Privy Council clarifies the nature of arbitration clauses, but uncertainties about the clauses’ effect still remain.
“Non-exclusive” arbitration clauses provide that disputes “may” be referred to arbitration (rather than...more
/ Arbitration Agreements ,
Arbitration Awards ,
Arbitrators ,
Bilateral Investment Treaties ,
Canada ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Enforceability ,
EU ,
Financial Institutions ,
Forum Selection ,
Free Trade Agreements ,
Implementation Day ,
International Arbitration ,
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) ,
Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) ,
Iran ,
Iran Sanctions ,
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ,
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) ,
Penalties ,
Restitution ,
Romania ,
SDN List ,
Sovereign Immunity ,
Switzerland ,
Venezuela ,