FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 333, Professor Samuel Buell

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist
Today I am joined again by Professor Samuel Buell, from Duke University School of Law to discuss a recent paper he co-authored with Rachel Brewster entitled, “The Market for Global AntiCorruption Enforcement“. In the paper and in this podcast Professor Buell discusses the internal structural changes which took place in the 1980s and 1990s which set the stage for the explosive growth in FCPA enforcement. He then relates the changes on the domestic scene which facilitated its explosive growth. He ends by exposing the myth of the See more +
Today I am joined again by Professor Samuel Buell, from Duke University School of Law to discuss a recent paper he co-authored with Rachel Brewster entitled, “The Market for Global AntiCorruption Enforcement“. In the paper and in this podcast Professor Buell discusses the internal structural changes which took place in the 1980s and 1990s which set the stage for the explosive growth in FCPA enforcement. He then relates the changes on the domestic scene which facilitated its explosive growth. He ends by exposing the myth of the revolving door. See less -

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© Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

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Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist


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