Bouncing Back (and Forth): Statewide Reopening and Mitigation Steps (UPDATED)



As the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, government officials at all levels are reevaluating their health and safety protocols and adjusting workplace guidance based on ever-shifting case metrics. While all states had begun reopening over the summer, rising cases have caused many jurisdictions to either pause their progress, or return to more restrictive measures. Jurisdictions across the country continue to progress and regress by implementing different measures, on different timetables – resulting in a patchwork that is particularly challenging for multistate employers.

The chart below provides links to key reopening orders and/or mitigation measures issued in recent weeks, at the statewide level. Employers should bear in mind that these materials typically offer detailed instructions, which often vary by industry. As a result, it is important to review each order along with any corresponding official guidance to get a complete picture of all requirements and how they may impact each employer’s operations. We will update this list regularly but expect it will become outdated quickly as new announcements are made.

Employers might also wish to review our interactive reopening map, as well as our other posts summarizing statewide guidance on vaccination plansface coverings, and employee health screenings.

Note that this chart does not cover orders or guidance issued at the local level. Employers should consult with counsel for our additional resources on orders that may apply to their operations.

--> Scroll to see full table data



Specific Orders, Guidance

Last Updated




What's New at the CDC

U.S. CDC - Critical Infrastructure Sector Response Planning (11/16/20)

U.S. OSHA - FAQs on Face Coverings (11/18/20)

U.S. CDC - Quarantine Options (12/2/20)

EEOC Guidance: What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws (rev. 12/16/20)

U.S. CDC - Guidance for Businesses and Employers (rev. 12/31/20)

U.S. CDC - Workplaces and Businesses (rev. 2/1/21)

U.S. CDC - Mask Order - Transportation (1/29/21)

U.S. OSHA - Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace (1/29/21); Executive Summary

U.S. CDC - Interim Quarantine Guidance for Vaccinated Persons (2/10/21)

U.S. CDC - Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People (3/8/21)

U.S. OSHA - National Emphasis Program & Enforcement Response Plan (3/12/21)



Amended Safer at Home order in place through 4/9/21

Proclamation and Health Order Amending Safer at Home (9/30/20)

Proclamation and Health Order Amending, Extending Safer at Home (11/5/20)

Proclamation and Health Order, Extending Safer at Home (12/9/20)

Proclamation and Health Order, Further Extending Safer at Home (1/21/21)

Proclamation and Health Order, Amending & Extending Safer at Home (3/4/21); Info Sheet 1 & Info Sheet 2

Proclamation, Amending Safer at Home (3/12/21)

Guidelines for Safeguarding All Businesses 

List of All Orders and Guidelines



No statewide mitigation measures

Health Advisories issued 2/14/21

Safe Travels page and portal

Industry-Specific Guidance Materials

Alaska COVID Page and FAQs

Outbreak Health Orders (expired with emergency declaration on 2/14/21)

Response and Recovery Health Advisories

Health Advisory No. 1: Recommendations for Keeping Alaskans Safe (2/14/21)

Health Advisory No. 2: International and Interstate Travel (2/14/21)

Health Advisory No. 3: Intrastate Travel (2/14/21) 

Health Advisory No. 4: Critical Infrastructure (2/14/21) (appendices here)



Restrictions eased as of 3/5/21

Executive Order  - Easing Outdoor Dining Regulations (12/2/20)

Executive Order - Large Public Events (12/2/20)

Executive Order 2021-05 - Easing Restrictions (3/5/21)

Department of Health Services - Orders and Guidance for Reopening Businesses



Restrictions eased as of 3/1/21; most directives now recommended rather than required

Executive Order 20-25 (5/5/20)

Executive Order 20-51 (12/11/20) (extension of prior orders)

Executive Order 21-03 (2/26/21)

List of all COVID-19 Health Directives and Guidances - Timeline and Resources 



Partial closures, in effect in specified counties based on tier status under Blueprint for a Safer Economy framework

Numerous counties advanced to Red tier on 3/14/21, with more likely to follow on 3/17/21

Updated Memo re: Responding to COVID-19 in the Workplace (9/18/20)

Use of Temporary Structures for Outdoor Business Operations (11/25/20)

Emergency Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Workplace Regulation (adopted 11/19/20) & FAQs (updated 1/26/21); Executive Order N-84-20 (12/14/20) (amending quarantine guidance)

All Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Guidance

Regional Stay at Home - County Status (order lifted 1/25/21)

Statewide Industry Guidance to Reduce Risk 

Blueprint for a Safer Economy Website and Search Function; Related Framework Health Order and Explanation

Announcement re: Blueprint Updated to Allow Outdoor Stadiums, Theme Parks and Updated Sector Chart (3/5/21) 

Interim Indoor Ventilation Guidance (2/26/21)

Announcement re: Updated Guidance for Bars, Breweries/Wineries, and Sleepaway Camps (3/11/21)

Announcement re: Numerous Counties Advance to Red on 3/14/21 and 3/17/21 (3/12/21)

All California Department of Public Health Reopening Guidance Documents 

California Blueprint Data Chart with Current County Status (found here; tier assignments updated on Tuesdays)

Activity and Business Tiers Chart



Mitigation measures vary across counties, depending on risk level

Updated Dial framework in place as of 3/7/21

Fourth Amended Public Health Order 20-36 (Updated Dial) and Summary (1/4/21)

Executive Order D 2021-023 (Extending Dial Framework) (1/25/21)

Fifth Amended Public Health Order 20-36 (2/3/21) (Extending Dial)

Sixth Amended Public Health Order 20-36 and FAQs (2/5/21) (establishing Dial 2.0)

Executive Order D 2021-047 (2/23/21) (amending, extending Dial Framework)

Eighth Amended Public Health Order 20-36 and Summary of Changes (3/7/21) 

Safer at Home Industry Guidance

Dial Dashboard (including search function) and Local Variances



Stepped back to Phase 2.1 as of 11/6/20

Restrictions to begin easing as of 3/19/21

Announcement re: Phase 2.1 Effective 11/6/20 (11/2/20)

Executive Order No. 9K (11/5/20) (repeal of municipal authority; restrictions)

Executive Order No. 9L (11/9/20) (extension of current orders to 2/9/21)

Advisory: Stay at Home Curfew (11/5/20)

Updated Sector Rules for Sports, Gyms, etc. (11/20/20)

Executive Oder No. 9N (11/24/20) (increased fines for business violations)

Executive Order No. 9R (12/16/20) (catering provisions)

Executive Order No. 10 (2/4/21) (extending certain provisions)

Announcement re: Capacity at Commercial Event Venues (2/16/21)

Announcement re: Plan to Ease Restrictions (3/4/21)

County COVID-19 Alert Map (updated weekly)

Latest Guidance Summarizing Status

Full List of Sector Rules and Self-Certification for Reopening 



Stay at Home advisory and additional mitigation measures in place 

Business capacity restrictions eased as of 2/19/21

Revised Summary of Phase Two (6/19/20)

Phase Two General and Industry-Specific Guidelines

Reopening Status and All Guidance

Announcement re: Stay at Home Advisory, Mask Update (12/3/20)

4th Revision to 27th Modification (12/10/20) (Stay at Home, enhanced measures) 

5th Revision to 27th Modification (1/8/21) (Stay at Home; restaurant/bar curfew lifted)

6th Revision to 27th Modification (2/4/21) (expanding business capacity on 2/12/21)

7th Revision to 27th Modification (2/19/21) (further relaxing business capacity)

27th Modification of State of Emergency (rev. 2/19/21) (as amended)


District of Columbia

Modified Phase Two with mitigation measures in place as of 11/25/20, as amended 

Restrictions easing as of 3/22/21

Amended Phase Two Order (10/7/20)

Emergency Workplace Safety Protections - D.C. Act 23-488 / B 23-0980 (11/16/20)

Announcement re: Modified Phase Two and Modified Mayor's Order 2020-119  (11/23/20)

Mayor's Order 2020-123 - Modifications re: Physical Activity (12/7/20)

Mayor's Order 2020-126 - Modification re: Gatherings/Clarifying Occupancy Caps (12/16/20)

Mayor's Order 2020-127 - Pause on Indoor Activities, Telework Requirement (12/18/20)

Mayor's Order 2021-004 - Pause Extended (1/11/21)

Announcement re: Pause Expiring, Indoor Dining Resumes (1/21/21)

Announcement re: Restrictions Easing on 3/22/21 (3/15/21)

Updated Phase Two Information and Guidelines (some rev. 3/3/21)



Phase 3

Executive Order 20-244 (9/25/20) (Phase 3; restaurants)

Executive Order 20-297 (11/24/20) (extending Order 20-244)

All COVID-19-Related Orders



Amended Empowering a Healthy Georgia phase in effect 3/1/21 to 3/15/21

Some restrictions relaxed in order effective from 3/16/21 to 3/31/21

Announcement re: Safety Promise Campaign (7/6/20)

Executive Order (, extension to 1/31/21)

Executive Order (, extension to 2/15/21)

Executive Order (, amending and extending to 2/28/21)

Executive Order (, amending and extending to 3/15/21)

Executive Order (, amending and effective to 3/31/21)

Guidelines for Businesses



Act with Care Stage of Reopening Framework

Fourteenth Proclamation (10/13/20)

Fifteenth Proclamation (11/16/20)

Sixteenth Proclamation (11/23/20) (amending travel program)

Seventeenth Proclamation (12/16/20) (amending quarantine)

Hawaii COVID-19 Page; and Travel Information and Approved Travel Partners

Safe Travels Digital Platform

Eighteenth Proclamation (2/12/21) (effetive through 4/13/21)



Advanced to Stage 3 of Idaho Rebounds framework as of 2/2/21

Public Health Order re: Step Back to Modified Stage 3 (10/26/20)

Public Health Order re: Step Back to Modified Stage 2 (11/13/20)

Public Health Order re: Extending, Amending Stage 2 (12/30/20)

Announcement re: Move to Stage 3 (2/2/21) 

Stage 3 Stay Healthy Guidelines (2/2/21) (rescinds prior order)

Business-specific protocols for opening and stages of reopening



Mitigation measures in place

All regions currently in Phase 4 of the reopening framework

Phase 4 Industry-Specific Guidance

Updated Mitigation Plan (1/15/21)

Executive Order 2021-03 (1/19/21) (metrics for progression)

Announcement re: Progress for Regions 6 and 7 (1/21/21)

Announcement re: Regions 1 and 2 Move to Phase 4 (1/25/21)

Announcements re: Region 7, Region 10, Region 11 to Phase 4 (2/2/21)

Announcement re: Regions 8 and 9 Move to Phase 4 (2/3/21)

Announcement re: Region 4 Move to Phase 4 on 2/4/21 (2/4/21)

Executive Order 2021-04 (2/5/21) (reissuing prior orders)

Executive Order 2021-05 (3/5/21) (reissuing prior orders)

Regional Phase Dashboard

General Business Toolkit (posters, checklists, etc.)

All COVID-Related Executive Orders and Proclamations



Modified order, reduced mitigation measures, in place through 3/31/21

Return to Work Guidance Letter

What's Open, What's Closed?

Back on Track General & Industry Guidelines

Executive Order 20-48 - Mitigation and County-Specific Framework (11/13/20)

Executive Order 20-50 (12/10/20) - Extension, Modification 

Executive Order 20-53 (12/31/20) - Extension, Modification of Order 20-50

Executive Order 21-01 (1/22/21) - Extension, Modification of Order 20-50

Executive Order 21-02 (1/28/21) - Modified Restrictions; Summary of Guidelines

Executive Order 21-06 (2/25/21) - Extension through 3/31/21

Summary of Mitigation Measures 3/1/21 to 3/31/21

Map of County Status



Mitigation measures eased as of 2/7/21

Proclamation and Summary (extending emergency and imposing mitigation measures) (11/10/20)

Proclamation and Summary (mitigation measures) (11/16/20)

Proclamation (amending mitigation measures) (11/18/20)

Proclamation and Summary (amending, extending mitigation measures) (12/9/20)

Proclamation and Summary (modifying mitigation measures) (12/16/20)

Proclamation (modifying, easing mitigation measures) (1/7/21)

Proclamation and Summary (relaxing several mitgation measures) (2/5/21)

Proclamation (extending emergency) (3/5/21)

Iowa Department of Public Health Reopening Guidance



No statewide mitigation measures

Announcement re: Modified Phase 2 (5/19/20)

Executive Order No. 20-34 (5/19/20)

Announcement re: Expiration of Ad Astra Emergency Declaration (5/26/20)

Announcement re: SB 14 Enacted - Extending Emergency (1/25/21)



Enhanced mitigation measures in place as of 12/14/20

Some industries may increase capacity to 60%

Minimum Requirements for All Entities

Executive Order 2020-968 (11/18/20) (Mitigation Measures)

Recommended Actions for Red Zone CountiesIncidence Rate Maps

Announcement re: New Public Health Restrictions as of 12/14/20 (12/10/20)

Executive Order 2020-1034 (12/11/20) (Extending, Amending Mitigation Measures)

Announcement re: 18 Industries May Increase Capacity (3/1/21)

Announcement re: Expanded Capacity for Child Care Facilities (3/15/21)

Kentucky Healthy at Work Site (Benchmarks, Calendar, All Industry Guidelines, All Executive Orders, etc.)



Move to Phase 3, restrictions eased as of 3/3/21

Proclamation 158-JBE-2020 (11/5/20) (Phase 3 Extended)

Proclamation 168-JBE-2020 (11/24/20) (Step Back to Modified Phase 2)

Proclamation 209-JBE-2020 (12/22/20) (Extending Modified Phase 2)

Proclamation 6-JBE-2021 (1/12/21) (Extending Modified Phase 2)

Proclamation 17-JBE-2021 (2/11/21) (Extending Modified Phase 2)

Proclamation 29-JBE-2021 (3/2/21) (Moving into Phase 3)

Guidance - Can This Business Open?

Louisiana Department of Health News and Orders

Link to Register with Open Safely LA

List of Louisiana State Fire Marshal (Open Safely LA) Guidance for All Industries



Reopening paused and partial closure in effect

Moving Maine Forward plan easing capacity limits as of 3/26/21

Executive Order No. 14FY20/21 (Phase Four) and Announcement (10/6/20) 

Announcement re: Mitigation Measures, Update to Keep Maine Healthy (11/2/20)

Announcement re: Business Early Closures (11/19/20)

Announcement re: Extension of Early Closures (12/4/20)

Announcement re: Indefinite Extension of Early Closures (12/30/20)

Announcement re: Early Closures Ending 2/1 (1/28/21)

Executive Order No. 31FY20/21 (limits on houses of worship)

Executive Order No. 35 FY 20/21 (Moving Maine Forward plan; travel update) (3/5/21)

Maine CDC FAQs

COVID-19 Prevention Checklists for Businesses Reopening (updated 2/12/21)



Mitigation measures in place

Restrictions eased as of 3/12/21

Executive Order 20-11-10-01 (11/10/20) (Mitigation Measures) and Health Guidance

Executive Order 20-11-17-01 (11/17/20) (Stricter Mitigation Measures)

Advisory re: Gatherings & Travel (12/17/20)

Announcement re: Lifting Early Closure of Bars and Restaurants 2/1 (1/28/21)

Executive Order 21-01-28-01 (1/28/21) (Lifting Restaurant Curfew)

Executive Order 21-03-09-02 (3/9/21) (Adult Day care Centers)

Executive Order 21-03-09-01 (3/9/21) (Lifting Restrictions) and Amended Health Guidance (MDH No. 2021-03-09-01)

Back to Business: Industry-Specific Guidelines for Reopening Businesses

General Business Best Practices



Phase III, Step 2 began 3/1/21

COVID-19 Order No. 57 - Gatherings Restrictions (12/8/20)

COVID-19 Order No. 58 - Roll Back to Phase III, Step I (12/8/20)

COVID-19 Order No. 59 - Mitigation Measures 12/26/20 to 1/10/21 - Gatherings & Business Capacity (12/22/20)

COVID-19 Order No. 60 - Extending Mitigation Measures to 1/24/21 (1/7/21)

COVID-19 Order No. 62 - Extends Capacity Limits, Lifts Some Restrictions (1/21/21)

COVID-19 Order No. 63 - Raising Capacity Limits to 40%; Maintaining Phase III, Step I (2/4/21)

COVID-19 Order No. 65 - Returning State to Phase III, Step 2 on 3/1/21  (2/25/21)

Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Orders

When can my business reopen?

Sector-specific Protocols and Best Practices

Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces

Emergency COVID-19 Workplace Regulations



Restrictions easing, updated order in effect as of 3/5/21

All Michigan COVID-19 Executive Orders

On October 2, 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court invalidated a number of Governor Whitmer's orders. The state health department (MDHHS) and MIOSHA have subsequently issued public health orders and emergency rules to reinstate most of the prior workplace safety requirements.

MIOSHA Emergency Rules and Related Materials (10/14/20)

HB 6032 (Antiretaliation protections/post-exposure return to work protocol) (10/22/20); amended by SB 1258 (12/30/20)

COVID-19 Workplace Safety Guidance Site

Keeping a Safe Workplace

Updated MDHHS Gatherings and Face Masks Order (effective 2/8/21); Gatherings Infographic; Sports Infographic (2/4/21); Sports Guidance (2/8/21)

Updated MDHHS Gatherings and Face Masks Order (effective 3/5/21 to 4/19/21); Gatherings Infographic; Capacity Limits Sheet; Outdoor Seating Graphic (3/2/21)

All MDHHS COVID-19 Orders



Additional restrictions eased as of 2/12/21

Series of changes, relaxing restrictions, taking effect on 3/15/21, 4/1/21, and 4/15/21

Executive Order 20-99 ("Four-Week Dial Back") and Summary (11/18/20)

Executive Order 20-103 (extending, modifying Order 20-99) (12/16/20)

Executive Order 20-104 (pools) (12/23/20)

Executive Order 21-01 (easing restrictions) (1/6/21)

Executive Order 21-07 (further easing restrictions) (2/12/21)

Executive Order 21-11 (easing additional restrictions) (3/12/21)

Guidance on Safely Reopening Minnesota Businesses

Stay Safe MN Industry Guidance Library

COVID Preparedness Plan Information



Most restrictions are no longer mandatory

Executive Order 1530 - Safe Recovery Extension & County Update (11/10/20)

Executive Order 1532 - 19 Additional Higher Risk Counties (11/24/20)

Executive Order 1533 - 13 Additional Higher Risk Counties (12/1/20)

Executive Order 1535 - Renewing Safe Recovery Order (12/9/20)

Executive Order 1542 - Extending Safe Recovery Order to 2/3/21 (1/15/21)

Executive Order 1543 - Extending, Amending Safe Recovery Order (2/3/21)

Executive Order 1549 - Converting Requirements into Recommendations; Lifting Restrictions (3/2/21)

Mississippi State Department of Health Guidance for Individuals and Businesses



No statewide mitigation measures

Phase 1 Extension Order (5/28/20) and Announcement

Executive Order 20-12 - Phase 2 (6/11/20) and Announcement



Restrictions further eased as of 2/12/21

Executive Order No. 2-2021 (reestablishing emergency) (1/13/21)

Directive Implementing Executive Order No. 2-2021 (easing restrictions as of 1/15/21) (1/13/21)

Updated Directive Implementing Executive Order No. 2-2021 (superseding prior orders, eliminating phased approach, easing restrictions)

Montana COVID FAQs Page



Currently in Green phase, through 3/31/21

Announcement re: Phased Approach to Future Mitigation Steps (11/13/20) and Summary

Announcement re: Move to "Yellow" Phase (12/11/20)

Announcement re: Move to "Blue" Phase (12/23/20)

Announcement re: Move to "Green" Phase (1/29/21)

State Overview and DHHS COVID-19 Site

COVID-19 Nebraska Guidance Documents

All County Directed Health Measures with Effective Dates (updated 2/26/21)

Summary Table of Color-Coded Phases



Roadmap to Recovery framework effective 2/15/21

Restrictions further eased on 3/15/21 as planned, with a transition to local control on 5/1/21

Updated Guidance for Safe Gatherings (10/15/20)

Updated Screening Guides (for Employees, Visitors) & Signage

Task Force Assessments

Announcement re: Statewide Pause Mitigation Measures (11/22/20); Matrix and Infographic

Directive 035 - Pause Order (11/24/20)

Announcement re: Pause Mitigation Measures Extended (12/13/20)

Announcement re: Extending Mitigation Measures Another 30 Days (1/11/21)

Announcement re: New 75-Day Roadmap to Recovery Framework and Infographic (2/11/21)

Current Status: Mitigation Measures (rev. 2/15/21)

Directive 037 - Roadmap to Recovery Plan (2/14/21)

Directive 038 - School, Sports Protocols (2/17/21)

Directive 039 - Sporting Activities (3/2/21)

Directive 040 - Venue Capacities, Protocols (3/5/21)

Directive 041 - Large Gatherings (3/12/21)

Local Transition Plan Guidance (3/4/21)

Governor Directives and Declarations


New Hampshire

Paused in Safer at Home through 3/26/21

Emergency Order #72 (11/14/20) (extending Safer at Home to 1/15/21)

Executive Order 2020-24 (12/11/20) (extending prior orders)

Executive Order 2020-25 (1/1/21) (extending prior orders)

Emergency Order #82 (1/15/21) (extending Safer at Home to 3/26/21)

Executive Order 2021-04 (3/5/21 (extending state of emergency)

Universal and Industry-Specific Business Guidance under Safer at Home Order

Safer at Home Schedule with General and Specific Guidance (updated 1/12/21)


New Jersey

Restrictions on indoor and outdoor gatherings, and capacity limits, further easing as of 3/19/21

Executive Order No. 192 - Workplace Safety Standards (10/28/20)

Executive Order No. 200 (Extending Emergency and Prior Orders) (11/22/20)

Executive Order No. 204 (Indoor Gatherings, Sports Restricted) (11/30/20)

Administrative Order re: Outdoor Performances Adjacent to Venue (12/5/20)

Administrative Order re: Indoor Sports (12/31/20)

Executive Order No. 219 (Easing Limits for Indoor Venues) (2/3/21)

Executive Order No. 220 (Youth Sports) (2/12/21)

Executive Order No. 225 (Religious Services; Sports Events) (2/22/21)

Executive Order No. 228 (Wedding Receptions) (3/3/21)

Executive Order No. 230 (Restrictions Easing on 3/19/21) (3/11/21)

New Jersey FAQ with Reopening Schedule and Guidance, and All FAQs


New Mexico

County-specific framework with mitigation measures in place 

Announcement re: County-Specific Risk System; Summary; County Map; FAQs (11/27/20)

Public Health Order - Extending Provisions, Red to Green Framework (12/30/20)

Announcement re: County Level Updates (1/27/21)

Public Health Order - Extending, Amending Provisions, Red to Green Framework (1/29/21) 

Executive Order 2021-004 (renewing health emergency) (2/5/21)

Public Health Order - Modifying Red to Green Framework to Add Turquoise (2/24/21)

Executive Order 2021-010 (renewing health emergency to 4/2/21) (3/5/21)

Announcement re: County Level Updates (2/24/21)

All COVID Public Health and Executive Orders

Department of Health Safe Practices Site

New Mexico Safe Certification Training Program

County-Level Dashboard / Red to Green Framework Site (updated 2/22/21)


New York

Mitigation measures in place 

Micro-Cluster Strategy

Executive Order 202.68 (10/6/20) (Cluster Action & Penalties)

Phase Three Overview and Guidance

Phase Four Overview and Guidance

Regional Map and Status of Regional Reopening

Micro-Cluster Strategy Details and Guidance, FAQs, and Address Look Up

Maps of Current Micro-Clusters

Announcement re: Sports and Entertainment Arenas Reopening (2/10/21)

Executive Order 202.94 (restaurants/bars open until 11:00 p.m.) (2/14/21)

Announcement re: Indoor Recreational Activities/Camps (2/17/21)

Announcement re: NYC Indoor Dining Expands (2/19/21)

Announcement re: Easing Restrictions - Movie Theaters, Pool Halls, Events (2/22/21)

Announcement re: Easing Limits on Gatherings, Event Venues (3/3/21)

Announcement re: Expanded Restaurant Capacity Outside NYC (3/7/21)

Announcement re: Expanded Restaurant Capacity in NYC as of 3/19/21 (3/10/21)

Announcement re: Leave Time for Vaccinations (3/12/21)

Announcement re: Wedding Receptions/Catered Events Resume Statewide and Guidance (3/15/21)


North Carolina

Modified Stay at Home in place through 2/25/21

Amended order in effect from 2/26/21 through 3/26/21

Announcement re: Color-Coded County Alert Advisory System (11/17/20)

Executive Order No. 181 (Modified Stay at Home) and FAQs (12/8/20)

Executive Order No. 183 (Mixed Drinks To-Go) and FAQs (12/21/20)

Executive Order No. 188 (Stay at Home Extension) and Secretarial Directive (1/6/21)

Executive Order No. 189 (Stay at Home Extension) and FAQs (1/27/21)

Executive Order No. 190 (Renewing Mixed Drinks To-Go) and FAQs (1/27/21)

Executive Order No. 195 (Easing Restrictions, Lifting Modified Stay at Home) and FAQs (2/24/21)

Businesses and Employers Guidance

Count on Me NC Training

All DHHS Guidance 


North Dakota

Statewide risk level currently at Green

Executive Order 2020-43.3 (12/21/20) (lifting service hours limit for restaurants, bars)

Announcement re: Move to Yellow Risk Level on 1/8/21 (1/4/21)

Executive Order 2020-43.4 (1/7/21)

Updated Standards for All Industries (1/7/21)

Executive Order 2020-43.5 (1/16/21) (lifting capacity limits for restaurants, bars)

Announcement re: Statewide Move to Green Risk Level (1/27/21)

ND Smart Restart Protocols

ND Smart Restart Employer/Employee FAQs

All Executive Orders 



Mitigation measures in place

Announcement re: Gradual Easing of Curfew (1/25/21); and Curfew FAQs

Director's Order - Amended Stay at Home Tonight (1/27/21)

Addendum to Director's Order - Reopening Self-Service Food Stations (2/11/21)

Announcement re: Restrictions Easing for Sporting and Entertainment Venues (2/25/21)

Amended Director's Order to Limit and/or Prohibit Mass Gatherings (3/2/21)

Addendum to Director's Order re: Sports and Entertainment Venues (3/2/21)

Announcement re: Metric for Lifting Health Orders (3/4/21)

Announcement re: Youth Sports and County Fairs Guidance (3/11/21)

Director's Order Reopening Fairs and Animal Exhibitions (3/11/21)

Addendum to Director's Order re: Youth, Amateur, Professional Sports & Extracurriculars (3/15/21)

Sector-Specific Operating Requirements

Color-Coded Health Advisory System Map and Ohio Public Health Orders



Statewide measures lifted 3/12/21 with expiration of prior order

Announcement re: Entering Phase 3 on June 1 (5/29/20)

Announcement re: Mitigation Measures and Seventh Amended Executive Order 2020-20 (11/16/20)

8th Amended Executive Order 2020-20 (12/14/20) - Mitigation Measures

9th Amended Executive Order 2020-20 (1/13/21) - Easing Measures

Executive Order 2021-07 (2/12/21) - Extending Emergency for 23 Days

Open Up and Recovery Safely (OURS) Plan – General and Industry-Specific Recommendations

Color-Coded Alert System and Dashboard (updated each Friday)



Risk and Protection County-Specific Framework with mitigation measures in place 

County levels assigned for 3/12/21 through 3/25/21

General Guidance for Employers on COVID-19 and FAQs

Phase 2 Guidance

Updated Announcement re: County Level Adjustments and List (1/26/21)

Oregon Health Authority Guidance and FAQs

Oregon OSHA Final Temporary COVID-19 Workplace Safety RulesSummary Table, and More

Safety Rules - Fact Sheet (provisions effective 11/16/20) and Fact Sheet (provisions effective later) 

Updated Sector Guidance for Eating and Drinking Establishments (1/29/21)

County Status and Phase Information - Table and Map

Announcement re: County Level Adjustments Effective 2/12/21 and List (2/9/21)

Announcement re: County Level Adjustments Effective 2/26/21 and List (2/24/21)

Announcement re: Modification to County Designations Process - Extreme Risk (3/4/21)

Announcement re: County Level Adjustments Effective 3/12/21 and List (3/9/21)



Reopening paused and mitigation measures in effect

Occupancy limits increased as of 3/1/21

Restrictions further easing as of 4/4/21

Executive Order and Public Health Order, Indoor Dining and Self-Certification (9/17/20)

Restaurant Self-Certification Portal and FAQs

Responding to COVID-19 Business Guidance Materials

Amended Executive Order re: Mitigation, Enforcement, Immunity (12/10/20)

Executive Order and Public Health Order and FAQs - Limited-Time Mitigation (12/10/20)

Announcement: Limited-Time Mitigation Will Expire 1/4/21 (12/30/20)

Amended Executive Order re: Mitigation, Enforcement, Immunity (3/1/21)

Amendment to Public Health Mitigation and Enforcement Order (3/1/21)

Announcement re: Capacity Limits/Restaurant Restrictions Easing (3/15/21)

Current Mitigation Status


Puerto Rico

Mitigation measures in place

Mitigation Measures Effective 11/16 to 12/11 (11/13/20)

Mitigation Measures Effective 12/7 to 1/7/21 (12/3/20)

Some Restrictions Eased as of 1/8/21 (1/5/21)

Executive Order 2021-010 (1/5/21)

Announcement re: Curfew, Business Hours Limit Eased (2/4/21)

Executive Order 2021-019 (3/11/21)

All Executive Orders (typically available in Spanish only)


Rhode Island

Capacity limits eased under latest Protecting Your Household order 

Additional restrictions easing as of 3/12/21 and 3/19/21

Updated Phase III Guidance for Break Rooms and Workplace Common Areas (10/15/20); Related Regulations

Executive Order 21-05 - Extending Protecting Your Household to 2/18/21 (1/15/21)

Executive Order 21-07 - Amending Protecting Your Household (1/20/21)

Executive Order 21-09 - Lifting Early Closures for Businesses; Extending Phase (1/29/21)

Executive Order 21-11 - Easing Capacity Restrictions (2/5/21)

Executive Order 21-13 - Easing Gathering Limits; Allowing Service in Bar Areas (2/12/21)

Executive Order 21-16 - Extending Assorted Prior Orders (2/23/21)

Executive Order 21-18 - Amended Protecting Your Household (2/25/21)

Announcement re: Capacity Limits Easing (3/4/21)

Executive Order 21-22 - Amending and Restating Protecting Your Household (3/5/21)

Executive Order 21-24 - Easing Some Restrictions (3/12/21)

Updated Business FAQs

All Executive Orders

Sector-Specific Guidelines, Posters and More available here; other information here


South Carolina

Restrictions eased as of 3/1/21

Updated Guidance for Mass Gatherings/Large Community Events (10/15/20)

Executive Order 2020-73 (11/25/20) (extending mitigation measures)

Executive Order 2021-03 (1/7/21) (extending Order 2020-73)

Executive Order 2021-07 (1/22/21) (extending Order 2020-73)

Executive Order 2021-08 (2/6/21) (further extending Order 2020-73)

Executive Order 2021-10 (2/21/21) (further extension)

Executive Order 2021-11 (3/1/21) (easing restrictions on alcohol service, gatherings)

Executive Order 2021-12 (3/5/21) (updating protocols for restaurants)

Department of Health and Environment Control Guidance

Reopening Guidelines Available from accelerateSC


South Dakota

No statewide mitigation measures

Executive Order 2020-20 (4/28/20)

Executive Order 2020-26 (5/26/20)

Executive Order 2020-34 (12/18/20)

Department of Health Employer Recommendations and Other Guidance, Checklists, available here



Social gathering and sports restrictions eased

Announcement re: Lifting of Restrictions (9/29/20) 

Executive Order 63 (9/29/20)

Tennessee Pledge Business Guidelines (general and industry-specific) (updated 10/2/20)

Executive Order 70 (social gatherings limited) (12/20/20)

Executive Order 73 (extending numerous prior orders) (12/22/20)

Executive Order 74 (easing some restrictions) (1/19/21)

Executive Order 75 (suspending Order 74 as of 2/1/21) (1/28/21)



Reopening order in effect as of  3/10/21 

Executive Order GA-30 (9/17/20) (Expanded Reopening Steps)

Executive Order GA-32 (10/7/20) (Bars/Business Expanded Reopening)

All Reopening Checklists by Business Type

Full List of Health Protocols

Proclamation (Extending Disaster Declaration) (2/4/21)

Executive Order GA-34 (3/2/21) (Lifting Capacity Limits, Restrictions) and EO GA-34 Info Page

Proclamation (Extending Disaster Declaration) (3/6/21)



Reopening paused; Transmission Index Framework in place

Amended order in effect through 3/25/21

State and Local Orders and Directives

Public Health Order 2020-19 (10/15/20) (Transmission Area Restrictions) and FAQs

Public Health Order 2020-20 (10/29/20) (Amended Transmission Area Restrictions)

Announcement re: Additional Updates and Public Health Order 2020-24 (11/12/20) (gathering limits, extracurriculars, etc.)

Executive Order 2020-75 (11/12/20)

Public Health Order 2020-25 (11/20/20) (Extension of Restrictions)

Public Health Order 2020-26 (12/8/20) (Extension, Mask Requirements)

Public Health Order 2020-27 (12/17/20) (Amended Alcohol Sales Rules)

COVID-19 Business Manual (updated 12/7/20)

Public Health Order 2021-3 (1/21/21) (Extension)

Public Health Order 2021-5 (2/22/21) (Extending and Amending Transmission Index Framework)

Transmission Index Framework: Overview and County Map (updated regularly); Summary of Guidance at All Levels (updated 2/22/21)



Mitigation measures in place through 3/15/21

Addendum 8 to Amended Executive Order 01-20 - Mitigation Measures/Bar Closures (11/13/20)

Revised Addendum 8 to Amended Executive Order 01-20 (11/20/20)

Addendum 9 to Amended Executive Order 01-20 - Extending Prior Orders to 1/15/21 (12/15/20)

Announcement re: Restriction on Multi-Household Gatherings (12/22/20)

Addendum 10 to Amended Executive Order 01-20 - Extending Prior Orders to 2/15/21 (1/15/21)

Addendum 11 to Amended and Restated Executive Order 01-20 - Extending Prior Orders to 3/15/21 (2/15/21)

Announcement re: Changes to Travel and Gatherings Protocols (2/23/21)

ACCD Resource Center: All Sector Specific Guidance

VOSHA COVID-19 Safety Training

Updated Interpretive Health Guidance from Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) (revised 3/12/21; revisions appear in red)



Capacity limits eased as of 3/1/21

Announcement re: Labor Standards Approved (7/15/20) and Related Guidance Materials (7/24/20)

Announcement re: Added Mitigation Measures and Executive Order No. 72 (12/10/20)

Guidelines for All Business Sectors, including Phase Three Guidelines

Final, Permanent Workplace Safety Standards (effective 1/27/21); and more information here

Amended Executive Order No. 72 (Extension of Mitigation Measures to 2/28/21) (1/27/21)

Second Amended Executive Order No. 72 (Amending re: Recreational Sports) (2/17/21)

Third Amended Executive Order No. 72 (Easing Capacity Limits) (2/24/21)



Regional framework in effect as of 1/11/21

All regions paused and remaining in Phase 2

All regions will progress to Phase 3 on 3/22/21

Proclamation 20-46.2 re: High-Risk Employees – Workers’ Rights  and Memo re: Proclamation 20-46.2 (7/29/20)

Proclamation 20-25.12 - Healthy Washington, Roadmap to Recovery (1/11/21); and Summary

Announcement re: All Regions Remain in Phase 1 (1/22/21)

DOH and Governor Announcements re: Changes to Roadmap Framework (1/28/21)

Announcement re: Regional Status in Effect as of 2/14/21 (2/11/21) and Update re: South Central Region (2/14/21)

Updated Guidance for Food Workers & Food Establishments (2/12/21)

Announcement re: All Regions Pause in Phase 2 (2/26/21)

Announcement re: All Regions Will Progress to Phase 3 (3/11/21)

What's Open in Each Phase?

Business Signage Toolkit

Safe Start Plans and Guidance

Washington Department of Labor & Industries COVID-19 Page, with Workplace Requirements and More 

Roadmap to Recovery Metrics and Dashboard

All COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Businesses and Workers


West Virginia

Restrictions further eased as of 3/6/21

Executive Order 70-20 (9/15/20) - Adding "Gold" Category; Gathering Limits

Executive Order 74-20 (10/5/20) - Live Performances

Supplemental Safety Protocols for Bar Reopenings in Monongalia County

Announcement re: Reopening of Monongalia County Bars (10/9/20)

County Alert System

Executive Order 80-20 (11/13/20) - Winter Sports Prohibition

Executive Order 5-21 (2/19/21) - Live Indoor Music

Executive Order 6-21 (2/19/21) - Social Gatherings; Restaurants and Bars

Announcement re: Small Businesses and Retail/Grocery Capacity Increased (2/19/21)

Executive Order 8-21 (3/5/21) - Relaxing Capacity Limits

Latest Updates and All Guidance for Businesses (updated 2/19/21)



No statewide business mitigation measures

Executive Order #94 (11/10/20) (stay home advisory)

Executive Order #104 (1/19/21) (renewing emergency)

Emergency Order No. 1 (1/19/21) (face coverings)

Executive Order #105 (2/4/21) (renewing emergency)

Emergency Order No. 1 (2/4/21) (face coverings)

WEDC Industry-Specific Reopen Guidelines



Additional restrictions easing, with amended orders effective 3/1/21 through 3/15/21

Order #3 lifted as of 3/1/21

Restrictions easing further as of 3/16/21

Amended Health Order re: Public Spaces (Order #1) (2/11/21)

Amended Health Order re: Public Gatherings (Order #2) (2/11/21)

Amended Health Order re: Personal Services (Order #3) (2/11/21)

Updated Health Order re: Public Spaces (Order #1) (2/25/21)

Updated Health Order re: Public Gatherings (Order #2) (2/25/21)

State Public Health Orders and Guidance, County Orders, County Variances (some guidance updated 2/15/21)

Announcement re: Restrictions Lifting on 3/16/21 (3/8/21)

Announcement re: Amended Orders Released (3/12/21)

Public Health Order re: Child Care and Education (formerly Order #1) (3/12/21)  

Public Health Order re: Large Indoor Events of More than 500 People (formerly Order #2) (3/12/21)  

Interactive Map of County Variances


--> Scroll to see full table data

Because the COVID-19 situation is dynamic, with new governmental measures each day, employers should consult with counsel for the latest developments and updated general and industry-specific guidance.

DISCLAIMER: Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations. Attorney Advertising.

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