[authors: Elizabeth S. Elson, Jeffrey C. Thrope, Diane Ung]
On June 21, 2012, members of the U.S. Congress released a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report concluding that the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) does not adequately oversee grantee compliance with the federal Health Center Program requirements. The congressional representatives also sent HRSA a letter calling for immediate action to ensure more effective management of the Health Center Program. In light of this increased scrutiny, HRSA is likely to reform its oversight process and impose stricter monitoring measures on Health Center Program grantees. In enacting such reforms, it is possible that HRSA also may examine and increase monitoring of federally qualified health center (FQHC) look-alike entities under its purview, which do not receive grant funds but are required to meet Health Center Program requirements. This GAO report and congressional scrutiny follow on the heels of the recent GAO report and congressional inquiries related to HRSA’s oversight of the 340B Drug Pricing Program (see Foley’s Legal News Alert: Health Care, dated May 30, 2012, http://tinyurl.com/csygj6f) that have resulted in increased compliance enforcement efforts by HRSA. Entities participating in any programs overseen by HRSA can expect increased scrutiny and should prepare themselves by reviewing their policies and practices to ensure compliance with applicable program requirements.