On 28 July 2023, the law of 21 July 2023, which modernises the laws governing UCITS, Part II UCIs, SIFs, SICARs, RAIFs and Luxembourg asset managers, enters into force (the Law). ...more

Great Fund Insights: The European long-term investment fund (ELTIF) Review

This memorandum aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current ELTIF regime (see section 2 below) as well as the most salient features of the new ELTIF regime (see section 3 below), including a table showing the...more

Great Fund Insights - The ELTIF review

The European long-term investment fund (ELTIF) is an EU fund regime that was introduced in 2015 by Regulation (EU) 2015/760 (the ELTIF Regulation) to boost long-term investments through EU alternative investment funds (AIFs)...more

Recent amendments to the Luxembourg AML/CTF legal framework

Make sure that your policies and procedures are up-to-date. A series of amendments were introduced into the amended act of 12 November 2004 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (the AML Act 2004)...more

Additional sustainable finance requirements for Luxembourg UCITS management companies and AIFMs

On 1 August 2022, the following delegated acts, which complement the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088 (SFDR) entered into force...more

8/8/2022  /  AIFM , CSSF , Luxembourg , SFDR , UCITS

Update and FAQs – SFDR and Taxonomy Regulation

1. Speed read - As the start date looms for the Level 2 requirements under SFDR and the product disclosure regime in the Taxonomy Regulation, firms are progressing their implementation projects. This bulletin provides an...more

Luxembourg Part II UCIs, SIFs and RAIFs to report information to the Luxembourg direct tax administration by 31 May 2022

Part II UCIs, SIFs and RAIFs in the form of an SA, SCA or Sàrl must declare by 31 May 2022 and pay by 10 June 2022 to the Luxembourg tax authorities a 20% tax on income and gains derived from Luxembourg real estate. Part II...more

Great Fund Insights: Taxonomy Regulation disclosures: Luxembourg guidance for funds and asset managers

On 2 December 2021, the CSSF published a communiqué to remind financial market participants under the Taxonomy Regulation of certain Taxonomy Regulation pre-contractual disclosures required before 1 January 2022 and to offer...more

Taxonomy Regulation disclosures: Luxembourg guidance for funds and asset managers

On 2 December 2021, the CSSF published a communiqué to remind financial market participants under the Taxonomy Regulation of certain Taxonomy Regulation pre-contractual disclosures required before 1 January 2022 and to offer...more

Regulatory restrictions on ancillary assets held by UCITS

On 3 November 2021, the CSSF published a press release 21/26 regarding the updates of its FAQ on the law of 17 December 2010 and FAQ on money market funds (MMFs) regulation (MMFR), which respectively clarify (i) the...more

Greenwashing - key risks and issues in financial services

As appetite in the market for “green” and ESG badged products grows and grows, so too grows the number of legislative and regulatory initiatives intended to prevent or mitigate the risk of greenwashing. ...more

SFDR and Taxonomy Regulation deadlines – A compliance checklist for private banks, wealth managers and advisers

A number of deadlines are looming for private banks, wealth managers and advisers as the next stage of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and Taxonomy Regulation begins to apply – this briefing gives a...more

SFDR and taxonomy regulation deadlines – What asset managers need to know

A number of deadlines are looming for asset managers as the next stage of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and Taxonomy Regulation begins to apply – this briefing gives a snapshot on what is required...more

Great Fund Insights - New SFDR Principle Adverse Impacts (PAI) regime - key points

The most innovative and challenging aspect of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is probably the new principal adverse impacts or PAI regime. This is being introduced in stages, starting from 10 March...more

New SFDR principal adverse impacts (or PAI) regime – key points

The new principle adverse impacts or PAI regime is one of the most challenging elements of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). It will require relevant firms to provide extensive disclosures on various...more

CSSF FAQ – Use of Securities Financing Transactions by UCITS (and AIFs) – three months left

On 18 December 2020, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) published a new FAQ in relation to the use by Luxembourg-domiciled UCITS of the following Securities Financing Transactions (SFTs): securities...more

6/9/2021  /  CSSF , Investors , Luxembourg , UCITS

SFDR Principles Explained: New RTS Provides Guidance On Key Issues

Under SFDR, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have been mandated to develop various Level 2 measures, to take the form of Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS). On 4 February 2021, the ESAs published their final...more

New RTS for sustainable finance disclosure regulation (SFDR) – key points for fund and asset managers

As Firms continue to implement SFDR, which applies on 10 March 2021 across the EU, our latest Great Fund Insights client alert gives further detail on the Regulatory Technical Standard and how firms can make sense of the new...more

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation will apply from 10 March 2021

On 10 March 2020, the ESG – Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) will start to apply. SFDR disclosures will be applicable both to financial products (e.g., alternative investment funds (AIFs),...more

ESMA guidelines in respect of performance fees in UCITS and certain types of AIFs

In its Report, ESMA stressed the lack of harmonisation between member states of the European Union with respect to performance fee structures, as well as the circumstances under which performance fees may be paid by...more

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