An amendment to the emergency Coronavirus Bill means that no business will be forced out of its premises if it misses a rent payment in the next three months.
The government will continue to monitor the situation, as commercial tenants currently will be liable for rent after this three-month period. The government is also actively monitoring the impact of the measure on commercial landlords and will continue to be in dialogue with them.
In the meantime, a number of landlords and tenants continue to have voluntary discussions about rent holidays and rent reductions to work their way through the crisis.
The government hopes that, alongside £330 billion of business loans and guarantees, removing the threat of eviction will help make a real difference to businesses across the country that are trying to stay afloat.
The measures are expected to become law before the end of 25 March 2020 — a rent quarter day for many — and will last until 30 June 2020, with an option for the government to extend this deadline.