The one question I have been asked more than any other about OSHA’s new final rule for injury and illness recordkeeping electronic submission (aka the “Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses” Rule), is whether the threshold numbers of employees that trigger data submission requirements apply corporate-wide or by individual establishment within the company.

RK Rule FRThe new recordkeeping rule requires establishments with 250 or more employees to submit to OSHA annually their OSHA 300 Logs, 301 Incident Reports, and 300A Annual Summaries, and requires establishments with 20-249 employees in certain so-called “high hazard industries” to submit to OSHA annually the information from their 300A Annual Summaries only.

The question goes to those two threshold triggers for reporting.  Specifically, do employers count the:

  1. Total number of employees across the entire company, and if that total number exceeds 20 or 249 employees, report the applicable recordkeeping data for all locations; OR
  2. Employee numbers at each individual location, and report the applicable recordkeeping data for only locations where the employee count exceeds 20 or 249?