Giving it Our Best Shot – Statewide Vaccination Plans (UPDATED)



Vaccine approval and administration are the next steps in the fight against COVID-19. As with nearly everything about this pandemic, guidance and action plans vary by jurisdiction, and are constantly evolving. To that end, this chart provides links to state agency websites, vaccine allocation plans, and other guidance related to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as basic vaccination plan phases.

This chart is not all-inclusive and does not cover municipalities, some of which have issued their own guidance. Nor does the chart include vaccine provider registration procedures or industry-specific guidance. The purpose of the below information is to give employers a general idea of what vaccine-related actions various jurisdictions are taking.

In addition, this post does not address other significant issues related to employee vaccinations, including potential wage and hour, discrimination, and privacy concerns. As a result, employers should consult with counsel for details on additional orders that may apply to their operations and for guidance on related legal questions.

Littler has created two comprehensive toolkits – a vaccination toolkit for all employers and one specific to healthcare and long-term facilities – to help with the array of vaccine-related issues in the workplace. 

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Basic Phases

Vaccination Website and/or Distribution Plan links


Phase 1a: the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that priority be given to healthcare personnel; long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers; persons ages 75+.

Phase 1c: persons ages 65-74; persons ages 16-64 with high-risk conditions; essential workers not included in Phase 1b.

Phase 2: all people 16+ not in Phase 1, who are recommended for vaccination.

CDC COVID-19 Vaccination website

CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Operational Guidance for Jurisdictions Playbook

CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ Interim Recommendation for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine (rev. 12/3/2020)

CDC Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS)

CDC Vaccine Tracker Dashboard

FDA COVID-19 Vaccination website

FDA Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19: Guidance for Industry (rev. 10/2020)

FDA Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19: Guidance for Industry (rev. 6/2020)

EEOC Guidance on EEO law and vaccinations

ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group Meeting PowerPoint (12/20/2020)

ACIP Recommendations for Phases 1b and 1c (12/21/2020)

Communication Toolkit for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Limited-English-Proficient Populations (rev. 12/22/2020)


Phase 1a: clinical and non‐clinical frontline health workers in hospitals, nursing homes, or those providing in‐home or mental health care directly; some outpatient settings also qualify; workers in other healthcare settings providing services with a risk of exposure to fluids and aerosols.

Phase 1b: essential workers at highest risk for work related exposure (first responders, corrections officers, food and agriculture workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, and those who work in the education or childcare sector); persons age 75 and older; persons in identified age groups at risk for COVID 19 associated morbidity and mortality; first responders, including firefighters and law enforcement;  persons working or living in congregate settings including but not limited to homeless shelters, group homes, prisons, or jails.

Phase 1c: essential workers not recommended for vaccination in Phase 1b; persons in identified age groups at risk for COVID 19 associated morbidity and mortality not included in Phase 1b; persons with high-risk medical conditions.

Phase 2: general population not included in earlier phases.


Alabama COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 11/6/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Alabama COVID-19 Vaccination Allocation Plan (rev. 1/6/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccination Provider Support site and Enrollment Portal

Alabama Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals may contact the registration hotline: COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Hotline: 1-855-566-5333. Online registration may be available at the county level.


Phase 1a, Tier 1: hospital-based frontline health care workers and hospital personnel who are frequently exposed to COVID-19 patients; long-term care facility staff and residents.

Phase 1a, Tier 2: frontline EMS and fire service personnel providing medical services; community health aides/practitioners; healthcare workers providing vaccinations.

Phase 1a, Tier 3: workers in healthcare settings at highest risk of contracting COVID-19 who are essential to the healthcare infrastructure and who regularly provide health care services that cannot be postponed or provided remotely. 

Phase 1b, Tier 1: persons age 65 and older.

Phase 1b, Tier 2: frontline essential workers age 50 years and older (including Pre-K-12 educators and school staff, childcare workers); first responders and public safety personnel; food and agriculture; grocery store workers; public transit workers, including rural aviation workers serving communities defined as essential air services, and rural cab service workers; U.S. Postal Service workers and contract rural postal workers including mail planes; utility and power workers – rural communities; and water and wastewater – rural communities; people living or working in congregate settings not covered under Phase 1a.

Phase 1b, Tier 3: persons ages 55-64; frontline essential workers with 2 or more underlying high risk health conditions; all persons age 16 and older living in unserved communities.

Phase 1b, Tier 4: persons age 50 or older with 2 or more underlying high risk health conditions; frontline essential workers not covered in previous tiers.


Alaska COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Alaska Vaccine Allocation Advisory Committee Phase 1a Recommendations (rev. 12/17/2020)

Alaska Vaccine Allocation Advisory Committee Phase 1b Recommendations (rev. 12/31/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Alaska Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals eligible to receive vaccine may schedule an appointment here.


Phase 1A: healthcare practitioners and technical occupations; healthcare support occupations; skilled nursing facility residents; assisted living, independent living, HUD senior housing; DES group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities and ICF-IIDs, and staff.

Prioritized Phase 1B: adults 75 and older; education and childcare providers; protective service occupations.

Phase 1B: adults with high-risk medical conditions living in shelters or other congregate living settings; education and childcare providers; protective service occupations; power and utility workers; food and agriculture related occupations; transportation and material moving occupations; state and local government workers that provide critical services for continuity of government; other essential workers.

Phase 1C: adults with underlying medical conditions; adults 65+; adults living in congregate settings.


Arizona COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/14/2020)

Gov. Ducey Executive Order 11/18/2020

Gov. Ducey Executive Order 12/30/2020 (requires the state health department to direct allocation and distribution of the vaccine rather than permitting counties to develop their own plans)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Arizona Vaccine and Antiviral Prioritization Advisory Committee (VAPAC) COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Recommendations (rev. 12/28/2020)

Phase 1B Essential Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Request Form

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Arizona Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1-A: at-risk healthcare workers, first responders, and essential government leaders.

Phase 1-B: persons age 70 and older; teachers, school staff, childcare workers; food and agriculture workers; firefighters and police not included in Phase 1-A; manufacturing workers; grocery workers; public transit personnel; U.S. Postal Service; essential government workers.

Phase 1-C: persons age 65 and older; persons ages 16-64 with chronic conditions putting them at risk for severe COVID-19 illness; water and wastewater workers; transportation and logistics workers; food service workers; shelter and housing workers; finance; IT and communications; energy and utilities; public safety and public health workers; media.


Arkansas COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccination Phased Plan (rev. 12/15/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Program Provider Agreement and Enrollment

Arkansas Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: persons at risk of virus exposure through their work in any role in direct healthcare or long-term care settings; residents of skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and similar long-term care settings for older or medically vulnerable individuals.

NOTE: the state has also proposed several variations for subprioritization during Phase 1A, summarized here.

Phase 1B, Tier 1: individuals age 75 and older; those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: education, childcare, emergency services, and food and agriculture.

Phase 1B, Tier 2: individuals ages 65-74; those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: transportation and logistics; industrial, commercial, residential, and sheltering facilities and services; critical manufacturing; congregate settings with outbreak risk: incarcerated and homeless.

Phase 1C: individuals ages 50-64; those ages 16-64 and have an underlying health condition or disability which increases their risk of severe COVID-19; those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: water and wastewater; defense; energy; chemical and hazardous materials; communications and IT; financial services; government operations / community-based essential functions.


California COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Planning Questions and Answers

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Resources

California Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: highest risk healthcare workers and individuals.

Phase 1B: moderate risk healthcare workers and responders.

Phase 2: higher risk individuals and essential workers.

Phase 3: general public.


Colorado COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Frequently Asked Questions

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Colorado Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel who are actively risking exposure to COVID-19 in their current work, including home health providers; school nurses; dentists; students doing clinical rotations.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers; persons age 75 and older; individuals and staff in congregate settings.

Connecticut COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/15/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/27/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Employers - steps employers must take to ensure access to vaccine for employees, enroll employees, and communicate vaccine information.

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Vaccine Advisory Group

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment


Phase 1a: residents of long-term care facilities and high-risk workers with routine exposure to infected individuals/materials in health/patient care settings.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers; adults 65 and older.

Remaining Phase 1: persons ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions; residents and staff of high-risk congregate settings; other essential workers.

Phase 2a: persons ages 50-64; persons ages 16-49 with moderate risk medical conditions; other congregate settings; essential workers not vaccinated in Phase 1.

Phase 3: persons ages 16-49; essential workers not vaccinated in Phase 2.

Phase 4: anyone who did not have access to vaccination during previous phases.


Delaware COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 1/7/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Allocation Framework (rev. 12/29/2020)

Vaccine Planning Checklist for Employers (rev. 12/18/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Delaware Vaccine Data Dashboard

District of Columbia

Phase 1A: workforce in acute care hospitals, specialty care hospitals, long-term care facilities, intermediate care facilities, EMS, front-line public health, home health aides, outpatient settings, dental settings, and pharmacy settings; residents of skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and longer-term psychiatry inpatients.

Phase 1B: law enforcement, public safety, teachers and staff, childcare providers, grocery store workers, community outreach workers, correction workers, public transit workers, manufacturing, U.S. postal service workers, and those in agriculture; residents 65 and older and those in intermediate care facilities, group homes, or other higher-risk congregate settings.

Phase 1C: transportation and logistics, food service, housing construction, other government essential workers, finance, IT & communication, energy, media, legal, water, or other sectors; residents with high-risk medical conditions.


District of Columbia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 11/27/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary

Phase 1 Vaccine Prioritization Guidance (rev. 12/28/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Agreement and FAQ

District of Columbia Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccination Registration Portal (currently available only to people working in healthcare settings)


Phase 1: long-term care facility residents and staff; persons 65 and older; healthcare personnel with direct patient contact. Hospital providers are also authorized to vaccinate those they deem to be extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.


Florida COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Provider Information and Enrollment

Gov. DeSantis 12/23/2020 Executive Order re Phase 1 Priority Populations

Florida Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1-A: workers in healthcare settings; adults age 65 and older and their caregivers; first responders, firefighters, law enforcement personnel; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1-B: law enforcement and first responders not included in Phase 1-A; critical workforce employees.

Phase 1-C: people at higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness not already vaccinated.


Georgia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3, 1/1/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/15/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Georgia Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: essential healthcare workers.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers; individuals age 75 and older.

Phase 1c: individuals age 65 and older and adults with high-risk medical conditions; essential workers not recommended for vaccination in Phase 1b.

Phase 2: all persons age 16 and older not previously recommended for vaccination.


Hawaii COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 1/7/2021)

Hawaii Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents. 

Phase 1b: essential workers; adults age 65 and older.

Other priority populations for initial COVID-19 vaccination may include: people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, including those with underlying medical conditions and people age 65 and older.


Idaho COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 10/19/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/31/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment FAQ

Idaho Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel; long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1b: essential frontline workers; persons age 75 and older.

Phase 1c: adults ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions; adults ages 65-74; workers in transportation & logistics, water & wastewater, food service, shelter and housing, finance, information technology & communications, energy, legal, media, and public safety, and public health workers.


Illinois SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Planning Guide (v.4.0, 12/31/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine FAQ

No COVID-specific vaccine provider portal available. Providers must enroll in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE).


Phase 1-A: all paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings.

Phase 1-B:  individuals who are at particular risk of morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19.

Phase 2:  individuals who are at elevated risk of transmission of the disease because of working or living circumstances.

Phase 3: general public vaccination.


Indiana COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and Executive Summary (rev. 10/20/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/12/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Indiana Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Registration Portal


Phase 1-A: paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1-B: persons living in residential care facilities, assisted living programs, elder group homes, and independent living facilities; people 65 and older; people involved in essential functions of society and cannot socially distance in the workplace; adults with high-risk medical conditions who possess risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness.


Iowa COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/4/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 11/20/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Information Brief (rev. 12/3/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment


Phase 1: healthcare workers.

Phase 2: high-contact critical workers; congregate settings.

Phase 3: individuals with high-risk underlying conditions; other critical workers.

Phase 4: individuals with underlying conditions.


Kansas COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1.2, 11/4/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Prioritization Phases (rev. 1/7/2021)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel in clinical settings; long-term care/assisted living facilities residents and staff.

Phase 1b: persons ages 70 and older; first responders; K-12 school personnel.

Phase 1c: persons age 60 and older; persons age 16 and older with highest-risk underlying conditions; essential workers.

Phase 2: persons age 40 and older.

Phase 3: persons age 16 and older.

Phase 4: children under 16, if approved to receive vaccine.


Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ (rev. 11/25/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Kentucky Vaccine Data Dashboard


Priority Group 1-A: healthcare workers at Tier 1 and Tier 2 hospitals; staff and residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities; Emergency Medical Services employees and firefighters.

Priority Group 1-B, Tier One: schools of allied health students, residents and staff; end-stage renal disease facility personnel and patients; home agency patients and personnel; ambulatory and outpatient healthcare personnel; persons age 70 and older.

Priority Group 1-B, Tier Two: health-related support personnel; essential governmental response personnel; judiciary personnel; Department of Homeland Security personnel, National Guard (non-COVID deployed), federal intelligence and security personnel, military personnel; first responders not covered in Phase 1A; corrections officers and jailers; medical transportation services; homeless shelter and other congregate group home/center staff; K-12 school and daycare personnel; food processing and agricultural workers; postal personnel; public transit workers; grocery store workers and others deemed frontline essential workers.


Louisiana COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccine Provider Worksite Survey and Enrollment

Louisiana Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals eligible to receive vaccine must contact a participating pharmacy to make an appointment.


Phase 1a: high-risk workers in healthcare facilities; nursing home/long-term care residents.

Phase 1b: first responders; those with comorbid and underlying conditions; older adults living in congregate or overcrowded settings.

Phase 2: critical risk workers; older adults not included in Phase 1; teachers and school staff; incarcerated adults and correctional facility personnel.

Phase 3: workers in industries essential to the functioning of society and at increased risk of exposure not included in Phase 1 or 2; children and young adults.

Phase 4: remaining population.


Maine COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Provider Portal

Maine Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: front-line hospital staff and healthcare workers; nursing home residents and staff; law enforcement and firefighters, EMS; all licensed, registered and certified health care providers; correctional health care staff and officers; front-line judiciary staff.

Phase 1B: adults age 75 and older; residents and staff of assisted living, group homes, and other congregate facilities; school and childcare faculty and staff; personnel needed for continuity of government.

Phase 1C: adults ages 65-74; workers engaged in public safety and public health not already covered in Phase 1A; food and agriculture production; manufacturing; U.S. Postal Service; public transit; grocery workers.

Phase 2: adults ages 16-64 at increased risk due to underlying conditions; incarcerated adults; essential workers in critical utilities, transportation, logistics, infrastructure.

Phase 3: general population.


Maryland COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ (rev. 10/26/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Portal (ImmuNet)

Maryland Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1: healthcare workers doing direct and COVID-facing care; long-term care facilities, rest homes and assisted living facilities; first responders; congregate care settings; home-based healthcare workers; healthcare workers doing non-COVID facing care.

Phase 2: adults age 75 and older; those with two or more comorbidities; early education and K-12 faculty and staff; transit, grocery, utility, food and agriculture, sanitation, public works and public health workers; vaccine development workers; food pantry workers; rideshare providers; convenience store workers; adults 65 and older.

Phase 3: general public.


Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/20)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Distribution Priority Outline

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Massachusetts Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A Priority 1: emergency medical service providers; general medical floor; emergency department; intensive care units.

Phase 1A Priority 2:  other medical workers.

Phase 1B: older adults; other essential workers who keep critical infrastructure open and functioning.

Phase 1C: high-risk individuals; essential workers not already vaccinated. 

Phase 2: Individuals 18 and older who did not otherwise fit into the earlier groups for whom the vaccine is recommended.


Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 11/2/2020)

Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Prioritization Guidance (rev. 1/6/2021)

Vaccine Provider Guidance and Educational Resources

Michigan Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1: healthcare personnel, emergency responders, those involved with community testing; residents of skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes; those with intellectual disabilities and other adult residents living in residential care facilities.


Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/21/2020)

Phase 1a Guide (rev. 1/8/2021)

Vaccine Provider Registration

Minnesota Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials and are unable to work from home; first responders; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1b1: persons age 75 and older; Mississippi National Guard; other critical workers; emergency and law enforcement personnel not included in Phase 1-A, K-12 teachers/school staff; childcare providers; workers in congregate settings.

Phase 1b2: food packaging and distribution workers; U.S. Postal Service; grocery workers; public transit workers.

Phase 1c1: people with underlying medical conditions that are risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness; people age 65 and older.

Phase 1c2: residents of congregate settings and inmates of correctional facilities; other essential workers as defined by CISA guidelines.


Mississippi COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/22/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccination Planning PPT

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Mississippi Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Appointment Scheduling (open to eligible individuals only)


Phase 1A: healthcare personnel and staff at hospitals and long-term care facilities.

Phase 1B: essential workers; individuals at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness; first responders.

Phase 2: populations at increased risk.

Phase 3: all Missouri residents.


Missouri COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 11/11/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment


Phase 1A: frontline healthcare workers; long-term care facility staff and residents; healthcare workers with direct patient contact or virus exposure.

Phase 1B: persons age 70 and older; persons ages 16-69 with high-risk medical conditions; Native Americans and people of color who may be at elevated risk for COVID-19 complications.

Phase 1C: persons age 60 and older; frontline essential workers; individuals residing in congregate care and corrections facilities; persons ages 16-59 with medical conditions not included in Phase 1B that may have an elevated risk of COVID-19 complications.

Phase 2: all remaining persons over 16.


Montana COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1.2, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Proposed Allocation Plan (rev. 1/6/2021)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment


Phase 1A: healthcare personnel excluding staff who are working remotely or do not provide patient care; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1B, in order of priority: people age 75 and older; first responders, utilities workers, homeless shelter and corrections staff, educators, childcare providers, school support staff; coroners and funeral home staff, grocery workers; food and agriculture workers; transportation, U.S. Postal Service, public transit including buses and airlines.

Phase 1C: medically vulnerable populations; people ages 65-74.

Phase 2: general population.


Nebraska COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 12/31/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1A Allocation Recommendations (rev. 12/14/2020)

Phase 1B Allocation Recommendations (rev. 12/31/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/22/2020)

Nebraska Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Information


Tier 1 (in order of priority): general medical and surgical hospital staff; long-term care facility staff and residents; EMS; frontline public health workers and volunteers; laboratory workers; pharmacists and pharmacy techs; outpatient and home health providers; Dept. of Corrections staff; law enforcement and public safety; deployed and mission critical personnel who play an essential role in national security; state and local emergency operations personnel.

Tier 2 (in order of priority): education and childcare staff; state higher education system faculty; essential public transportation; agriculture and food processing; essential retail workers; logistics and supply chain; utilities and communications infrastructure; NDOT and local emergency road personnel; community support/social services; airport operations; depository credit institution workforce; mortuary services; remaining public health workforce; additional critical infrastructure; Dept. of Corrections inmates.

Tier 3 (in order of priority): transitional housing for released offenders; homeless individuals; people who are at increased risk due to underlying medical conditions; people who may be at increased risk due to underlying medical conditions; adults age 65 and older; remainder of NSHE staff.

Tier 4: healthy adults ages 16-64.


Nevada COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and Executive Summary (v.2, 12/1/2020)

Employer Vaccine Sign Up (state and Clark County)

Distribution Tiers (rev. 12/1/2020)

Individuals and employers interested in the COVID-19 vaccine can complete this online form

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

New Hampshire

Phase 1a: high-risk health workers; moderate-risk health workers; first responders; residents of long-term care facilities, skilled nursing, and assisted living facilities; COVID-19 responders; first responders; older adults living in residential care settings.

Phase 1b: people age 75 and older; people with underlying or comorbid conditions that put them at high risk for severe infection, and family caregivers for members of that population who are unable to receive the vaccine; staff and residents of facilities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; corrections officers and staff; healthcare workers and first responders not already vaccinated.

Phase 2a: people ages 65-74; K-12 teachers, school staff, childcare workers.

Phase 2b: people ages 50-64.

Phase 3a: people under age 50 with underlying or comorbid conditions that put them at moderately higher risk for severe COVID-19.

Phase 3b: remaining population.


New Hampshire COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/30/20)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Vaccination Allocation Plan Summary (rev. 1/5/2021)

Vaccination Planning FAQ (rev. 12/18/2020)

Vaccine Provider Agreement

New Jersey

Phase 1A: healthcare workers who may have direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials; long-term care residents and staff; first responders.

Phase 1B: essential workers.

Phase 1C: adults 65 and older; adults with underlying medical conditions.

Refer to the Vaccine Priority Groups document for lists of examples of healthcare workers, other essential workers, adults at higher risk, and others at higher risk.

All individuals, regardless of age, shall be enrolled in the New Jersey Immunization Information System (NJIIS) prior to or concurrent with receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination in New Jersey.


New Jersey COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/15/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 12/15/2020)

Gov. Murphy Executive Order 12/4/2020

Vaccine Phases Fact Sheet (rev. 12/28/2020)

Vaccine Priority Groups

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Vaccine Registration Portal (individuals may pre-register)

New Jersey Vaccine Data Dashboard

New Mexico

Phase 1a: all hospital personnel with direct patient care; persons providing direct medical care or other in-person services; long-term care facility residents and staff; pharmacists and pharmacy techs who interact with patients; home health and hospice workers; people who work with patients undergoing chemotherapy; autopsy room staff, coroners, embalmers, and funeral home staff at risk of exposure to bodily fluids; COVID-19 testing site staff and those administering COVID-19 vaccine; support service providers for persons with disabilities and persons providing in-person interpretation services; medical first responders; persons working in congregate settings.

Phase 1b, in the following order: persons age 75 or older; persons age 16 or older with at least one specified chronic medical condition; frontline essential workers, as defined and prioritized here; vulnerable populations. 

Phase 1c: persons age 60 and older; workers for businesses that store, transport or deliver goods or services directly to residences, retailers, government institutions, or essential businesses; automobile repair facilities, bike repair facilities, and retailers who generate the majority of their revenue from the sale of automobile or bike repair products; airrlines and airport operations; taxis and other private transportation providers; transportation network companies; utilities, including contractors, suppliers, and supportive operations, engaged in power generation, fuel supply and transmission, water and wastewater supply; food service personnel not included in Phase 1B, including restaurant and quick service food operations and food prep centers; consumer goods, retail; finance/banking staff; information technology and communications personnel; energy industry personnel; legal and accounting personnel; media personnel; veterinary and livestock services, animal shelters and facilities providing pet adoption, grooming, daycare or boarding services.

Phase 2: all people age 16 and older not recommended for vaccination in an earlier phase.


New Mexico COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Allocation Plan for Phases 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 (rev. 1/8/2021)

Vaccine Provider Portal

Individuals may pre-register to schedule a vaccination appointment. Employers may submit a list of employees to schedule their appointments.

New York

Phase 1a: high-risk hospital workers; residents and staff at nursing homes and other congregate care facilities; federally qualified health center employees; EMS workers; coroners, medical examiners and certain funeral workers; staff and residents at OPWDD, OMH and OASAS facilities; urgent care providers; individuals administering COVID-19 vaccines, including local health department staff.

Phase 1b: first responders; teachers/school staff; childcare providers; public health workers; other essential frontline workers that regularly interact with public or maintain critical infrastructure; adults age 75 and older.


New York COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance (rev. 1/6/2021)

Vaccine Provider Information and Registration

Individuals may check their eligibility to receive vaccine here; if eligible, the site will help them schedule an appointment.

North Carolina

Phase 1a: every health care worker at high risk for exposure to COVID-19; long-term care staff and residents.

Phase 1b: in order of priority: adults age 75 and older; healthcare workers and frontline essential workers age 50 and older; corrections officers, food and agricultural workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, and those who work in the education sector, as well as child care workers; health care workers and frontline essential workers of any age.

Phase 2: in order of priority: adults ages 65-74; adults under age 65 with one chronic condition that puts them at risk of severe illness as defined by the CDC; anyone who is incarcerated or living in other close group living settings who is not already vaccinated due to age, medical condition or job function; essential workers not yet vaccinated.

Phase 3:  college and university students; people age 16 and older (children under 16 will receive vaccine when approved for that age group); those employed in jobs that are critical to society and at lower risk of exposure.

Phase 4: remainder of population.


North Carolina COVID-19 Vaccination Plan with Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

NCDHHS COVID-19 Vaccine Update and FAQ (rev. 11/18/20)

Phase 1a Fact Sheet (rev. 12/22/2020)

Phase 1b Fact Sheet (rev. 1/6/2021)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

North Carolina Vaccine Data Dashboard

North Dakota

Phase 1A: healthcare workers and long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1B, in order of priority: persons age 75 and older; persons ages 65-74 with two or more high-risk medical conditions; staff and residents of corrections facilities, shelters, and similar congregate settings; persons age 65 and older with one high-risk medical condition; persons age 65 and older with or without high-risk medical conditions; persons with two or more high-risk medical conditions regardless of age; childcare workers; preschool and K-12 workers, including support staff, bus drivers, nutritional workers, custodians, etc.

Phase 1C, in order of priority, and does not include those able to telework: National Guard not previously covered; workers enabling access to human food (not including restaurant workers); public safety dispatchers; manufacturing related to the development or supply of COVID-19 vaccine; other healthcare/public health workers not included in 1A; free-standing clinical laundries; public transit; blood bank workers not previously vaccinated; IT workers; all other essential workers as defined by CISA guidelines.


North Dakota COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/11/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Prioritization Phases (rev. 12/31/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Ethics FAQ

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

North Dakota Vaccine Data Dashboard

Essential Worker FAQ (rev. 12/7/2020)


Phase 1A: healthcare personnel routinely involved in the care of COVID-19 patients; nursing home and assisted living facility residents and staff; patients and staff at psychiatric hospitals; residents and staff of group homes or facilities for people with intellectual disabilities, substance abuse issues, or mental illness; residents and staff at veterans’ homes; EMS responders.

Phase 1B: people age 65 and older (beginning with people 80+, then adding 5-year age ranges each week); people with severe congenital, developmental, or early-onset medical disorders; adults who work in schools.


Ohio COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Ohio Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1:  long-term residents and staff; healthcare workers providing direct inpatient COVID care; public health staff conducting front-line COVID-19 pandemic mitigation and control activities; emergency medical responders.

Phase 2: other first responders; healthcare workers providing direct COVID outpatient care and services; adults 65 and older, and adults of any age with comorbidities; staff and residents in congregate locations and worksites; certain manufacturing facilities with limited social distancing capacity who are critical to the maintenance of the food supply; public health staff supporting front-line efforts, officials critical to maintain continuity of governmental operations and services; teachers and support staff.

Phase 3: students, residents and administrative staff in educational settings; critical infrastructure personnel.

Phase 4: open to all Oklahoma residents.


Oklahoma COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/14/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/20/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Population Framework for Oklahoma (rev. 12/8/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Registration Portal to Receive Vaccine

Oklahoma Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: hospitals; urgent care; skilled nursing and memory care facility healthcare providers and residents; tribal health programs; EMS providers and other first responders; other long-term care facilities and congregate care sites; hospice programs; mobile crisis care and related services; secure transport; individuals working in a correctional setting; outpatient settings serving specific high-risk groups; in-home care; day treatment services; non-emergency medical transport; all other outpatient; public health and early learning sites; death care workers.

Phase 1B: other essential workers; people at higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness.


Oregon COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1.1, 11/6/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Vaccine Plan and Sequencing (rev. 1/5/2021)

Vaccine Provider Information Portal

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/30/2020)

Oregon Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: COVID-19-facing healthcare personnel; long-term care facilities.

Phase 1B: first responders; critical workers who cannot work remotely or maintain social distancing; people with specified underlying health conditions; adults 75+; residents of congregate settings and individuals receiving home and community-based services not otherwise specified as a long-term care facility.

Phase 1C: critical workers not included in earlier phases; people ages 65-75; people with underlying health conditions not included in Phase 1B.

Phase 2: people age 16 and older not included in earlier phases.


Pennsylvania COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.4, 1/8/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/23/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Information and Enrollment

Pennsylvania Vaccine Data Dashboard

Puerto Rico

Phase 1A: healthcare workers in high-risk settings.

Phase 1B: long-term care facility residents; adults 65+; other essential healthcare workers; first responders; critical infrastructure workers.

Phase 2: people with underlying medical conditions, in detention/correctional facilities, living and working in congregate settings, experiencing homelessness or living in shelters; higher education students; those who are uninsured or underinsured.


Puerto Rico COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Phase Chart rev. 12/21/2020 (Spanish)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment (Spanish)

Rhode Island

Phase 1A: high-risk healthcare workers and first responders.

Phase 1B: people with significant comorbid conditions and older adults in congregate or overcrowded settings.

Phase 2: K-12 teachers, school staff, and childcare providers; critical workers in high-risk settings; people with moderate comorbid conditions; people in homeless shelters or group homes and staff; incarcerated or detained people and facility staff; all older adults.

Phase 3: young adults; children; workers in industries important to the functioning of society.


Rhode Island COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/23/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Rhode Island Vaccine Data Dashboard

South Carolina

Phase 1a: those performing direct medical care to suspected and/or confirmed COVID-19 patients; ancillary staff directly interacting with suspected and/or confirmed COVID-19 patients; emergency room staff, suspected and/or confirmed COVID-19 patients; medical first responders and hospital transport personnel; those providing direct medical care in correctional facilities; those providing direct medical care in dialysis and infusion centers; workers in outpatient medical settings frequently treating persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection; workers in settings where monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infusions are given; home health and hospice workers; public health nurses/personnel visiting facilities  with possible COVID-19 cases; autopsy room staff, coroners, embalmers, and funeral home staff at risk of exposure to bodily fluids; dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants; pharmacists; perons age 65 and older who are currently hospitalized; all persons age 70 and older.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers.

Phase 1c: essential workers not included in Phase 1b; persons ages 65-74, with or without underlying medical conditions; persons ages 16-64 with specified underlying medical conditions.


South Carolina COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 12/7/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/22/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation (rev. 1/2/2021)

Vaccine Appointment Scheduling – Employers are encouraged to reach out to their local hospitals as soon as possible and no later than Jan. 15, 2021, with a list of names and contact information of employees who want to be vaccinated.

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

South Carolina Vaccine Data Dashboard

South Dakota

Phase 1a: frontline healthcare workers in emergency departments, intensive care units, and dedicated COVID-19 acute care units.

Phase 1b: long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1c: other healthcare workers; EMS workers; public health workers; law enforcement; corrections officers.

Phase 1d: people with more than 2 underlying medical conditions that put them at significantly higher risk; teachers and other school and college staff; adults over age 65; workers and residents of congregate care settings; funeral services workers.

Phase 1e: fire service personnel; other critical infrastructure workers.


South Dakota COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3.0, 12/14/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/23/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

South Dakota Vaccine Data Dashboard


Beginning in January, there will be a simultaneous age-based rollout, with people ages 75+ receiving vaccine first.

Phase 1a1: hospital/freestanding ER staff with direct patient exposure and/or exposure to potentially infectious materials; home care staff; mass testing site staff; student health providers; long-term care/skilled nursing/assisted living facility staff and residents; first responders with direct public exposure; individuals 18 years or older who cannot live independently due to a serious chronic medical condition or intellectual or developmental disability.

Phase 1a2: other healthcare providers; outpatient laboratory staff handling COVID-19 specimens; funeral or mortuary staff with direct decedent contact.

Phase 1b: K-12 teachers and school staff, including school bus drivers; childcare providers; other first responders not included in Phase 1a.

Phase 1c: persons ages 16 and older with one or more specified high-risk medical conditions.

Phase 2a: critical infrastructure workers.

Phase 2b: critical infrastructure workers.

Phase 3: others in higher-risk settings.

Phase 4: anyone not already vaccinated.


Tennessee COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3, 12/30/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 11/18/2020)

Vaccine Phase Descriptions and Timeline

Vaccine Provider Registration and Resources

Tennessee Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine appointments are available by visiting this page and clicking on county of residence on the map. Counties not yet vaccinating anyone beyond healthcare workers will not yet have appointment scheduling available.


Phase 1A (Tier 1): healthcare providers; long-term care staff working directly with vulnerable residents; direct care providers at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and state-supported living centers; EMS providers; home healthcare workers.

(Tier 2): staff in outpatient care offices and other support staff; direct care staff in freestanding emergency medical care facilities and urgent care clinics; community pharmacy staff; public health and emergency response staff directly involved in administration of COVID testing and vaccinations; last responders; school nurses who provide health care to students and teachers.

Phase 1B: people 65 and older; people 16 and older with at least one specified chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19.


Texas COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Phase 1A Definition (rev. 12/17/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Phase 1B Definition (rev. 12/22/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Texas Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: any healthcare worker who has contact with patients; tribal health, tribal EMS, and tribal public health workers; long-term care facility staff and residents; K-12 teachers and school staff; all first responders; people age 70 and older.  

Phase 1b: remaining hospital staff; non-hospital healthcare workers; people living in congregate facilities; tribal populations; incarcerated populations; medically high-risk people (over 65; immunocompromised).


Utah COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Distribution Timeline

Vaccine Provider Portal

Utah Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: long-term care staff who have direct patient contact; healthcare workers primarily located in the Emergency Departments and Intensive Care Units, providing care to patients with COVID-19; Emergency Medical Services personnel with direct patient contact; home healthcare clinical staff and caregivers who have contact with multiple patients or who are high-risk for serious illness from COVID-19; other healthcare providers and staff who have patient contact.

Phase 1b: essential workers; adults age 75 and older.

Phase 1c: adults with high-risk medical conditions; adults 65+.


Vermont COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/28/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/21/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Vermont Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel.

Phase 1b: essential workers listed in order of priority: police, fire, and hazmat; corrections and homeless shelter workers; childcare/k-12 teachers/staff; food and agriculture, including veterinarians; manufacturing; grocery store workers; public transit workers; public and private mail carriers; officials needed to maintain continuity of government; persons age 75 and older; persons living in shelters, correctional facilities, migrant labor camps.

Phase 1c: essential workers listed in order of priority: energy; water and wastewater; housing/construction; food service; transportation and logistics; institutions of higher education faculty/staff; finance; information technology & communication; media; legal services; public safety (engineers); other public health workers; persons age 65 and older; those ages 16-64 with high-risk underlying medical conditions.


Virginia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 11/16/2020)

Summary of Changes in Plan Version 2.0

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance (rev. 1/6/2021)

Phase 1b Guidance (rev. 1/8/2021)

Phase 1c Guidance (rev. 1/6/2021)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Virginia Vaccine Dashboard


Phase 1a, Tier 1: high-risk workers in healthcare settings; residents and staff of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other community-based, congregate living settings where most individuals over age 65 are receiving care, supervision, or assistance.

Phase 1a, Tier 2: workers in healthcare settings who are at risk of acquisition or transmission of COVID because they are interacting in close proximity (less than 6 feet) with patients, co-workers, or specimens and are unable to remain socially distant.

Phase 1b: all people age 70 and older; people age 50 and older who live in multigenerational households; high-risk critical workers age 50 and older who work in certain congregate settings; people age 16 and older with two or more co-morbidities or underlying conditions; high-risk critical workers under age 50 in certain congregate settings; staff and volunteers all ages in congregate living settings.


Washington COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 1/7/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Phases 1A and 1B Distribution Guidance (rev. 1/7/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccination Phase 1a Guidance for Workers Not Getting the Vaccine from their Employer

Vaccine Provider Enrollment and Toolkit

West Virginia

Phase 1-A: hospital personnel; longer-term care staff and residents; pharmacy staff; persons ages 80+.

Phase 1-B: community infrastructure workers; emergency responders; public health officials; dental/orthodontic/oral surgery personnel; corrections staff.

Phase 1-C: other healthcare.

Phase 1-D: other critical sectors vital to state/government services.


West Virginia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccination Program Planning PPT (rev. 11/19/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

West Virginia Vaccine Data Dashboard

Retail and manufacturing: "Communication on vaccine allocation and timelines for your organization will come directly from your respective association (retailers association, OMEGA, etc). If you do not hear directly from them, we urge you to reach out to them for details as the state will not be managing the vaccine process at that level."


Phase 1a: healthcare workers exposed to or treating people with COVID-19; residents of long-term care or assisted living facilities.

Phase 1b: people age 75 and older; non-healthcare frontline essential workers.

Phase 1c: people ages 65-74; people ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions; essential workers not included in Phase 1b.


Wisconsin COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (10/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance for Vaccinating Entities to Prioritize COVID-19 Vaccine in Priority Populations (rev. 12/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Wisconsin Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: hospital staff; EMS personnel/fire department personnel that are EMTs; long-term care facilities and healthcare providers; public health nursing staff and other HCPs administering vaccines; tribal public health; public health nurses and HCPs who regularly conduct COVID sample collection; inpatient/residential behavioral health facility HCPs; urgent care clinics and other medical clinics; law enforcement; licensed/credentialed medical and dental direct care staff working in other locations who have regular exposure to potentially positive COVID-19 patients or infectious material; public health offices and local health departments; home healthcare providers; school nurses; laboratories; pharmacy staff; other healthcare facility staff.

Phase 1b: critical infrastructure workforce; adults over 65; people at significant risk of severe COVID-19 illness.


Wyoming COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 11/25/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Phase 1a COVID-19 Vaccination Priorities (rev. 12/9/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Wyoming Vaccine Data Dashboard

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