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The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”) announced it is accepting nominations for two environmental awards.
The awards are:
Environmental Stewardship (“ENVY”) Award
Arkansas Environmental Technology (“TECHe”) Award
The ENVY award has been awarded annually by ADEQ for the past several years.
The TECHe Award was established in 2016 and honors new advances in technology or the innovative use of technology to protect and enhance the state’s environment. L’Oreal USA of North Little Rock received the TECHe Award in 2017.
The ENVY award honors a major contribution by an individual or organization involving environmental stewardship activities in Arkansas. Last year’s winner was Goodwill Industries of Arkansas.
Examples of environmentally related projects or activities that are eligible for the awards include:
Environmental management efforts using advances in technology or a new use of technology
Efforts by state or local government employees or agencies to improve operations or benefit stakeholders
Programs and special projects that promote effective environmental education and outreach
Activities that have had positive effects on the quality of the environment in the state
Watershed improvements, mine reclamations, wetlands construction, brownfields projects, and redevelopment and reuse of industrial sites
Projects or programs that minimize the environmental impact through efforts such as:
Recycling or reuse programs
Pollution prevention
Energy conservation
Waste minimization
Applications are due March 16, 2018 and must be submitted by email to envyaward@adeq.state.ar.us or techeaward@adeq.state.ar.us.
Application forms and information on the awards criteria can be found at www.adeq.state.ar.us/poa/enterprise-services/awards/.