Bouncing Back: A List of Statewide Return to Work Protocols (UPDATED)



Government officials across the country are easing up, or preparing to ease up, on the stringent business closures and stay at home orders that helped the nation successfully slow the spread of COVID-19. Each jurisdiction will emerge from this collective state of suspended animation by implementing different measures, and on different timetables.

In many instances, businesses can expect two types of guidance from their governors and public health officials: (1) overarching framework materials, setting forth various phases of the anticipated reopening process and identifying criteria for advancement through the recovery period; and (2) more specific orders that supersede prior closure directives and permit particular operations to resume on certain dates and under certain conditions. Employers can also expect that these materials will establish new health and safety protocols for the workplace—such as mandatory health screenings and face coverings—that may remain in place for the foreseeable future. Indeed, many reopening plans include multiple mitigation steps, such as limits on occupancy, sanitation and physical distancing requirements, and new posting duties.

The chart below provides links to general reopening plans and orders that have been issued thus far, at the statewide level. Employers should bear in mind that these materials typically offer detailed instructions for reopening, which often vary by industry. As a result, it is important to review each order along with any accompanying official guidance to get a complete picture of all requirements and how they may impact each employer’s operations. We will update this list regularly but expect it will become outdated quickly as new announcements are made. Employers might also wish to review our interactive reopening map.

Note that this chart does not cover orders or guidance issued at the local level. Employers should consult with counsel for our additional resources on orders that may apply to their operations. 

--> Scroll to see full table data


Reopening Framework Materials

Specific Orders, Guidance

Last Updated


Opening Up America Again

U.S. CDC Activities and Initiatives Memo (5/19/20)



Reopening Alabama Responsibly (Phase One)

Amended Safer at Home Order (5/8/20)

Amended Safer at Home Order (5/21/20)

Amended Proceeding with Caution Info Sheet and Flyer (5/21/20)

Guidelines for Safeguarding All Businesses 

List of All Orders and Guidelines



Reopen Alaska Responsibly

Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan Summary (5/6/20)

Health Mandate FAQs

Health Mandate 018 (intrastate travel)

Updated Health Mandate 010 (interstate travel)

All Alaska Health Mandates

Announcement of Phase Three (5/19/20) and General Guidance

Industry-Specific Guidance Materials



Return Stronger and Announcement Presentation

Arizona Together - Reopening Guidance

Executive Order 2020-33 - Returning Stronger (4/29/20)

Executive Order 2020-34 - Building on COVID-19 Successes (5/4/20)

Department of Health Services - Various Guidance for Reopening Businesses

Executive Order 2020-36 - Stay Healthy, Return Smarter, Return Stronger (5/12/20)




Executive Order 20-25 (5/5/20)

Health Directive on Resuming Restaurant Dine-in Operations (4/29/20)

Health Directive on Reopening Gyms, Fitness Centers (4/30/20)

Health Directive on Close Contact Businesses (5/1/20)

Health Directive for Businesses, Manufacturers, Construction and Lodging (5/4/20)

Health Directive for Large Indoor Venues (5/4/20)

Health Directive for Large Outdoor Venues (5/4/20)

Health Directive for Limitations on Businesses (5/8/20)

Health Directive for Bars and Clubs (5/22/20)

List of all COVID-19 Health Directives - Timeline and Resources 



Roadmap to Modify the Stay-at-Home Order

Resilience Roadmap Presentation (5/7/20)

Resilience Roadmap 

Updated announcement of four-staged plan

Update on progress toward Stage 2 Reopening (5/4/20)

Executive Order N-60-20 (5/4/20)

Announcement of Updated Industry Guidance (5/7/20)

Statewide Industry Guidance to Reduce Risk

Dine-In Restaurant Guidance (5/12/20)

Retail Guidelines (5/19/20)

Guidance for Hair Salons and Barbershops (5/26/20)

Information about County Variances

All California Department of Public Health Reopening Guidance Documents 




Timeline for Decision Making Under Safer at Home Phase (5/11/20)

Executive Order D 2020-044 (Safer at Home)

Public Health Order 20-28 (Safer at Home)

Executive Order D 2020-79 (5/25/20) (Amended Safer at Home)

Amended Public Health Order 20-28 (5/26/20) (Safer at Home)

FAQs for Restaurants, Summer Camps, Private Camping (5/25/20)

Executive Order D 2020-091 (Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors) (6/1/20)

Executive Order D 2020-092 (Amended face coverings) (6/4/20)

Executive Order D 2020-093 (Liquor licensees) (6/5/20)

Accommodations Guidance

Safer at Home Industry Guidance



Initial Framework Announcement

Reopen Connecticut Report (5/26/20)

Sector Rules for May 20th Reopen (5/9/20) and Enforcement Plan

Updated COVID-19 FAQs (5/9/20)

Executive Order 7MM (5/12/20)

Self-certification Requirement 

Executive Order 7PP (5/18/20)

Executive Order 7TT (5/29/20)

Executive Order 7WW (6/4/20)

Executive Order 7XX (6/5/20)

Latest Guidance Summarizing Status

Full List of Sector Rules and Self-Certification for Reopening 

Phase Two reopenings take effect on June 17



Delaware's Recovery and Reopening

Small retailers/hair care services (5/5/20)

FAQ for Businesses Opening 5/8/20

Announcement re: June 1 Target for Phase 1 (5/8/20)

Announcement re: Farmers' Markets (5/11/20)

Announcement re: Beaches and Related Vendors (5/14/20)

Announcement re: Retail by Appointment (5/19/20)

Announcement re: Short-Term Rentals, Quarantine (5/26/20)

19th Modification of State of Emergency (5/22/20)

Revised Phase 1 Guidance and Customer Protection Standards

Guidance on Outdoor Gatherings and Face Coverings

Guidance on Summer Camps and Summer School Programs

Announcement re: Personal Care Services (6/8) and Phase 2 (6/15)

Phase Two General and Industry-Specific Guidelines


District of Columbia

ReOpen DC

ReOpen DC Advisory Group’s Recommended Plan (5/21/20)

Phase One Announcement - May 27 Situational Update

Reopening Checklists for Restaurants and Retailers

Phase One Page, with Order and Sector-Specific Guidance

Phase One Order (5/27/20)



Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step

Phase 2 Presentation (6/3/20)

Executive Order 20-112

Guidelines for Barbers and Cosmetologists 

Executive Order 20-120

Executive Order 20-123

Announcement re: Full Phase 1 as of May 18 and Summary Sheet

Executive Order 20-131

Executive Order 20-139 - Phase 2 (6/3/20)

All COVID-19-Related Orders

FAQs on Phase 2




Executive Order (, minimum operations)

Executive Order (, Reviving a Healthy Georgia)

Executive Order (, guidance for food service, bowling alleys, theaters)

Executive Order (, guidance for restaurants, industry-specific duties)

Executive Order (, overnight summer camps)

Executive Order (, further reopenings)

Guidelines for Businesses



Economic and Community Recovery & Resiliency Plan

Beyond Recovery: Reopening Hawaii (5/18/20)

Announcement re: Unveiling Plan (5/18/20)

Roadmap to Recovery (6/3/20)

Seventh Supplementary Proclamation (5/5/20)

Eighth Supplementary Proclamation (5/18/20)



Idaho Rebounds

Stay Healthy Order - Stage 1 (4/30/20)

Business-specific protocols for opening

Stage 2- Protocols for Opening

Stay Healthy Order - Stage 2 (5/15/20)

Guidance for Large Gatherings

Stay Healthy Order - Stage 3 (5/28/20) and FAQs



Restore Illinois (5/5/20)

Announcement re: Updated Statewide Model (5/11/20)

Restore Illnois Page

Executive Order 2020-32 (4/30/20)

Announcement re: Regions On Track to Advance (5/11/20)

Regional Phase Dashboard

Descriptions of Phase 2 and Phase 3

Phase 3 Industry-Specific Guidance

General Business Toolkit (posters, checklists, etc.)

Executive Order 2020-38 (Phase 3 Reopening) (5/29/20)

Executive Order 2020-39 (Reissuing prior orders) (5/29/20) 

All COVID-Related Executive Orders and Proclamations



Back on Track Indiana

Executive Order 20-26 - Stages 1 and 2 (5/1/20) 

What's Open, What's Closed?

Back on Track General & Industry Guidelines

Executive Order 20-28 - Stage 3 (5/21/20)

School Recommendations (6/5/20)




Proclamation (4/27/20)

Proclamation (5/6/20)

Proclamation (5/13/20)

Proclamation (5/20/20)

Proclamation (5/26/20)

Iowa Department of Public Health Reopening Guidance



Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas (Not mandatory. Advistory as of 5/27/20)

Authority to restrict business operations and gatherings rests with county health officials as of 5/27/20. Some counties have elected to adopt such restrictions.

Executive Order No. 20-29 - Phase One (4/30/20)

Announcement re: Phase 1.5 of Ad Astra Plan (5/14/20)

Announcement re: Modified Phase 2 (5/19/20)

Executive Order No. 20-34 (5/19/20)

Announcement re: Expiration of Ad Astra Emergency Declaration (5/26/20)



Healthy at Work

Press Release (4/29/20, outlining initial reopening)

Healthy at Work: 10 Rules to Reopening

Minimum Requirements for All Businesses (effective 5/11/20)

Announcement of Phase 2 (5/7/20)

Announcement re: Kentucky State Parks (5/15/20)

Announcement re: Museums, Outdoor Attractions, Libraries, etc. (5/19/20)

Announcement re: Child Care, Auctions, Bars, Event Venues (5/21/20)

Announcement re: Horse and NASCAR Racing (6/4/20)

Kentucky Healthy at Work Site (Benchmarks, Calendar, All Industry Guidelines, etc.)




Proclamation 52 JBE 2020 (Extended Stay at Home) 

Guidance - Can This Business Open? (5/1/20)

Fire Marshal's Interpretive Memo on Outdoor Dine-In Seating Criteria (4/30/20)

Announcement re: Move to Phase 1 Statewide on May 15 (5/11/20)

Proclamation 58 JBE 2020 (5/14/20) (Phase 1)

Link to Register with Open Safely LA

Announcement re: Move to Phase 2 on June 5 (6/1/20)

Proclamation 74-JB-2020 (6/4/20) (Phase 2)

Louisiana Department of Health News and Orders



Restarting Maine’s Economy

Executive Order 49 FY 19/20 - Stay Safer at Home (4/29/20)

Announcement re: Rural Reopening Plan (5/8/20)

Announcement re: Lodging Restrictions Eased/ More Openings (5/14/20)

Announcement re: Delay of Gyms and Salons (5/19/20)

Announcement re: Stage 2 Adjustments (5/27/20)

Executive Order 55 FY 19/20 (5/29/20)

Announcement re: MDOC Purchase of Restaurant Food (5/30/20)

Announcement re: Rural Reopening Plan - Accelerated Reopening (6/4/20) 

Announcement re: Keep Maine Healthy Plan (6/8/20) (quarantine alternative)

COVID-19 Prevention Checklists for Businesses Reopening




Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery

Back to Business Website

Executive Order 20-05-06-01 (5/6/20)

Executive Order 20-05-13-01 (5/13/20) and Interpretive Guidance Memo (5/13/20)

Announcement re: Further Stage One Openings (5/27/20)

Executive Order 20-05-27-01 (5/27/20)

Executive Order 20-05-29-01 (5/29/20) 

Executive Order 20-06-03-01 (6/3/20)

Back to Business: Industry-Specific Guidelines for Reopening Businesses

General Business Best Practices



Announcement re: Four-Phase Reopening Approach (5/11/20)

Reopening Massachusetts Report and Details 

Reopening: Four-Phase Approach

Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces

Sector-specific Protocols and Best Practices

Reopening Massachusetts Executive Order (5/18/20)

Safer at Home Advisory (5/18/20)

Executive Orders re: Phase II Detail and Childcare Facilities (6/1/20)

Announcement re: Step One of Phase II Begins June 8 (6/6/20)



MI Safe Start

Executive Order 2020-60 (food seller protocols)

Executive Order 2020-70 (5/1/20)

Executive Order 2020-77 (5/6/20)

Executive Order 2020-92 (5/18/20)

Executive Order 2020-96 (5/21/20)

Executive Order 2020-100 (5/22/20)

Executive Order 2020-110 and Executive Order 2020-111 (6/1/20)

Executive Orders 2020-114 (reissuing workplace safeguards), 2020-115 (reopening steps), and 2020-116 (youth work permits) (6/5/20)



Safely Returning to Work

Executive Order 20-40 (4/23/20)

Executive Order 20-48 (4/30/20)

Executive Order 20-49 (5/5/20)

Executive Order 20-54  (5/13/20, antiretaliation provisions)

Executive Order 20-55 (5/13/20, protections/accommodation for at-risk individuals)

Executive Order 20-56 (5/13/20, reopening)

Announcement re: Outdoor Dining (5/20/20)

Executive Order 20-63 (5/27/20)

Executive Order 20-70 (6/3/20)

Executive Order 20-74 (Phase III) (6/5/20)

Guidance on Safely Reopening Minnesota Businesses 

Stay Safe MN Industry Guidance Library

COVID Preparedness Plan Information




Executive Order 1477 (4/24/20)

Executive Order 1478 (5/4/20)

Executive Order 1481 (5/12/20)

Executive Order 1483 (5/12/20)

Executive Order 1486 (5/15/20)

Executive Order 1487 (5/22/20)

Executive Order 1488 (5/22/20)

Executive Order 1491 (5/27/20) 

Executive Order 1492 - Safe Return (5/27/20) and Safe Return FAQs

Executive Order 1493 (5/29/20) (modifying Order 1483)

Mississippi State Department of Health Guidance for Individuals and Businesses



Show Me Strong Recovery Plan

Health Mandate (4/27/20)

Phase 1 Guidelines and FAQs

Phase 1 Extension Order (5/28/20) and Announcement



Governor’s Phased Approach to Reopening the Big Sky

Phased Reopening Directive (4/22/20)

Additional Phase One Guidelines (5/7/20)

Directive re: Phase Two (5/19/20)




Announcement re: New Directed Health Measures (4/24/20)

Announcement re: Relaxed Health Measures (4/29/20)

Announcement re: New, Relaxed Directed Health Measures (5/9/20)

Announcement re: Relaxed Directed Health Measures (5/11/20)

Announcement re: New Directed Health Measures for June (5/21/20) and Outline of those Changes

COVID-19 Nebraska Guidance Documents

All County Directed Health Measures with Effective Dates

State Overview and DHHS COVID-19 Site



Framework Announcement 

Nevada United - Roadmap to Recovery Chart

Phase One Guidelines and Protocols for Reopening

Directive - Phase One Reopening Plan (5/7/20)

Industry-Specific Phase One Guidance (5/15/20)

Announcement re: Moving into Phase 2 on May 29 (5/26/20)

Directive - Phase Two (5/28/20) and Guidelines for Phase Two

Announcement re: Travel Advisory Adjusted (5/29/20)


New Hampshire

Economic Re-Opening Task Force Roadmap

Emergency Order #40 - Stay at Home 2.0 (5/1/20)

Announcement re: Restaurants, Golf, etc. (6/5/20)

Stay at Home 2.0 Industry-Specific Guidance

Stay at Home 2.0 Schedule with General and Specific Guidance


New Jersey

The Road Back: Restoring Economic Health Through Public Health

Executive Order No. 142 (5/13/20)

Executive Order No. 146 (5/16/20)

Executive Order No. 147 (5/18/20)

Agricultural Guidance (5/20/20)

Executive Order No. 148 (5/22/20)

Executive Order No. 149 (5/29/20)

Childcare Provider Guidance (5/30/20)

Horse Racing Protocols (5/30/20)

Announcement re: Stage Two on June 15 (6/1/20)

Executive Order No. 150 and Executive Directive No. 20-014 (6/3/20)

New Jersey FAQ with Reopening Schedule and Guidance, and All FAQs


New Mexico

"Preparation Phase" Announcement

Public Health Order (4/30/20)

Department of Workforce Solutions Guidance (5/4/20)

Announcement re: Limited Retail Reopening (5/13/20)

Executive Order 2020-30 (5/15/20)

Announcement re: Restaurant Soft Reopening and Public Health Order (5/27/20)

Announcement re: June 1 Reopenings (5/28/20)

Executive Order 2020-37 (6/1/20)

Updated Public Health Order (6/1/20)

All COVID Public Health and Executive Orders

Department of Health Safe Practices Site


New York

New York Forward

Framework Announcement (4/28/20)

Regional Approach Annoucement (5/4/20)

Executive Order 202.31 re: Regional Approach (5/14/20)

New York Forward Website

Announcement re: PAUSE Lifted as of May 15 (for approved regions)

Announcement re: PAUSE Extended to May 28 (for regions not reopening)

Executive Order 202.33 (5/22/20)

Executive Order 202.35 (5/29/20) 

Executive Order 202.36 (6/1/20)

Executive Order 202.34 (5/29/20) (right to refuse patrons without face coverings)

Announcements re: Capital and Western Regions Advancing to Phase Two (6/2/20)

Regional Map and Metrics/Status for Regional Reopening

Industries Reopening by Phase, with Industry-Specific Guidelines

Phase Two Overview and Guidance

Announcement re: Outdoor Seating (6/3/20)

Executive Order 202.38 (6/6/20) (includes temperature check discretion)

Announcement re: Graduations, Health Procedures in NYC, and Mid-Hudson Region (6/8/20)


North Carolina

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Executive Order No. 138 (5/5/20)

Executive Order No. 141 (5/20/20)

Announcement re: Count on Me NC Training Program

Staying Ahead of the Curve


North Dakota

ND Smart Restart

Executive Order 2020-06.4 (4/29/20)

Executive Order 2020-06.6 (5/15/20)

ND Smart Restart Protocols

ND Smart Restart Employer/Employee FAQs

Executive Order 2020-06.7 (5/22/20)

Announcement re: Advancing to Next Phase (5/29/20)



Responsible Restart Ohio

Stay Safe Ohio Order (4/30/20)

Announcement of Order Reopening Restaurants, Bars and Personal Care Services (5/7/20)

Announcement re: Enforcement Team (5/18/20)

Announcement re: Ohioans Protecting Ohioans Urgent Health Advisory (5/19/20)

Ohioans Protecting Ohioans Advisory (5/21/20)

Public Health Orders re: Gyms and Personal Fitness Venues, and Non-Contact Sporting Activities (5/22/20)

Public Health Order re: Business Guidance and Social Distancing (5/29/20)

Announcement re: Camps, Entertainment Venues (6/4/20)

Announcement re: Casinos, Amusement and Water Parks etc. (6/5/20)

Sector-Specific Operating Requirements



Open Up and Recovery Safely (OURS) Plan

Executive Order 2020-13 (4th am.) (4/24/20)

OURS Plan Industry Guidance

Announcement re: Entering Phase 3 on June 1 (5/29/20)



Reopening Oregon

Plan Announcement (5/7/20)

Prerequisites for Phased Reopening of Oregon (5/7/20)

Phase One Reopening Guidance for Industries and Individuals here

Additional Phase One Information

County Status and Phase Information 

Oregon Health Authority Guidance and FAQs

Executive Order 20-25 (5/15/20)

Announcement re: 26 Counties Advancing to Phase Two (6/4/20)

Announcement re: 3 More Counties to Phase Two (6/5/20)

Executive Order 20-27 (6/5/20)

Phase 2 Guidance



Plan for Pennsylvania

Process to Reopen Pennsylvania

Consequences for Violations (5/11/20)

Construction Industry Guidance (4/23/20)

COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Businesses Flyer (5/4/20) (available here)

Real Estate Announcement and Guidance (5/19/20)

Announcement re: Cocktails-to-Go Law (5/21/20)

Updated Business FAQs (5/27/20)

Announcement re: 12 More Counties to Green (6/5/20)

Updated Yellow Phase Executive Order and Public Health Order (6/4/20)

Updated Green Phase Executive Order and Public Health Order (6/4/20)

Responding to COVID-19 Business Guidance Materials


Puerto Rico


Executive Order 2020-038 (5/1/20)

Littler's ASAP re: May 21 Executive Order 2020-041


Rhode Island

Reopening RI

Further Detail on Phase I

Preview of Phase 2 (5/22/20)

Executive Order 20-32 (5/8/20)

General Business Highlights and Explanations (5/6/20)

General Business Guidelines (5/6/20)

Control Plan Template (5/6/20)

Restaurant Guidelines and Illustration (5/11/20)

Non-critical Retail Guidelines and Checklist and Sign (5/7/20)

Announcements re: Beaches and State Parks

Guidelines for Gym and Fitness Centers in Phase 2 (5/27/20)

Announcement re: Phase 2 as of June 1 (5/29/20)

Posters and More Guidelines are available here.


South Carolina


Final Report and Recommendations

Executive Order 2020-28 (4/20/20)

Restaurant Reopening Guidelines - Phase One (5/1/20)

Restaurant Reopening Guidelines - Phase Two (5/8/20)

Temporary Outdoor Seating Guidelines (5/1/20)

Executive Order 2020-31 (5/3/20)

Department of Health and Environment Control Guidance

Announcement re: Close Contact Providers, Gyms, Pools (5/11/20)

Executive Order 2020-36 (5/15/20)

Announcement re: Attraction Facilities (5/20/20)

Reopening Guidelines Available from accelerateSC


South Dakota

Back to Normal Plan

Executive Order 2020-20 (4/28/20)

Executive Order 2020-26 (5/26/20)

Department of Health Employer Recommendations and Other Guidance, Checklists, available here



Tennessee Pledge: Reopening Tennessee

Executive Order 30 (4/28/20)

Executive Order 33 (5/5/20)

Executive Order 35 (5/7/20)

Announcement re: Lifting Retail/Restaurant Capacity Limits (5/15/20)

Executive Order 38 (5/22/20)

Tennessee Pledge Business Guidelines (General and Industry)



Strike Force to Open Texas

Governor’s Report (4/27/20)

Executive Order GA-17 (Strike Force)

Executive Order GA-21 (5/5/20, reopening)

Phase Two Announcement and Executive Order GA-23 (5/18/20)

All Reopening Checklists by Business Type

Department of Health and Human Services Minimum Recommended Protocols

Executive Order GA-24 (5/21/20)

Proclamation (professional sports) (5/22/20)

Proclamation Amending GA-23 (5/26/20) and Announcement

Executive Order GA-26 (6/3/20)

Full List of Health Protocols



Utah Leads Together

Utah Leads Together 2.0 Report

Utah Leads Together 3.0 Report (5/20/20)

Utah Leads Together 2.0 Phased Health Guidelines

“Moderate Phase” Announcement (4/25/20)

Executive Order Updating Guidelines (5/6/20)

Color-Coded Guidance to Phases and Map

Executive Order - Move to Yellow Phase (5/16/20)

Executive Order - Yellow Phase for 4 Jurisdictions (5/22/20)

Executive Order - Orange Phase for Bluff and Mexican Hat (5/22/20)

Executive Order Announced - Updated Guidelines for Yellow Phase (5/27/20)

Phased Health Guidelines Version 4.5 (5/29/20)

Executive Order - Yellow Phase Adjustments (5/29/20)

Executive Order - Holding Status Quo through June 12 and Announcement (6/5/20)




Addendum 10 to Executive Order 01-20 (4/17/20; Phase I)

Addendum 11 to Executive Order 01-20 (4/24/20; Phase II)

Addendum 12 to Executive Order 01-20 (5/1/20; Phase III)

Addendum 13 to Executive Order 01-20 (5/8/20)

Addendum 14 to Executive Order 01-20 (5/15/20)

Addendum 15 to Executive Order 01-20 (5/22/20)

Addendum 16 to Executive Order 01-20 (5/29/20)

Addendum 17 to Executive Order 01-20 (6/5/20)

Updated Interpretive Health Guidance from Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD)

ACCD Resource Center: All Sector Specific Guidance

VOSHA COVID-19 Safety Training



Forward Virginia (4/24/20)

Forward Virginia Announcement (4/24/20)

Forward Virginia - Phases I and II Outline (5/4/20)

Guidelines for All Business Sectors

Executive Order 62 - Delayed Reopening for Northern Virginia Region (5/12/20)

Executive Order 63 - Face Coverings (5/26/20)

Third Amended Executive Order 61 - Phase One Easing of Certain Temporary Restrictions - Northern Virginia and Richmond (6/2/20)

Executive Order 65 - Phase Two (6/2/20)

Phase Two Business Guidelines



Washington’s Recovery Plan – Policy Brief

Phased Approach – Reopening and Modifying Physical Distancing Measures

Safe Start Washington (5/4/20)

What's open and closed (5/1/20)

Proclamation - Safe Start Washington - Phase I (5/4/20)

Guidance for Retail, Pet Walking and Landscaping (5/8/20)

Memo re: Dine-In Restaurant Service - Phase II and Reopening Requirements (5/11/20)

Memo re: Partially Resuming Limited In-Store Retail Operations - Proclamation 20-25 and Related Phase 2 Retail Requirements (5/12/20)

Memo re: Resuming Additional Manufacturing Operations - Proclamation 20-25 and Related Phase 2 Manufacturing Requirements (5/12/20)

Memo re: Customer Log Requirements (5/15/20)

Proclamation re: Agricultural Workers (5/28/20)

Information about and Status of County Variances

Enforcement Emergency Rules (5/26/20)

Safe Start Plans and Guidance

Announcement of Modified Safe Start Appproach and Memo (5/29/20)

Announcement of Workplace Face Covering Requirement (5/29/20)

Safe Start Proclamation (5/31/20)

All COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Businesses and Workers

Phase 3 Safe Start Plan Template

Department of Labor & Industries: Which Mask for Which Task?, Basic Employee Training PPT (English) and Basic Employee Training PPT (Spanish


West Virginia

West Virginia Strong – The Comeback

Executive Order 32-20 (Safer at Home) (4/30/20)

Executive Order 37-20 (5/15/20)

Executive Order 39-20 (5/19/20)

Executive Order 40-20 (5/22/20)

Executive Order 41-20 (5/29/20)

Executive Order 42-20 (6/4/20)

Executive Order 43-20 (6/5/20)

Executive Order 44-20 (6/8/20)

Full Schedule and Guidance for West Virginia Businesses



Badger Bounce Back Plan

Plan in Brief

Health Services Page

Emergency Order #28 (4/16/20, Safer at Home) - The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down most of this order on 5/13. As of now, no new statewide order governs.

Emergency Order #31 (4/20/20, Badger Bounce Back)

Emergency Order #34 (4/24/20) and FAQs

Reopen Guidelines

Executive Order #36 (5/11/20)

WEDC Industry-Specific Reopen Guidelines



Transition Plan for a Healthy Wyoming

Announcement re: Gyms, Personal Care Services and Relevant Orders

Modified Order re: Public Spaces (5/27/20)

Modified Order re: Personal Services (5/27/20) 

Modified Order re: Public Gatherings (5/27/20)

State Public Health Orders and Guidance, County Orders, County Variances

Interactive Map of County Variances

Guidance for Screening Employees


--> Scroll to see full table data

Because the COVID-19 situation is dynamic, with new governmental measures each day, employers should consult with counsel for the latest developments and updated general and industry-specific guidance.

DISCLAIMER: Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations. Attorney Advertising.

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