In the latest example of the invasion of technology into the Automotive Industry, the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) announced that “a record nine automotive manufacturers will exhibit at the upcoming 2014 International CES [Consumer Electronics Show] ®”. As the Dashboard has reported on before, all things technology driven are seeping into the Automotive Industry. It is easier at this point to identify which OEM’s are not going to be at 2014 International CES.

Multiple education sessions dedicated to the Automotive Industry will take place at the CES. As the CES press release details:

  • Just Around the Bend: How Technology will Change Driving: The dashboard revolution is heating up and the road to self-driving cars is lined with technology we couldn’t have imagined 10 years ago. From safe-driving sensors to voice and gesture controlled infotainment systems to heads-up displays with augmented-reality overlays and more. Gurus of car tech reveal which technologies are redefining driving’s future.
  • Connect2Car: If You’re Not Connecting, You’re Interrupting: Connected vehicles are quickly becoming part of the contemporary driving experience. Technologies and innovations are emerging from both automotive and consumer electronics companies, as well as aftermarket and new, non-endemic players. The challenge remains on how effectively systems, apps, content and context get installed, upgraded and integrated into vehicles and consumer lifestyles.
  • Collaborate Or Die: Once carmakers demanded their suppliers “open the box” of in-vehicle infotainment “head units,” the way IVI software is developed has changed completely. Formerly bitter rivals now must work together on the increasing complex IVI infrastructure while still maintaining their competitive advantage. This session will focus on the alliances and other collaborative efforts facilitating these next generation systems.

This is just the latest example how the trend of Advanced Manufacturing is taking over the legal world. Get on board, or get left behind.