On May 27, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority filed a revised rule proposal with the Securities and Exchange Commission to amend FINRA Rule 2210. Specifically, the revised proposal would require each member firm’s website to include a readily apparent reference and hyperlink to FINRA’s BrokerCheck on: (1) the initial webpage that the member firm intends to be viewed by retail investors; and (2) any other webpage that includes a professional profile of one or more registered persons who conduct business with retail investors. The revised proposal would not apply to a member firm that does not provide products or services to retail investors or to a directory or list of registered persons limited to names and contact information. FINRA first proposed the hyperlink rule in January 2013, but withdrew it after industry groups raised concerns.

Subsequent to the SEC’s review and approval, FINRA will announce the implementation date of the proposed rule in a Regulatory Notice.

The text of the proposed rule change is available here.