Building Inspections in the Denver Metro Area During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

As counties and municipalities react to the outbreak of COVID-19, the typical development process is disrupted. Some jurisdictions have chosen only to suspend building inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units, while others have suspended all building inspections except on an emergency basis. Some jurisdictions are also exploring the use of video and photo technology to perform remote building inspections, and at least one jurisdiction has promulgated detailed instructions for the performance of a remote building inspection (see Centennial below). This client alert summarizes the approach of the counties and major municipalities in the Denver and Boulder metro areas to building inspections during the COVID-19 outbreak. All data is based on self-reporting by the counties and municipalities, and individual experiences may vary.

Click here for a PDF of the full chart.




Adams County

Adams County website link

  • Inspections continue on a priority schedule, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • Owners and contractors of occupied home projects have the option to use a third-party inspector or inspection company according to a temporary third-party inspection policy in place until April 20.

Arapahoe County

Arapahoe County website link

Arapahoe County permitting and inspections

  • Inspections are suspended.
  • The website provides contact information for inspection questions or emergency inspection needs and to obtain approval for third-party inspections.

Boulder County

Boulder County website link

  • Inspections are suspended.
  • In some limited situations, inspectors may assist customers by phone with the help of photos and video technologies.

City and County of Broomfield

Broomfield website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • No contractors or subcontractors may be in the vicinity of the area to be inspected.
  • Beginning Monday, March 30, 2020, commercial electrical inspections will only be performed Wednesday through Friday.

City and County of Denver

Denver website link

  • Inspections continue.
  • Inspectors are available by phone and email but will not offer in-person office hours in the morning.

Douglas County

Douglas County building inspections

Douglas County website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • Inspectors will attempt to perform remote inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units using remote video technology.

Jefferson County

Jefferson County website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.


Arvada website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • Inspections are expressly limited to those related to new construction and those needed to restore electrical and gas utilities.


Aurora website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.


Boulder website link

  • Inspections are suspended, except for emergency inspections including:
    • Inspections necessary for critical facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, fire, police;
    • Inspections to restore interruptions of essential utilities; and
    • Inspections to address structural concerns from incidents such as explosions and fires.
  • Exterior weatherization of building envelopes included with issued permits may be performed, provided digital pictures and an affidavit of compliance are provided once offices reopen.
  • Existing appliances necessary for sanitation and health (e.g., water heaters, furnaces) may be replaced when necessary and permits and inspections obtained once offices reopen.


Centennial - Schedule a building inspection

Remote inspection guidelines

  • Inspections continue, except that in-person inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • Remote inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units continue. Detailed instructions for remote inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units have been promulgated.


Lakewood website link

  • Inspections continue, except that:
    • Inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are limited to inspections needed to move projects forward and for which access to the work area is directly from the outside.
    • Only one person may accompany the inspector.
    • Final inspections and inspections that require walking through the home are suspended.
    • Inspections on large projects and unoccupied residential units may only be performed if the area to be inspected is clear of workers.


Thornton website link

  • Inspections continue, except that:
    • New commercial inspections will only be performed when the structure is vacated.
    • Inspections of new commercial structures may only be performed in-person. Such inspections may not be performed remotely.
    • New residential inspections may be performed remotely or in person with a preference for remote video/photo.
    • In-person inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended except for those specifically related to safety/health.
    • Remote inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units may be performed.


Westminster website link

  • Inspections continue.
  • The website notes that staff are working remotely. The inspections team must be emailed for information about individual inspections.


Brighton website link

  • Inspections continue.
  • The inspector will bring plans to the initial inspection and may reschedule based on staffing levels or health risks.

Castle Rock

Castle Rock website link

  • Inspections continue.
  • Inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units will be done remotely.


Columbine website link

  • Inspections continue on a limited basis: twice per week on Tuesdays and Fridays, 9am‒11am. Inspections must be scheduled 48 hours in advance.
  • All contractors must vacate the site during inspection.

Commerce City

Commerce City website link

  • Inspections continue.
  • Buildings must be vacant at the time of inspection.
  • Exterior inspections require a six-foot separation between the inspector and anyone else on-site.


Englewood website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • Contractors must vacate the site upon arrival.
  • Emergency inspections of occupied residential dwelling units will be performed, if there is limited contact with the inspector.


Erie website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units for purposes of basement finish or interior remodel/renovation are suspended.

Federal Heights

Federal Heights website link

  • Inspections continue.


Golden website link

  • Interior inspections are suspended. Outdoor inspections continue.

Greenwood Village

Greenwood Village building permits and inspections

Greenwood Village building update

  • Inspections are suspended except that:
    • In-person interior inspections of occupied or unoccupied commercial or residential structures may be performed if the space is vacated or there is an emergency of life safety situation; and
    • Some inspections may be conducted remotely via video/photo.

Highlands Ranch

Highlands Ranch website link

  • Inspections continue.


Lafayette website link

  • Inspections continue for all new construction where the building is not currently occupied.
  • Inspections are suspended for all occupied residential, commercial and industrial buildings.


Littleton website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • Inspections of new, unoccupied residential dwellings will only be performed if access is provided and no one is present in the structure.
  • Inspections of new and occupied commercial structures will only be performed if the structure is vacated a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the start of the inspection and for its duration.
  • City staff will maintain a social distance of at least six feet at all times when interacting with the general public.


Longmont website link

  • Inspections continue, except that inspections of the interior of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended.
  • City staff will maintain a social distance of at least six feet at all times when interacting with the general public.
  • No more than 10 persons may be gathered in a space or room.
  • Inspectors may not enter buildings with persons who have been exposed to COVID-19, and inspectors must have access to glasses and gloves.


Louisville website link

  • Inspections are suspended.
  • Remote inspections may be possible for some inspection types upon request.


Northglenn - building

Northglenn - COVID-19 actions

  • The City of Northglenn contracts its building division services through SAFEBuilt.
  • SAFEBuilt inspections continue.


Parker website link

  • Inspections continue for exterior construction and unoccupied residential and commercial structures.
  • Prior to inspection, Building Division staff will contact permit applicants or the contractor to discuss the possibility of the presence of COVID-19 on the site.


Superior website link

  • Inspections continue.

Wheat Ridge

Wheat Ridge website link

  • Inspections continue for exterior construction and unoccupied residential and commercial structures.
  • Non-essential inspections and interior inspections of occupied residential dwelling units are suspended. The website does not define non-essential or essential inspections.
  • Proof of code compliance will be determined remotely, if possible.

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Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck


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