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Amending Away Federal Jurisdiction: Supreme Court Holds That Federal Jurisdiction Can Be Divested by Amendment

Federal courts can adjudicate state-law claims arising out of the same facts as federal-law claims under 28 U.S.C. § 1367, but what happens if, after removal, the plaintiff amends her complaint to remove the federal questions...more

Turning the Tables: Kroger Sues the FTC

In February of this year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) brought an administrative complaint to block Kroger Company’s $24.6 billion merger with Albertsons Companies, Inc., citing antitrust concerns. On August 19, 2024,...more

FTC Suing to Block Albertsons/Kroger Merger

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is suing to block the proposed $24.6 billion merger between supermarket giants Kroger and ACI, the parent company of Albertsons and Safeway, among other brands. The FTC has initiated two...more

Circuit Split on Incentive Payments to Class Representatives Deepens

Two years ago, in Johnson v. NPAS Solutions, LLC, the Eleventh Circuit upended decades’ worth of precedent by categorically forbidding incentive payments to class representatives in class action settlements...more

Eleventh Circuit Rejects Administrative Feasibility as a Requirement for Class Actions

Can a plaintiff represent a class without showing that there’s a feasible way to identify the absent class members? In its recent decision in Cherry v. Dometic Corp., the Eleventh Circuit has become the latest circuit to...more

“I told you never to call me here”: Eleventh Circuit Decertifies TCPA Class Containing Absent Class Members Without Article III...

The Eleventh Circuit last month issued a significant class action opinion in Cordoba v. DirectTV, LLC, vacating a class certified in a TCPA class action and remanding the case. The issue underlying the court’s decision was...more

“Any” Doesn’t Mean “All”: In Home Depot, SCOTUS Says “Any Defendant” Doesn’t Include Third-party Defendants Facing Class Claims

To the surprise of many observers (including us), the Supreme Court held last week in Home Depot USA Inc. v. George Jackson that a third-party defendant could not remove class action claims – under either the general removal...more

SCOTUS Blows Down Apple’s House Made of Illinois Brick

In a 5-4 split decision, the U.S. Supreme Court appears to have reworked a longstanding precedent that has been a foundation of antitrust litigation for more than 40 years—the “direct purchaser” rule of Illinois Brick, which...more

Third Circuit Reinforces That FACTA Class Actions Remain Ideal Targets for Spokeo Challenges

Almost one year ago, we wrote about the impact of Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, 136 S. Ct. 1540 (2016) on Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) class actions and offered practical pointers for defendants confronting...more

Injury-in-Fact vs. Actual Damages — Avoiding a Jurisdictional Sideshow in Data Breach Class Actions by Challenging Damages, Not...

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Spokeo v. Robins, which held that federal plaintiffs alleging a statutory violation must have suffered a real, concrete injury in order to have Article III standing, many defendants...more

First Circuit Restricts Class Certification of Classes Containing Uninjured Persons

In recent years, courts have reached divergent conclusions about the circumstances in which a damages class containing uninjured persons can be certified. Although there is some room to debate what constitutes injury, it is...more

Supreme Court to Review Whether Third-Party Defendants May Remove Class Action Counterclaims under CAFA

These are interesting times at the Supreme Court for class certification defendants—and we aren’t talking about the Kavanaugh confirmation process. No, late last week, in Home Depot USA Inc. v. George Jackson, the Supreme...more

Supreme Court Puts Kibosh on Piggybacked Class Actions

The Supreme Court’s decision in China Agritech Inc. v. Resh means that class action plaintiffs can no longer rely on serial class actions to toll their statute of limitations indefinitely. Instead, the Supreme Court held that...more

FACTA Cases Continue to Present Ideal Targets for Spokeo Challenges-Eleventh Circuit Defendants Take Particular Notice

We’ve already written about Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, 136 S. Ct. 1540 (2016), in which the Supreme Court reaffirmed that all federal plaintiffs, even those alleging a statutory violation, must have suffered a real, concrete...more

Spokeo’s Potential (and Unanticipated) Impact on Class Certification

By now, most litigators and in-house counsel have at least some familiarity with the Supreme Court’s decision in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, which reiterated that Article III standing requires an “injury-in-fact” that is both...more

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