Welcome back to the Bar Exam Toolbox podcast! This is the first episode of a two-part discussion of third-party rights in contracts. Today we focus on assignments and delegations, starting with the basic definitions and the specific rules governing them, and then applying these concepts to some practical scenarios. Next week, we'll cover third-party beneficiaries.
In this episode, we discuss:
>Overview of assignment and delegation of contractual rights and See more +
Welcome back to the Bar Exam Toolbox podcast! This is the first episode of a two-part discussion of third-party rights in contracts. Today we focus on assignments and delegations, starting with the basic definitions and the specific rules governing them, and then applying these concepts to some practical scenarios. Next week, we'll cover third-party beneficiaries.
In this episode, we discuss:
>Overview of assignment and delegation of contractual rights and obligations
>Key terminology used in third-party rights in contracts
>The rules governing assignment and delegation
>Illustrative examples of third-party rights
>"Listen and Learn" series (https://barexamtoolbox.com/bar-exam-toolbox-podcast-archive-by-topic/bar-exam-toolbox-podcast-explaining-individual-mee-and-california-bar-essay-questions/#listen-learn)
Download the Transcript (https://barexamtoolbox.com/episode-296-listen-and-learn-third-party-rights-in-contracts-part-1/)
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Alison & Lee See less -