The European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (the “ECON”) published February 2, 2023, proposed text of AIFMD 2. AIFMD 2 will both give certainty and take away flexibility for credit funds, in this instance, primarily at the expense of open-end loan origination AIFs.
What to Expect
Based on the most current text:
- All loan origination funds will have to adopt internal credit procedures, subject to annual review
- Loans to UCITs and insurance companies will be restricted
- Loans to certain affiliates will be prohibited
- The costs of lending will need to be made more transparent to investors
- Secondary resales of loans by the Fund may be restricted to 95% of the AIF’s position, subject to exceptions
- Origination to distribute will be prohibited
- AIFMs must utilize closed-end funds and may not use open-end loan origination funds unless the redemption policy and the portfolio’s liquidity are well-aligned
The Most Recent Text
The proposed text submitted to Parliament differs from that prepared by the European Commission in some respects that are important to funds that originate loans.
The table below shows the provisions of AIFMD that will be amended by AIFMD 2 only as applied to Loan Origination Funds, the text as proposed originally by the Commission, and the most current compromise text now before Parliament. Foley offers its interpretation of the new text.
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