25 Reasons Employee Training Software Will Change Your L&D Program

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

[author: Noel Diem]

Training and developing your employees is one of those tasks that many HR leaders fear and even resent. It’s become one of the most complex parts of the job for many. Employee training software can change the game for most companies and L&D programs when done correctly.
Gone are traditional training methods that rely solely on classroom sessions and outdated manuals. It’s time to embrace a new era of L&D – one that is dynamic, interactive, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of your workforce. Using a learning management system, companies can completely transform how employees feel about taking a training course and using that knowledge in their jobs.

In this blog post, we will explore 25 reasons why the best employee training software revolutionizes L&D programs at companies large and small. These innovative tools can take your organization’s training initiatives to new heights, from enhancing engagement and fostering continuous learning to streamlining administrative tasks and measuring progress.

You’ll Find Out What Interests Your Employees

Before diving headfirst into implementing employee training software, starting with a needs assessment is crucial. This step lets you identify your organization’s specific learning requirements and gaps. By taking the time to understand what skills and knowledge your employees need, you can create targeted training programs that address those areas effectively.

Use your online employee training software to gauge employee interests, needs, and existing knowledge. Run tests or questionnaires to see where knowledge stands, or allow employees to enroll in their courses to see what training module entices them.

Once you have gathered this valuable insight, you can design customized training programs that align with your organizational goals. Whether enhancing technical abilities or developing leadership skills, a needs assessment ensures that your L&D efforts are focused on meeting real-world demands. Too often, corporate training efforts fail because employees need to see the worth in a particular learning path. When you listen to their feedback, you’re more likely to have active participation.

Additionally, conducting regular needs assessments enables you to adapt and evolve your training initiatives. As business landscapes change rapidly, staying attuned to emerging trends becomes paramount for remaining competitive in today’s market.

Use the Training Sessions You Already Have

The great thing about online training software like Trakstar is that you can use course content you already have! Before you release an online course to the world, take a look at it! It’s essential to conduct an audit to evaluate their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. When using a new tool, you can make a good training module a great one.

Start by reviewing the content of each training session. Are they up-to-date? Do they align with your organization’s goals and objectives? Consider whether there are any gaps or redundancies that need addressing.

Next, examine the delivery methods used during these sessions. Are they engaging and interactive, or do they rely solely on lectures? Look for opportunities to incorporate more interactive elements such as group discussions, case studies, or hands-on activities.

Another aspect to consider is the duration of your training sessions. Are they too long or too short? Strive for a balance that allows employees to absorb information without feeling overwhelmed or bored. (More on that in a bit!)

Furthermore, assess the feedback received from participants regarding past training sessions. Based on their suggestions, identify common themes and areas where improvements can be made.

By conducting an audit of your existing training sessions, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your L&D program evolves with changing needs. This process will help create a more effective learning experience for your employees while maximizing their organizational potential.

There’s a Focus on Creating Diverse Learning Materials

Creating diverse learning materials is crucial for a successful employee training program. By offering a variety of content formats, you can cater to different learning styles and preferences. Some employees prefer reading articles or case studies, while others learn better through visual aids like videos or infographics. The Human Resources department should check to ensure each online course meets multiple learners.

To create diverse learning materials, consider using a mix of text-based resources, multimedia elements, interactive activities, and real-life examples. This approach ensures that your training program is engaging and accessible to all employees.

Text-based resources like e-books or PDF guides are fantastic for in-depth information and reference material. They allow employees to read independently and revisit concepts whenever needed.

Multimedia elements like videos or podcasts can bring complex topics to life by incorporating visuals and auditory cues. These formats make it easier for employees to grasp new ideas and retain information.

Interactive activities such as quizzes, simulations, or gamified modules encourage active participation from learners. They allow employees to apply what they’ve learned in a practical setting while keeping them engaged throughout the training process.

Remember that only some employees learn the same way, so offering diverse learning materials ensures everyone can access training content that suits their needs.

You’ll Naturally Get Better At Blended Learning

Blended learning has become a popular employee training and development approach. By combining traditional classroom instruction with online learning tools, organizations can create a more flexible and practical learning experience for their employees.

One way to get better at blended learning is by embracing technology. Utilizing employee training software lets you efficiently deliver online content, track progress, and engage learners through interactive quizzes or virtual simulations.

Another critical aspect of improving blended learning is creating a seamless transition between different delivery modes. This means ensuring that the content covered in the classroom aligns with what employees are experiencing in the online modules. Consistency is vital when it comes to reinforcing knowledge and skills. What employees learn should be supported by what they see and do in their jobs.

Regularly evaluating your blended learning program will help identify areas for improvement and ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your workforce. Collect feedback from trainers and learners to gain insights on what works well and what could be enhanced.

Your Company Will Prioritize Microlearning

Microlearning has been gaining traction in employee training and for a good reason. This approach breaks down complex concepts into bite-sized, easily digestible pieces of information. By prioritizing microlearning in your L&D program, you can ensure that employees are constantly engaged and learning at their own pace. This is particularly effective for Millennial and Gen-Z employees used to this learning style.

With microlearning, you can deliver short videos, quizzes, or interactive modules that focus on specific skills or knowledge areas. This lets employees quickly grasp key concepts and feel safe during a lengthy training session.

One of the main benefits of microlearning is its flexibility. Employees can access these materials anytime, anywhere, making it ideal for remote workers or those with busy schedules. It also promotes continuous learning as employees can easily fit short bursts of learning into their daily routines.

Additionally, microlearning encourages active participation and retention. By presenting information in small chunks and reinforcing it through quizzes or activities, employees are more likely to remember what they’ve learned.

employee training software

Make Continuous Learning Part of Your Culture

Promoting continuous learning is crucial in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving work environment. By encouraging employees to expand their knowledge and skills consistently, organizations can ensure they stay competitive and adaptable.

One way to promote continuous learning is by providing access to resources such as online courses, webinars, and industry conferences. This allows employees to explore new topics and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their field. Using an LMS, you can assign training to your workforce, and then they can take it on their own time. 

Utilizing technology tools like employee training software can make it easier for individuals to engage in self-directed learning at their own pace. With features like interactive modules, quizzes, and progress tracking, these platforms provide flexibility while maintaining accountability.

In doing this, you’re clearing up some of the animosity that comes with training. Often, it will occur when people are busy with other things, and they are distracted and even annoyed to be in that training.

Offer Gamification

Gamification is a powerful tool for engaging employees in learning and development journeys. Incorporating game elements into training programs can make the learning experience more interactive, enjoyable, and effective.

One way to implement gamification is by creating leaderboards or point systems that encourage healthy employee competition. This motivates them to participate in training activities actively and fosters a sense of achievement as they earn points or move up the leaderboard.

Another technique is using badges or rewards to recognize employee progress and accomplishments. These visual representations of achievements can boost morale and drive employees to strive for more success.

Gamified quizzes and assessments are another popular approach. By turning assessments into games, you transform what could be seen as mundane tasks into exciting challenges that test knowledge retention in a fun way.

Offering gamification in your employee training software can significantly enhance engagement levels while making learning enjoyable and memorable for your workforce.

Utilize Peer Learning Without Additional Effort

One of the most effective ways to enhance your L&D program is by incorporating peer learning into your training initiatives. Peer learning allows employees to learn from each other, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. It fosters a sense of community within the organization and encourages continuous growth.

When employees can learn from their peers, it creates a more dynamic and engaging learning experience. It allows individuals to tap into different perspectives, experiences, and expertise.

Peer learning can take many forms – from group discussions and brainstorming sessions to collaborative projects and mentorship programs. You foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration by encouraging employees to work together in teams or pairs.

This type of learning also helps build camaraderie among colleagues as they support each other’s development. When employees actively teach others or seek advice from their peers, it boosts confidence levels and improves overall performance.

Incorporating peer-to-peer feedback into your training program can also be highly beneficial. This feedback loop allows employees to provide constructive criticism, offer suggestions for improvement, and celebrate successes together.

Utilizing peer learning enhances employee engagement and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement within your organization.

Develop Soft Skills In Your High Performers

Soft skills are often overlooked in traditional training programs, but they play a crucial role in the success of any employee. These skills, also known as interpersonal or people skills, encompass various abilities such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership.

Investing in soft skills development can have numerous benefits for both individuals and organizations. Improved communication skills can lead to better collaboration among team members and more effective client and customer interactions. Strong problem-solving abilities can help employees navigate challenges and find innovative solutions.

Developing leadership skills within your workforce can also cultivate future leaders who can drive growth and inspire others. By focusing on soft skill development, you provide your employees with the tools they need to excel in their current roles and future career opportunities.

By prioritizing soft skill development within your L&D program, you are investing in the long-term success of your organization by building a highly skilled workforce capable of adapting to changing demands and fostering strong relationships with colleagues and customers alike.

Measure and Evaluate Learning

One of the most crucial aspects of employee training is measuring and evaluating learning outcomes. With proper assessment, it becomes easier to determine the effectiveness of your L&D program. Fortunately, with employee training software, you can easily track and measure your employees’ progress.

This software allows you to gather data on various metrics such as completion rates, quiz scores, and time spent on each module. Analyzing these metrics lets you identify areas where employees excel or struggle.

Additionally, employee training software provides valuable insights into the overall impact of your L&D program. You can assess whether the skills learned in training are applied effectively in real-life scenarios.

With this information, you can make informed decisions about which aspects of your program need improvement or adjustment. This ensures that your L&D efforts are aligned with organizational goals and objectives.

Moreover, regularly evaluating learning outcomes creates a culture of continuous improvement within your organization. Employees feel motivated when they see their growth and development are recognized and valued.

employee training system

Create a Mentorship Program

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business world, creating a mentorship program can be a game-changer for your L&D program. Mentoring provides employees valuable guidance and support, helping them navigate their career paths more effectively. 

A mentorship program fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration within your organization. It allows experienced employees to pass on their expertise to less experienced ones, bridging the skills gap and promoting professional growth. Mentees benefit from personalized attention, gaining insights they might not have access to otherwise.

Establishing a mentorship program empowers employees to take ownership of their learning journey. They actively seek advice from mentors who have successfully navigated similar challenges. This level of engagement boosts motivation and enhances overall job satisfaction.

Moreover, mentorship programs create opportunities for networking and relationship-building within your company. As mentees connect with seasoned professionals, they expand their professional network while building essential relationships that can open doors for future collaborations or career advancements.

Mentorship also plays a crucial role in leadership development within organizations. By pairing high-potential individuals with seasoned leaders as mentors, you cultivate the next generation of leaders who embody your company’s values and vision.

To ensure the success of your mentorship program, it is vital to establish clear expectations for both mentors and mentees. Set goals together at the beginning of the mentoring relationship so that both parties understand what they hope to achieve throughout the process.

Using a learning management system can also preserve mentorship knowledge – have your best employees record mini-lessons and use them over and over again as part of your training content.

Focus on Leadership Development

Developing strong leaders within your organization is crucial for long-term success. By focusing on leadership development, you can ensure your employees have the skills and knowledge to lead effectively. Don’t limit employee learning to specific groups of employees!

One way to promote leadership development is by offering specialized training programs for aspiring leaders. These programs can cover effective communication, decision-making, and problem-solving. Providing ongoing opportunities for growth and learning will empower individuals to take on leadership roles confidently.

Leadership development should also include opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. Encouraging individuals to participate in workshops or attend conferences related to leadership can broaden their perspectives and enhance their skill sets.

Another aspect of leadership development is fostering an environment that encourages innovation and creativity. Leaders should be encouraged to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and inspire their teams toward continuous improvement.

By prioritizing leadership development within your L&D program, you are investing in the future success of your organization. Strong leaders drive employee engagement, productivity, and overall organizational performance.

Equip Managers with Better Tools

Effective management is crucial for the success of any organization. Managers are vital in guiding their teams, ensuring productivity, and fostering growth. To excel in their roles, managers need access to the right tools to streamline their responsibilities and help them make informed decisions.

Employee training software provides better tools for managers, empowering them to oversee and develop their teams effectively. With these tools, managers can easily track employee progress, identify areas where additional training is needed, and provide targeted feedback.

Additionally, employee training software allows managers to create personalized learning paths for each team member based on individual goals and development needs. This tailored approach ensures that employees receive the specific training they require to grow professionally.

Moreover, these tools offer comprehensive reporting features that enable managers to monitor team performance metrics and identify trends over time. By analyzing this data, managers gain valuable insights into areas where improvement or additional support may be required. Use a tool like Trakstar Insights, for example, to understand what employee training courses are working and which ones are not.

Furthermore, employee training software facilitates communication between managers and employees through various channels, such as discussion forums or chat features. This fosters collaboration among team members working remotely or across different locations.

Align on Specific Goals

Aligning specific goals is essential for the success of any employee training program. It ensures that everyone is working towards a common objective and promotes a sense of unity within the organization.

By aligning on specific goals, you can effectively communicate what you expect from your employees regarding their learning and development. This clarity helps them understand their role in achieving these goals and motivates them to participate in training activities actively.

Moreover, aligning on specific goals allows you to tailor your training materials and resources accordingly. Instead of wasting time and effort on irrelevant content, you can focus on providing targeted training that directly contributes to achieving those goals.

When employees align with the organization’s objectives, they become more engaged and committed to their professional growth. They understand how their development ties into the bigger picture, leading to increased productivity and improved performance.

In addition, aligning on specific goals enables better tracking and evaluation of progress. You can easily measure whether your training initiatives are making a tangible impact toward reaching those shared objectives or if adjustments need to be made along the way.

Create a Cleaner Onboarding Process

Effective onboarding is crucial for setting new employees up for success. It’s their first impression of your organization, which can greatly impact their overall experience and productivity. With employee training software, you can streamline and enhance your onboarding process to ensure a clean start for every new team member.

Employee training software improves onboarding by providing a centralized platform for storing all necessary information and resources. Instead of bombarding new hires with stacks of paperwork or overwhelming them with emails, you can give them easy access to everything they need in one place.

Additionally, employee training software allows you to create interactive and engaging onboarding materials. From orientation videos to interactive quizzes, you can make the onboarding process more interesting and memorable for new employees.

Another advantage of using employee training software for onboarding is the ability to track progress and completion. You can easily monitor each individual’s progress through various modules or courses, ensuring that no important information slips through the cracks.

Furthermore, employee training software enables you to automate certain aspects of the onboarding process. For example, you can set up automatic reminders for completing required training or assign specific tasks or courses based on job roles or departments.

By implementing cleaner onboarding practices through employee training software, organizations can improve efficiency while also providing a positive experience for new hires. This sets a strong foundation for their journey within the company while reducing administrative burdens and increasing overall productivity from day one.

employee training software

Make Your Own Courses

Ask any HR leader what takes up much of their time; course creation will be one of the most common answers. One of the most exciting features of employee training software or management software is the ability to create courses. This means you can tailor the content and structure to fit your organization’s needs.

By making your courses, you have complete control over what knowledge and skills are being taught, ensuring they align with your company’s goals and values. You can include real-life examples and scenarios relevant to your industry, making the learning experience more engaging and practical for employees.

Another advantage of creating your own courses is flexibility. You can update or modify them as needed based on learner feedback or changes in technology or regulations. This ensures that the content remains up-to-date and relevant.

Moreover, developing customized courses allows you to address any skill gaps within your workforce. If there’s a particular area where employees need additional training, you can design a course specifically focused on that topic.

Creating your own courses also fosters creativity among trainers. They can experiment with different teaching methods and techniques, finding what works best for their audience.

Use Materials You Already Have

You don’t always have to start from scratch regarding employee training. One of the benefits of using employee training software is that you can leverage the materials you already have. This means taking advantage of existing resources like PowerPoint presentations, videos, and documents.

You can save time and money by repurposing your existing materials while delivering effective training. With employee training software, you can easily upload and organize these materials into courses or modules for your employees to access at their convenience. This helps with employee development and encourages them to use training materials available whenever needed.

Not only does this approach streamline the process, but it also ensures consistency in your training content. By building on what you already have, you can reinforce key concepts and provide additional context where needed. Even in a personalized learning path, you can fit the materials that you need them to see.

Moreover, reusing materials allows for easy updates and modifications as your training needs evolve over time. Instead of starting from scratch every time a change is needed, simply edit and update the relevant sections within the software.

Utilizing the materials you already have is a smart strategy that maximizes resources without sacrificing quality or effectiveness in your employee training program.

Auto Enroll Your Employees

One of the most time-consuming tasks for HR departments is manually enrolling employees into training programs. Not only does it take up valuable resources, but it can also lead to delays and errors in the enrollment process. That’s where employee training software comes in.

With an automated system, you can easily streamline enrollment by automatically enrolling employees into relevant courses based on their job roles or skill sets. This saves time and ensures every employee can access the necessary training materials.

But it doesn’t stop there. Employee training software also allows you to track each employee’s progress and completion status, so you can easily monitor who has completed their assigned courses and who may need additional support or reminders.

Additionally, auto-enrollment features can be customized to fit your organization’s specific needs. You can set up automatic enrollments for new hires during onboarding or create recurring enrollments for annual compliance training.

By automating the enrollment process, you save time and ensure that your employees receive consistent and timely access to essential learning opportunities. It empowers them to develop their skills without any hassle or administrative burden. Employee productivity matters for everyone – including HR!

Upskill for Succession Planning

Succession planning is a critical aspect of any organization’s long-term success. It involves identifying and developing employees who have the potential to fill key leadership positions in the future. But how do you ensure these individuals are prepared to step into these roles when the time comes? That’s where upskilling comes in.

Investing in employee training software can provide targeted learning opportunities for high-potential employees, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to take on more senior positions. This not only prepares them for future leadership roles but also boosts their confidence and engagement in their current roles.

Using employee training software, you can create customized development plans tailored to each individual’s strengths and areas for growth. These plans may include courses, workshops, mentoring programs, or job rotations designed to broaden their skill set and prepare them for new challenges.

Additionally, employee training software allows you to track progress and measure outcomes so that you can evaluate whether your upskilling initiatives are effective. This data-driven approach enables you to decide which employees are ready for promotion or additional responsibilities.

Moreover, by incorporating succession planning into your learning and development program, you demonstrate your commitment to nurturing talent within your organization. This helps build a continuous growth and development culture while ensuring a smooth transition when key leaders retire or move on.

Using employee training software as part of your succession planning strategy is crucial for preparing future leaders within your organization. By providing targeted upskilling opportunities tailored to individual needs and tracking progress, you can foster a pipeline of talented individuals ready to step into critical roles when needed.

Update Your Reporting

Accurate and up-to-date reporting is crucial for any successful L&D program. It provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your training initiatives, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to improve employee development. However, outdated or incomplete reports can hinder your ability to assess progress and identify areas for improvement.

By using employee training software, you can streamline and automate your reporting processes. This means no more manual data entry or sifting through spreadsheets. With just a few clicks, you can generate comprehensive reports that clearly show how your employees are progressing in their learning journeys.

Additionally, modern training software often comes equipped with customizable dashboards and analytics tools. These allow you to monitor key metrics such as course completion rates, assessment scores, and learner engagement levels. Armed with this information, you can easily identify trends and patterns that help optimize your L&D strategies. This is effective not only to monitor training progress but to show how effective training management is. 

Trakstar Learn has a built-in dashboard, Trakstar Insights, to help HR leaders get a view of their learning materials. 

employee training system

Understand What Works

Understanding what works is a crucial aspect of any employee training program – and it should be part of your reporting! It allows you to identify the most effective strategies, methods, and resources that drive learning and development. This insight allows you to optimize your training efforts and ensure maximum impact.

One way to understand what works is through data analysis. By tracking metrics such as completion rates, quiz scores, and engagement levels, you can determine which training materials resonate with employees and drive results. This data-driven approach enables you to decide where to allocate resources for future training initiatives.

Additionally, soliciting feedback from participants is essential in understanding what works. Encourage employees to provide their input on the effectiveness of different training sessions or modules. Their firsthand experiences can offer valuable insights into areas that may need improvement or reinforcement.

Observing the real-life application of newly acquired skills is another way to gauge effectiveness. Monitor how well employees are able to apply what they have learned in their day-to-day tasks or projects. This will give you an indication of whether the training has translated into practical outcomes.

Furthermore, conducting post-training assessments can provide valuable information on knowledge retention and skill acquisition. Assessments allow you to measure the extent to which employees have internalized the concepts covered in the training program.

Experimentation is also key when trying to understand what works best for your organization’s unique needs. Implement A/B testing by offering different versions of a course or using varied instructional approaches within small groups of participants. This allows you to compare results and identify which methods yield better outcomes.

Understanding what works requires a combination of data analysis, participant feedback, observation of application, post-training assessments, and experimentation with different approaches. By continuously evaluating and refining your L&D program based on these insights, you can enhance its effectiveness over time.

Connect with Your Remote Workforce

We all know that there are a lot of obstacles to remote work. However, most of us also know that employees love it.

Employee training software is essential to overcome these obstacles and ensure that your remote workforce remains connected and engaged. With its advanced features and functionalities, this software allows you to bridge the gap between team members in different locations.

Employee training software enables seamless communication through various channels, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and virtual meetings. This ensures that your remote employees have regular opportunities to interact with their colleagues and managers.

The software facilitates knowledge sharing by providing a centralized platform where employees can access important resources like training materials, documents, videos, and presentations. This not only enhances collaboration but also promotes continuous learning among your remote workforce.

Moreover, employee training software allows for real-time feedback and performance evaluations. Managers can easily track progress remotely using built-in analytics tools while providing timely guidance or recognition to their team members.

Stay in Compliance

Staying in compliance with regulations and industry standards is crucial for any organization. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines, legal issues, and damage to your reputation. That’s why implementing employee training software can be a game-changer for your L&D program when it comes to staying in compliance.

With employee training software, you can ensure that all employees receive the necessary training on compliance topics. You can create customized courses that cover specific regulations relevant to your industry. These courses can be delivered online, making it convenient for employees to access them anytime, anywhere.

Employee training software also provides tracking and reporting capabilities, allowing you to monitor completion rates and assess the effectiveness of your compliance training efforts. This data helps you identify any gaps or areas that need improvement.

Moreover, employee training software allows you to easily update and distribute new compliance materials whenever there are changes in regulations or policies. You can quickly disseminate updated information across the organization and ensure everyone is up-to-date.

By using employee training software for compliance training, you demonstrate a commitment to ethical business practices and create a culture of compliance within your organization. It shows employees that you take regulatory requirements seriously and prioritize their safety and well-being.

Buy Pre-Made Courses

Are you looking for a quick and effective solution to enhance your employees’ skills? Look no further than pre-made courses! These ready-to-go training programs are designed by experts in various fields, saving you time and effort in creating content from scratch.

One of the biggest advantages of buying pre-made courses is the wide range of topics available. Whether you need training in leadership development, communication skills, or customer service, there’s bound to be a course that fits your needs. With such diversity, you can cater to different learning styles and preferences within your workforce.

Not only do these courses save you time, but they also ensure high-quality content. Expert trainers have carefully crafted these materials with proven instructional design principles. So instead of worrying about the quality or relevance of your training material, you can trust that it meets industry standards.

Another great benefit is flexibility. Suppose you need to quickly address an emerging skill gap or provide just-in-time training for new hires. In that case, pre-made courses offer immediate solutions without causing delays in your L&D program implementation.

By purchasing pre-made courses from reputable providers, you also gain access to ongoing updates and support. As industries evolve rapidly today, having up-to-date training material ensures that your employees receive relevant knowledge and remain competitive in their roles.

Furthermore, investing in pre-made courses allows small businesses with limited resources to still deliver high-quality training programs without breaking the bank. Instead of allocating significant budgets towards developing customized content internally or hiring external trainers each time a new topic arises – which can be costly – purchasing off-the-shelf options provides cost-effective alternatives.

Invest in the Best Employee Training Software

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, employee training software is a game-changer for any organization looking to enhance their learning and development (L&D) program. From improving the effectiveness of training sessions to promoting continuous learning and offering gamification, these digital tools provide a wide range of benefits.

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Mitratech Holdings, Inc


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