The White House and its top security advisors are regularly advised about cyberintrusions and as a result the “time has come for CEOs and Boards to take personal responsibility for improving their companies’ cyber security” according to Former White House Senior Director for Cybersecurity Sameer Bhalotra.  In the recent report from LogRhythm entitled “The Cyber Threat Risk – Oversight Guidance for CEOs and Boards” Bhalotra went to say:

Global payment systems, private customer data, critical control systems, and core intellectual property are all at risk today.

As cyber criminals step up their game, government regulators get more involved, litigators and courts wade in deeper, and the public learns more about cyber risks, corporate leaders will have to step up accordingly.

If you company does not have the CIO and CISO at the table with the CEO and Board to work on cybersecurity together, it’s time to start.

Peter S. Vogel is a trial partner at Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, where he is Chair of both the eDiscovery Practice and Internet, eCommerce, and Technology Industry Team. From 1997 until 2009, Peter served as the founding chair of the Texas Supreme Court on Judicial Committee on Information Technology, which is responsible for helping automate the Texas court system and creating the eFiling system in Texas courts.