Bouncing Back (and Forth): Statewide Reopening and Mitigation Steps (UPDATED)



As the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, government officials at all levels are reevaluating their health and safety protocols and adjusting workplace guidance based on ever-shifting case and vaccination metrics. Jurisdictions across the country have progressed and regressed by implementing different measures, on different timetables – resulting in a patchwork that continues to be particularly challenging for multistate employers. As vaccination rates increase, jurisdictions have announced plans for more robust reopening steps. 

The chart below provides links to key reopening orders and/or mitigation measures affecting the private sector issued at the statewide level. Employers should bear in mind that these materials typically offer detailed instructions, which often vary by industry. As a result, it is important to review each order along with any corresponding official guidance to get a complete picture of all requirements and how they may impact each employer’s operations. We will update this list regularly but expect it will become outdated quickly as new announcements are made.

Employers might also wish to review our other posts summarizing vaccination mandates, as well as guidance on face coverings and employee health screenings.

Note that this chart does not cover orders or guidance issued at the local level. Employers should consult with counsel for our additional resources on orders that may apply to their operations.

--> Scroll to see full table data



Specific Orders, Guidance

Last Updated




What's New at the CDC

U.S. CDC - Critical Infrastructure Sector Response Planning (11/16/20)

U.S. OSHA - FAQs on Face Coverings 

U.S. CDC - Quarantine Options (12/2/20)

U.S. CDC - Guidance for Businesses and Employers (rev. 3/8/21)

U.S. CDC - Workplace Vaccination Programs Guidance (3/25/21)

U.S. CDC - Updated Travel Guidance for Vaccinated People (4/2/21)

U.S. OSHA - General FAQs  

U.S. DOL - Essential Workers, Essential Protections Initiative (4/26/21)

U.S. CDC - Mask Order - Transportation (1/29/21) - Extended through 9/13/21 (4/30/21)

U.S. CDC - When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated (revised 5/16/21)

U.S. OSHA - FAQs on Recordability of Adverse Actions to Vaccines (5/21/21)

U.S. CDC - Guidance for Operating Youth and Summer Camps (5/28/21)

U.S. CDC - Choosing Safer Activities (updated 5/28/21)

U.S. CDC - Workplaces and Businesses

U.S. OSHA - Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare; Regulatory Text; FAQs; and Fact Sheet (6/10/21); Effective as of 6/21/21 When Published (6/21/21)

U.S. OSHA - Announcement of Inspection Procedures for the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (6/30/21)

U.S. CDC - Updated Guidance for Schools and Child Care (7/9/21)

U.S. OSHA - Announcement re: Revised National Emphasis Program and Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan (7/8/21)

U.S. CDC - Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People (revised 7/27/21)

Fact Sheet re: Requirement for Federal Employees to Attest to Vaccination or Undergo Testing, etc. (7/29/21)

U.S. OSHA - Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace (updated 8/13/21)

U.S. EEOC - Updated What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws (9/9/21) 

U.S. HHS - Announcement of HIPAA FAQs Guidance: HIPAA, COVID-19 Vaccination, and the Workplace (9/30/21)

U.S. CDC - Quarantine and Isolation (updated 10/4/21)



Safer Apart Order expired 5/31/21

Emergency terminated 7/6/21

New public health emergency declared 8/13/21

Proclamation and Amended Safer Apart Order (5/3/21)

Announcement re: Signature of SB 267 (5/24/21)

Announcement re: Confirming Safe Apart Order Expiration

Guidelines for Safeguarding All Businesses 

List of All Orders and Guidelines

Proclamation - Terminating Emergency (7/6/21)

Proclamation - New State Public Health Emergency (8/13/21)



No statewide mitigation measures

Travel Health Advisories updated 4/26/21

Disaster declaration terminated 4/30/21

Safe Travels page and portal

Alaska COVID Page and FAQs

Response and Recovery Health Advisories

Health Advisory No. 1: Recommendations for Keeping Alaskans Safe (2/14/21)

Health Advisory No. 2: International and Interstate Travel (updated 4/26/21)

Health Advisory No. 3: Intrastate Travel (updated 4/26/21) 

Updated Health Advisory No. 4: Critical Infrastructure (updated 5/27/21) (appendices here)

Proclamation (terminating disaster declaration) (4/30/21)

Industry-Specific Guidance Materials (updated periodically)

Alert Levels



Restrictions eased as of 3/5/21

Additional restrictions eased - and business requirements made advisory - as of 3/25/21

Various orders rescinded

Executive Order 2021-05 - Easing Restrictions (3/5/21)

Executive Order 2021-06 - Lifting Restrictions, Some Prior Orders (3/25/21) 

Department of Health Services - Orders and Guidance for Reopening Businesses

Announcement re: Various Orders Rescinded (7/2/21)



Restrictions eased as of 3/1/21; most directives now recommended rather than required

Emergency declaration expired 5/30/21

Emergency reinstated on 7/29/21

Executive Order 21-03 (2/26/21)

Executive Order 21-07 (3/31/21) (extension of emergency, prior orders)

List of all COVID-19 Health Directives and Guidances - Timeline and Resources 

Health Advisory - Vigilance Urged (7/2/21)

Executive Order 21-14 (7/29/21) (reinstating 60-day emergency)

Guidance for Face Coverings and Social Distancing (7/30/21)



Updated guidance effective 6/15/21

Business restrictions lifted 6/15/21

Workplace regulations updated 6/17/21

Statewide Industry Guidance to Reduce Risk (updated 6/15/21)

Beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy

Updated Requirements for All Industries after June 15 (6/2/21)

Announcement re: State Public Health Officer Order Effective 6/15/21 (6/11/21)

Executive Order N-07-21 (6/11/21) (retiring Blueprint order as of 6/15/21)

Executive Order N-08-21 (6/11/21) (setting timeframe for expiration of certain provisions in prior orders)

Announcement re: Adopted Revisions to Emergency Temporary Standards (6/17/21) and FAQs

What Employers Need to Know About the June 18 Standards (6/21/21)

Executive Order N-09-21 (6/17/21) (making revised ETS effective immediately)

Safe Reopening FAQs for Workers and Employers (7/8/21)

Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People (updated periodically)

Updated Vaccine Record Guidelines & Standards (updated 8/25/21)

Beyond the Blueprint for Industry and Business Sectors (updated 8/18/21)

Beyond the Blueprint Q&A: Industry & Sectors Guidance (updated 8/18/21)

Isolation and Quarantine for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Guidance (updated 9/9/21)

All Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Guidance

Cal/OSHA Summary of Revisions to ETS (6/16/21) and FAQs about the Revisions

Cal/OSHA ETS FAQs (updated 9/21/21)

Current safety measures” page (now with separate sections for Workplace Safety, Masks, Mega-Events, Travel, etc.)



Emergency and related executive orders rescinded as of 7/8/21 

Health and disaster recovery orders in effect

Tenth Amended Public Health Order 20-36 and Summary of Changes (4/4/21)

Safer at Home Industry Guidance

Third Amended Public Health Order 20-38 (5/31/21) (amending face covering requirements)

Executive Order 2021 114 (6/11/21) (extending emergency for 30 days)

Fourth Amended Public Health Order 20-38 (6/30/21)

Executive Order D 2021 121 (amending, extending emergency for 30 days) (6/30/21)

Executive Order D 2021 122 (ending health emergency and related executive orders, extending some regulatory/recovery provisions)  (7/8/21)

Fifth Amended Public Health Order 20-38 (extension to 9/1/21); and Summary of Changes (7/31/21)

Sixth Amended Public Health Order 20-38 (extension to 10/1/21); and Summary of Changes (8/31/21)

Executive Order D 2021 132 (extending, amending Colorado COVID-19 Disaster Recovery Order) (10/3/21)

Seventh Amended Public Health Order 20-38 (extension to 10/31/21); and Summary of Changes (9/30/21)



Latest status, guidance

Emergency renewed through 9/30/21

Announcement re: Timeframe for Lifting Restrictions (4/16/21)

Full List of Sector Rules and Self-Certification for Reopening 

Executive Order No. 12B (extending certain prior orders) (5/20/21)

Reopening Plan for 5/19/21 Coordinated with New Jersey and New York (5/3/21)

Renewal of Emergency Declaration through 9/30/21 Sought - and Approved by Legislature (7/14/21)

Executive Order No. 13 (extensions, modifications, terminations) (7/19/21)

Executive Order No. 13A (local authority to require masks) (8/5/21)

Department of Public Health Town-Level Covid Response Framework (8/13/21)

County COVID-19 Alert Map (updated weekly)

Executive Order No. 14 (extending certain prior provisions to 2/15/22) (9/28/21)

All Executive Orders 

Latest Guidance Page



Capacity restrictions lifted as of 5/21/21

29th Modification of State of Emergency (5/18/21)

First Revision to the 29th Modification (6/15/21)

Temporary, emergency rule re: Home Health Agencies (7/1/21)

Announcement re: LTCF Guidance Will Continue (7/12/21)

Termination of State of Emergency (7/12/21)

Public Health Emergency Declaration (7/12/21)

Announcement re: Extension of Public Health Emergency (8/10/21) (for another 30 days)

Announcement re: Second Extension of Public Health Emergency Order (9/8/21)


District of Columbia

Most business/capacity restrictions lifted 5/21/21, with all lifted as of 6/11/21

Emergency terminated as of 7/25/21

Announcement re: Business Restrictions Lifting 5/21/21, with All Lifted 6/11/21 (5/10/21)

Mayor's Order 2021-069 (5/17/21)

Mayor's Order 2021-096 (7/24/21) (terminating emergency)

Updated Guidance for Travel (8/6/21)

COVID-19: Guidance for Childcare Facilities (updated 8/11/21)

Guidance for Close Contacts of a Person Confirmed to Have COVID-19 (8/18/21)

Guidance for Schools Reopening  (Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade and Adult Education) (8/18/21)

Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People (8/30/21)

Updated Guidance re: Quarantine after COVID-19 Exposure (9/8/21)

Updated Phase Two Information and Guidelines (revised periodically)



No statewide mitigation measures

Executive Order 21-94 (4/27/21) (extending emergency)

Executive Order 21-101 (5/3/21) (invalidating any remaining local emergency orders as of 7/1/21)

Executive Order 21-102 (5/3/21) (eliminating all local mitigation measures, and amending Order 20-244, immediately)

Executive Order 21-116 (5/13/21) (extending temporary reprieve/clemency for violations of local orders)

All COVID-19-Related Orders



Economic recovery emergency order expiring 10/28/21

Administrative Order for Public Health Control Measures (8/2/21)

Guidelines for Businesses

Executive Order (, extending emergency to 9/28/21) (8/19/21)

Executive Order (, extending certain regulatory suspensions) (8/19/21)

Executive Order (, extending economic recovery emergency, restricting local authorities) (8/19/21)

Executive Order (, extending economic recovery emergency to 10/28/21) (9/20/21)

Executive Order (, extending certain regulatory suspensions) (9/20/21)



Latest emergency proclamation in effect through 11/30/21

Hawaii COVID-19 Page; and Travel Information and Approved Travel Partners

Safe Travels Digital Platform; Getting to Hawaii Information Page

Announcement re: Timeline/Goals for Lifting Travel Restrictions (6/4/21)

Announcement re: Benchmarks for Lifting Gathering/Other Limitations (6/7/21)

Twenty-First Proclamation (6/7/21) (adjusting travel restrictions)

Announcement re: Expected Relaxing of Certain Restrictions on 7/8/21 (6/24/21)

Emergency Proclamation (8/5/21) (renewing provisions through 10/4/21)

Updated Travel FAQs

Executive Order 21-05 (8/10/21) (gathering limits, mitigation steps) 

Announcement re: Issuance of Emergency Proclamation Related to the State’s COVID-19 Delta Response (10/1/21) (superseding prior orders and extending emergency relief period to 11/30/21)



Progressed to Stage 4 of Idaho Rebounds framework

Proclamation Extending Emergency (7/18/21) (30-day extension)

Proclamation Extending Emergency (8/17/21) (30-day extension)

Proclamation Extending Emergency (9/16/21) (30-day extension)

Stages of Reopening and Stay Healthy Guidelines - Stage 4 



All regions in Phase 5 (reopened)

General Business Toolkit (posters, checklists, etc.)

Announcement re: Orders Will Conform to Updated CDC Guidance (5/13/21)

Executive Order 2021-10 - Bridge Phase (5/17/21)

Exceutive Order 2021-11 (5/28/21) (extending prior orders)

Announcement re: Reopening/Phase 5 Guidelines (6/4/21)

Announcement re: Reopening on 6/11/21 Confirmed (6/10/21)

Regional Phase Dashboard

Executive Order 2021-12 (Phase Five Reopening) (6/11/21)

Executive Order 2021-14 - Extending Prior Provisions to 7/24/21 (6/25/21)

Executive Order 2021-15 - Extending Prior Provisions to 8/21/21 (7/23/21)

Proclamation - Extending Emergency (8/20/21)

Executive Order 2021-19 - Extending Prior Provisions to 9/18/21 (8/20/21)

Executive Order 2021-23 - Extending Prior Provisions to 10/16/21 (9/17/21)

Proclamation - Extending Emergency (9/17/21)

All COVID-Related Executive Orders and Proclamations



Statewide restrictions eased as of 4/6/21

Executive Order 21-18 - Extending emergency to 8/30/21 (7/29/21)

Executive Order 21-19 - Limited Health and Welfare Provisions (7/29/21)

Executive Order 21-22 - Extending emergency to 9/30/21 (8/30/21)

Executive Order 21-23 - Brief extension of Order 21-17 provisions through 9/1/21 (8/30/21)

Executive Order 21-24 - Steps to Mitigate Strain on Healthcare System (9/1/21)

Updated Control Measure for Schools and Day Cares (9/1/21)

Return from Quarantine Options

Executive Order 21-26 - Extending emergency to 10/31/21 (9/30/21)

Executive Order 21-27 - Extending limited provisions (9/30/21)

Guidance and Data Page (updated regularly)



Mitigation measures eased as of 2/7/21

Proclamation (extending emergency through 7/25/21) (6/25/21)

Proclamation (extending emergency through 8/22/21) (7/23/21)

Proclamation (extending emergency through 9/19/21) (8/19/21)

Proclamation (extending emergency through 10/17/21) (9/17/21)

Iowa Department of Public Health Reopening Guidance



No statewide mitigation measures

Emergency expired on 6/15/21

Announcement re: Series of Orders Renewed (4/1/21)

Announcement re: Orders Will Conform to Updated CDC Guidance (5/13/21)

Announcement re: Extension of Emergency to 6/15/21 (5/28/21)

Announcement re: Order Rescinding Various Prior Orders (6/14/21)

Emergency Expired 6/15/21

Updated FAQs on Isolation and Quarantine (9/13/21)



Full reopening as of 6/11/21

Updated general business guidance effective 6/11/21

Updated recommendations for "red" counties

Announcement re: Orders Will Conform to Updated CDC Guidance; and Executive Order 2021-326 (5/13/21)

Announcement re: Full Repening Set for 6/11/21 (5/14/21)

Kentucky Healthy at Work Site (Benchmarks, Calendar, All Industry Guidelines, All Executive Orders, etc.)

Executive Order 2021-386 (lifting capacity limits, etc) (6/11/21)

Healthy at Work - Guidance for All Entities

Healthy at Work - Supplemental Guidance for Healthcare Facilities (updated 7/1/21)

Announcement re: Updated Recommendations for Red Counties, as discussed here (8/23/21)



Updated orders issued 7/22/21, 7/23/21

Mitigation measures reinstated as of 8/4/21

Guidance - Can This Business Open?

Louisiana Department of Health News and Orders

List of Louisiana State Fire Marshal (Open Safely LA) Guidance for All Industries

Proclamation 131-JBE-2021 (7/21/21) (extending mitigation measures to 8/11/21)

Proclamation 132-JBE-2021 (7/21/21) (extending emergency to 8/11/21)

Proclamation 133-JBE-2021 (7/23/21) (amending 131-JBE-2021)

Announcement re: Proclamation 137-JBE-2021 and Mitigation Measures Reinstated through 9/1/21 (8/2/21) 

Proclamation 167 JBE 2021 (8/31/21) (extending emergency and mitigation measures to 9/29/21)

Proclamation 182 JBE 2021 (9/28/21) (extending emergency and mitigation measures to 10/27/21)



Emergency terminated 6/30/21

Maine CDC FAQs

COVID-19 Prevention Checklists for Businesses Reopening (updated 2/12/21)

Announcement re: Accelerated Reopening Steps Effective 5/24/21 (5/13/21)

Announcement re: Adoption of CDC Mask Guidance; Specified Physical Distancing Limits Also Lifting (5/14/21)

Updated PK-12 and Adult Education Public Health Guidance (6/9/21)

Announcement re: Emergency & Remaining Face Mask Requirements Expiring 6/30/21 (6/11/21)

Executive Order No. 40FY20/21 (6/30/21) (retaining some flexibility for certain pandemic-related services)



All statewide restrictions expired 7/1/21

HB 581 - Requiring Employers to Take Health and Safety Actions

Back to Business: Industry-Specific Guidelines for Reopening Businesses

General Business Best Practices

Announcement re: Emergency and All Statewide Restrictions Lifting 7/1/21 (6/15/21)

Executive Order 21-06-15-01 (6/15/21) (Lifting Mandates and Emergency 7/1/21) and FAQs

Proclamation - Renewing State of Emergency (7/12/21) (immunity provisions)

Proclamation - Renewing State of Emergency through 8/15/21 (8/11/21) (immunity provisions)



All restrictions lifted as of 5/29/21

State of emergency expired as of 6/15/21

Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Orders

Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces (retired)

COVID-19 Order No. 68 - Progressing to Phase IV, Step 2 (5/7/21)

Announcement re: All Restrictions Lifting on 5/29/21 (5/17/21)

Announcement re: Issuance of Orders: COVID-19 Order No. 69 (lifting restrictions) and Modified Public Health Emergency (5/28/21)

Announcement re: Emergency Expired & Health Care Industry Orders Issued (6/15/21)

Reopening Massachusetts

Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios - School Year 2021-22 (8/13/21)

Health and Safety Guidance During COVID-19 Recovery for Child Care Providers (8/13/21)



Orders rescinded, capacity limits lifting, as of 6/22/21

MIOSHA rules rescinded; healthcare rules adopted

HB 6032 (Antiretaliation protections/post-exposure return to work protocol) (10/22/20); amended by SB 1258 (12/30/20)

COVID-19 Workplace Safety Guidance Site

Keeping a Safe Workplace

Announcement re: Lifting of Capacity and Gathering Limits, and Certain Orders on 6/22/21 (6/17/21)

All MDHHS COVID-19 Orders

MIOSHA Rules Rescinded; Healthcare Emergency Rules Issued (6/22/21)

Announcement re: Rescission of Agricultural Worker Epidemic Order (7/2/21) (other protections remain in place)

Announcement re: K-12 School Opening Guidance (8/13/21)



Emergency expired as of 7/1/21

Executive Order 21-21 (formalizing reopening timeline) (5/6/21)

Executive Order 21-23 (amending distancing and mask provisions) (5/14/21)

Emergency Executive Order 21-24 (extending emergency to 7/14/21) (6/14/21)

Announcement re: Emergency Expiring 7/1/21 (6/30/21)

Department of Labor and Industry COVID-19 Updates

Quarantine Guidance for COVID-19 (8/13/21)

Department of Health - Businesses and Employers Guidance (updated periodically)

Department of Health - Guidance Library (updated regularly)



Most protocols are no longer mandatory

State of Emergency extended additional 30 days

Executive Order 1549 - Converting Requirements into Recommendations; Lifting Restrictions (3/2/21)

Executive Order 1550 - Extending emergency, expanding venue capacity (3/31/21)

Executive Order 1551 - Lifting capacity limits (4/30/21)

Health Recommendations in Effect through 7/26/21 (7/9/21)

Mississippi State Department of Health Guidance for Individuals and Businesses (revised 7/28/21)

Announcement re: Extension of State of Emergency (for 30 days) (9/10/21)

Official health guidance and recommendations



No statewide mitigation measures

Emergency terminated on 8/27/21

Phase 1 Extension Order (5/28/20) and Announcement

Executive Order 20-12 - Phase 2 (6/11/20) and Announcement

Executive Order 21-07 - Extending Emergency to 8/31/21 (3/26/21)

Announcement re: Termination of Emergency Order (8/27/21)



Restrictions further eased as of 2/12/21

Emergency terminated 6/30/21

Executive Order No. 2-2021 (reestablishing emergency) (1/13/21)

Directive Implementing Executive Order No. 2-2021 (easing restrictions as of 1/15/21) (1/13/21)

Updated Directive Implementing Executive Order No. 2-2021 (superseding prior orders, eliminating phased approach, easing restrictions)

Executive Order No. 10-2021 (terminating emergency)  (6/30/21)

Montana COVID FAQs Page



All DHMs expired as of 5/24/21

Emergency expired on 6/30/21

State Overview and DHHS COVID-19 Site

COVID-19 Nebraska Guidance Documents

Summary Table of Color-Coded Phases

All County Directed Health Measures with Effective Dates (now expired)

Announcement re: All DHMs Expired as of 5/24/21 (5/24/21)

Executive Order 2021-09 (terminating emergency, extending certain orders) (6/28/21)



Current Status and List of Endorsed County Mitigation Plans

Updated Nevada OSHA guidance

Summary of Transition Steps Planned for 5/1/21 and 6/1/21 

Directive 044 - Formalizing Reopening Transition Steps (4/19/21)

Task Force Assessments - Including Reviews of County Mitigation Plans

Announcement re: All County Mitigation Plans Endorsed (5/3/21)

Directive 047 (7/27/21)

Governor Directives and Declarations 

Current Status: Mitigation Measures (covers Weekly Masking Guidance)

Nevada OSHA - Updated Guidance for Businesses and Healthcare Standard; and Updated COVID-19 FAQs (revised 7/30/21)


New Hampshire

Business restrictions lifted as of 5/7/21

State of emergency expired on 6/11/21

Emergency Order #90 (4/16/21) (renewal through 5/7/21 - at which point business restrictions were lifted)

Executive Order 2021-08 (5/7/21) (extending state of emergency)

Universal and Industry-Specific Business Guidance under Safer at Home Order

Safer at Home Schedule with General and Specific Guidance

Updated Universal Best Practices Guidance (effective 5/7/21); Summer Camp Guidance

Executive Order 2021-10 (5/28/21) (extending emergency for 14 days)


New Jersey

Emergency lifted; some measures in place per legislation

Executive Order No. 192 - Workplace Safety Standards (10/28/20) (expired 7/4/21)

Executive Order No. 242 (5/24/21)

Executive Order No. 243 (5/26/21) (lifting telework requirement)

Administrative Order 2021-2 (6/1/21) (rescinding prior order prohibiting in-home personal care services)

Announcement re: All Indoor Gathering Limits Lifting 6/4/21 (6/2/21)

Announcement re: Emergency Expected to End 6/4/21 (6/3/21)

Announcement re: Signing of Legislation Lifting Emergency and Executive Order No. 244 (6/4/21)

Announcement re: Confirming Expiration of Executive Order No. 192 (Workplace Safety Standards) (7/2/21)

New Jersey FAQ with Reopening Schedule and Guidance, and All FAQs

New Jersey COVID-19 Business Information (updated 8/11/21)


New Mexico

Full reopening effective as of 7/1/21

New Mexico Safe Certification Training Program

Announcement re: Full Reopening Scheduled for 7/1/21 (6/18/21)

All COVID Public Health and Executive Orders

COVID-Safe Practices for Employers (6/30/21)

Executive Order No. 2021-044 - Renewing Emergency Through 8/16/21 (7/23/21)

Public Health Order - Effective Through 8/27/21 (7/30/21)

Executive Order 2021-049 – Renewing Emergency Through 9/15/21 (8/16/21)

Executive Order 2021-054 – Renewing Emergency Through 10/15/21 (9/15/21)

Public Health Order - Orders, Mitigation Steps Effective Through 10/15/21 (9/15/21)


New York

All statewide commercial and social restrictions lifted on 6/15/21

Emergency (and associated executive orders) expired on 6/24/21

Employer HERO Act obligations triggered 9/6/21

Announcement re: Leave Time for Vaccinations (3/12/21)

Announcement re: "Excelsior Pass" (3/26/21)

Announcement re: Signing of the HERO Act (requiring creation of workplace airborne infectious disease safety standard) (5/5/21)

SB 6768 Signed (6/11/21) (requiring officials to create a model airborne infectious disease exposure prevention standard for workplaces)

Announcement re: Capacity and Gathering Restrictions Lifted (6/15/21)

Executive Order No. 202.111 (lifting limits on gatherings) (6/16/21)

List of COVID-19 Executive OrdersExecutive Orders Page

New York Forward (guidance, etc.)

Announcement re: Emergency Expiring (6/23/21)

Executive Order No. 210 - Terminating Emergency and Travel Restrictions (per prior orders 202 and 205) (6/24/21)

Announcement re: Restaurant Return to Work Tax Credits (7/29/21)

Announcement re: Commissioner of Health's Designation of COVID-19 as Highly Contagious Communicable Disease under HERO Act (9/6/21); see also this Information & FAQs guide (9/9/21)

Updated model airborne infectious disease exposure prevention plan under the HERO Act (9/23/21) (changes discussed here)

Announcement re: Commissioner of Health's Re-Designation of COVID-19 as Highly Contagious Communicable Disease under HERO Act (9/30/21) (extension to 10/31/21)


North Carolina

Order and mask mandate expired 7/30/21

County Alert System

Businesses and Employers Guidance

Count on Me NC Training

All DHHS Guidance 

Announcement re: Schools Guidance; Current Order Will Expire As Scheduled 7/30/21 (7/21/21) (emergency will remain in place)

Updated Protecting Each Other Guidance (7/29/21)

DOH interim guidance: StrongSchoolsNC Public Health Toolkit (K-12) (8/10/21)


North Dakota

Statewide risk level currently at Green

Emergency declaration lifted on 4/30/21

Announcement re: Statewide Emergency Declaration Lifting (4/21/21)

ND Smart Restart Protocols

ND Smart Restart Employer/Employee FAQs

Public Health Recommendations Post-Emergency (4/29/21)

All Executive Orders 



Health orders lifted on 6/2/21

State of emergency lifted on 6/18/21

Sector-Specific Operating Recommendations

Color-Coded Health Advisory System Map and Ohio Public Health Orders

Second Amended Order for Social Distancing, Facial Coverings, and Non-Congregating (5/17/21)

Announcement re: Confirming Health Orders Lifted (6/1/21)

Director's Order - Rescinding Pandemic-Related Orders as of 6/18/21 (6/17/21)

Executive Order 2021-08D - Terminating State of Emergency (6/18/21)



Statewide measures lifted 3/12/21 with expiration of prior order

Emergency rescinded as of 5/4/21

Executive Order 2021-07 (2/12/21) - Extending Emergency 

Executive Order 2021-11 (5/3/21) - Withdrawing Emergency

Executive Order 2021-15 (5/17/21) - Return to Work Incentive

Open Up and Recovery Safely (OURS) Plan – General and Industry-Specific Recommendations

Color-Coded Alert System and Dashboard (updated each Wednesday)



Restrictions lifted on 6/30/21

General Guidance for Employers on COVID-19 and FAQs

Oregon OSHA Final Temporary COVID-19 Workplace Safety RulesSummary Table, and More

Safety Rules - Fact Sheet (provisions effective 11/16/20) and Fact Sheet (provisions effective later) 

Interim Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals (5/18/21) and OR OSHA Statement (updated 5/25/21)

Oregon Health Authority Guidance and FAQs (guidance updated periodically)

Executive Order No. 21-15 - Lifting Remaining Restrictions at 70% Vaccination or 6/30/21; Emergency Extended to 12/31/21 (6/25/21)

Announcement re: Oregon OSHA Revised Rules for General Workplaces (6/30/21)

Indoor air considerations for smaller spaces (6/30/21)

Workplace Advisory Memo 7.19.21: Interim OSHA Guidance Regarding the Status of the Temporary Rule Addressing COVID-19 Workplace Risks (revised 8/13/21)

Workplace Advisory Memo 8.13.21: Employer Enforcement of Facial Covering Requirements in Relation to Customers, Clients, and Other Guests



Most mitigation orders lifted as of 5/31/21

Accelerated, additional restrictions eased as of 5/17/21

Emergency terminated by legislative resolution as of 6/19/21 (as noted here)

Responding to COVID-19 Business Guidance Materials

Executive Order, Public Health Order and FAQs - Easing Effective 4/4/21

Current Mitigation Status

Announcement re: Statewide Mitigation Orders Lifting 5/31/21 (5/4/21)

Announcement re: Easing Restrictions for Events & Gatherings on 5/17/21 (5/11/21)

Announcement re: Emergency Declaration Extended (5/20/21)

Emergency terminated (noted here) by legislative resolution


Puerto Rico

Current mitigation measures effective through 10/14/21

Executive Order 2021-032 (5/6/21) (shortening curfew, easing some restrictions)

Executive Order 2021-036 (5/20/21 (relaxing restrictions, lifting curfew, as discussed here)

Announcement re: Easing Restrictions as of 6/7/21

Executive Order 2021-054 (7/1/21)

Executive Order 2021-065 (8/30/21) (mitigation measures)

Executive Order 2021-070 (9/20/21) (extending mitigation measures)

All Executive Orders (typically available in Spanish only)


Rhode Island

All capacity limits lifted 5/21/21

Limits on higher-risk activities lifted as of 6/18/21

Updated Business FAQs

Sector-Specific Guidelines, Posters and More available here; other information here

Executive Order 21-85 - Extending Emergency Regulations through 9/1/21 (8/16/21)

Executive Order 21-86 - Declaring Emergency Due to Variants (8/19/21)

Executive Order 21-93 - Extending Quarantine and Isolation Order (9/1/21)

Executive Order 21-95 - Extending Emergency to 10/2/21 (9/3/21)

Executive Order 21-97 - Extending Order 21-86 to 10/16/21 (9/17/21)

Executive Order 21-99 - Extending Orders, including Emergency Declaration, to 10/30/21 (9/30/21)

Executive Order 21-100 - Amending, Extending Quarantine and Isolation Order to 10/30/21 (9/30/21)

All Executive Orders


South Carolina

Restrictions eased as of 3/1/21

Emergency declaration expired

Executive Order 2021-23 (5/11/21) (limiting local authority)

Executive Order 2021-25 (5/22/21) (extension for another 15 days)

Guidance for K-12 Schools and Childcare Interim Guidance for Management of COVID-19 Cases (8/25/21)

Department of Health and Environment Control Guidance

Reopening Guidelines Available from accelerateSC


South Dakota

No statewide mitigation measures

Executive Order 2020-20 (4/28/20)

Executive Order 2020-26 (5/26/20)

Executive Order 2020-34 (12/18/20) (extending emergency to 6/30/21)

Department of Health Employer Recommendations and Other Guidance, Checklists, available here



No statewide mitigation measures in place; emergency lifted

Limited emergency in effect through 8/31/21

Executive Order 63 (9/29/20)

Tennessee Pledge Business Guidelines (general and industry-specific) (updated 10/2/20)

Executive Order 75 (suspending Order 74 as of 2/1/21) (1/28/21)

Executive Order 80 (lifting emergency, some local measures) (4/27/21)

Executive Order 82 (Limited State of Emergency to Facilitate Recovery) (7/30/21)



Reopening order in effect as of 3/10/21 

All Reopening Checklists by Business Type

Executive Order GA-34 (3/2/21) (Lifting Capacity Limits, Restrictions) and EO GA-34 Info Page

Executive Order GA-38 (7/29/21) (setting uniformity in pandemic response)

All Executive Orders

Proclamation (Extending Disaster Declaration) (8/29/21)

Proclamation (Extending Disaster Declaration) (9/28/21)

Full List of Recommended Health Protocols (updated periodically) – 



Public health order rescinded, per legislation

State and Local Orders and Directives

Announcement re: HB 294 Enacted (3/24/21)

Legislative Response Timeline and Summary

Announcement re: Public Health Order Lifted, Transmission Index Advisory (5/4/21)

COVID-19 Business Manual; and Summary (updated 8/2021)

Transmission Index Framework: Overview and County Map (updated weekly on Thursdays)



General restrictions lifed 6/14/21

VOSHA COVID-19 Safety Training

Announcement re: 80% Goal Achieved, Restrictions Lifted (6/14/21)

Directive Rescinding Vermont Forward Plan Guidance (6/14/21)

Executive Order 06-21 (6/15/21) (post-emergency recovery activities)

VOSHA Memo: Workplace Safety Top 10 Recommendations Relating to COVID-19 (6/8/21) (non-healthcare settings)

VOSHA Adoption of Federal OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare (7/19/21)



Accelerated lifting of distancing and capacity limits, effective as of 5/28/21

Updated Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention 

Guidelines for All Business Sectors, including Phase Three Guidelines

Final, Permanent Workplace Safety Standards (effective 1/27/21); and more information here

Effective 5/15/21 - Updated Guidelines for Businesses and Gatherings

Seventh Amended Executive Order No. 72 (Further Amending Face Covering & Spectator Provisions, effective 5/15/21) (5/14/21)

Executive Order No. 79 (Amendments, Restrictions Easing as of 5/28/21)

Public Health Order (6/30/21) (re: masking in schools; effective through 7/25/21)

Announcement re: Public Health Order Will Not Be Extended (7/21/21) (schools guidance issued)

Revised, Final Workplace Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention of COVID-19 (8/26/21) (effective 9/8/21); and more information here



Full reopening occurred on 6/30/21 

Proclamation 20-25.14 - Washington Ready (7/1/21); Updated Reopening Guidance

Updated DOH Guidance for Non-Health Care Businesses and Organizations (7/2/21)

Announcement re: Proclamation 20-12.4 (updating higher education protocols) (7/12/21)

Announcement re: Emergency Rule Adopted Regarding Workplace Reporting and Notification Requirements (8/10/21)

Questions and Answers: Reporting and Notification Requirements of HELSA and PPE Usage (F417-295-000) (8/17/21)

Washington Department of Labor & Industries COVID-19 Page

Amended, Extended Department of Labor & Industries Emergency Rule: WAC 296-800-14035 - COVID-19 Prohibited Business Activities and Compliance with Conditions for Operations (8/23/21)

Updated Guidance and Requirements for Employers (8/23/21)

Announcement re: Proclamation 20-25.16 (amending "Washington Ready" order) (9/3/21)

Announcement re: Proclamation 20-25.17 (further amending "Washington Ready" order, re: face coverings) (9/13/21)

Updated Guidance on Spectator Events (9/28/21)

​Washington Ready Site

All COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Businesses and Workers (updated periodically)

Department of Health Resources and Recommendations (updated periodically)


West Virginia

Simplified order in effect as of 4/19/21

County Alert System

Executive Order 12-21 (4/19/21) - Simplifying/Clarifying and Lifting Social Gatherings Limit

Announcement re: Lifting of Face Mask Order (6/18/21)

Announcement re: Renewal of Regulatory Moratorium Order (6/29/21)

Latest Updates and All Guidance for Businesses 



No statewide business mitigation measures

Executive Order #104 (1/19/21) (renewing emergency)

Emergency Order No. 1 (1/19/21) (face coverings)

Executive Order #105 (2/4/21) (renewing emergency)

Emergency Order No. 1 (2/4/21) (face coverings)

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has invalidated the statewide face covering mandate.

WEDC Industry-Specific Reopen Guidelines



Final remaining health order expired 5/31/21

Public Health Order re: Child Care and Education (formerly Order #1) (5/13/21) - Effective 5/17/21 through 5/31/21

Public Health Order re: Large Indoor Events of More than 500 People (formerly Order #2)  (5/13/21) - Effective 5/17/21 through 5/31/21

Elimination of Health Order #2 (Large Indoor Events of More than 500 People) (5/21/21)

Amended Public Health Order re: Child Care and Education - Set to Expire 5/31/21 (Order #1) (5/21/21)

Emergency Rule Adopting Federal OSHA ETS for Healthcare Workers (8/17/21)

Department of Health Guidance


--> Scroll to see full table data

Because the COVID-19 situation is dynamic, with new governmental measures each day, employers should consult with counsel for the latest developments and updated general and industry-specific guidance.

DISCLAIMER: Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations. Attorney Advertising.

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