Giving it Our Best Shot – Statewide Vaccination Plans (UPDATED)



Vaccine approval and administration are the next steps in the fight against COVID-19. As with nearly everything about this pandemic, guidance and action plans vary by jurisdiction, and are constantly evolving. To that end, this chart provides links to state agency websites, vaccine allocation plans, and other guidance related to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as basic vaccination plan phases.

This chart is not all-inclusive and does not cover municipalities, some of which have issued their own guidance. Nor does the chart include vaccine provider registration procedures or industry-specific guidance. The purpose of the below information is to give employers a general idea of what vaccine-related actions various jurisdictions are taking.

In addition, this post does not address other significant issues related to employee vaccinations, including potential wage and hour, discrimination, and privacy concerns. As a result, employers should consult with counsel for details on additional orders that may apply to their operations and for guidance on related legal questions.

Littler has created two comprehensive toolkits – a vaccination toolkit for all employers and one specific to healthcare and long-term facilities – to help with the array of vaccine-related issues in the workplace. 

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Basic Phases

Vaccination Website and/or Distribution Plan links


Phase 1a: the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that priority be given to healthcare personnel; long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers; persons ages 75+.

Phase 1c: persons ages 65-74; persons ages 16-64 with high-risk conditions; essential workers not included in Phase 1b.

Phase 2: all people 16+ not in Phase 1, who are recommended for vaccination.

CDC COVID-19 Vaccination website

CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Operational Guidance for Jurisdictions Playbook

CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ Interim Recommendation for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine (rev. 12/3/2020)

CDC Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS)

CDC Vaccine Tracker Dashboard

CDC Essential Workers COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit (rev. 2/10/2021)

FDA COVID-19 Vaccination website

FDA Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19: Guidance for Industry (rev. 10/2020)

FDA Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19: Guidance for Industry (rev. 6/2020)

EEOC Guidance on EEO law and vaccinations

ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group Meeting PowerPoint (12/20/2020)

ACIP Recommendations for Phases 1b and 1c (12/21/2020)

Communication Toolkit for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Limited-English-Proficient Populations (rev. 12/22/2020)


Phase 1a: healthcare workers, including but not limited to, emergency medical service personnel, nurses, nursing assistants, home healthcare personnel, physicians, technicians, therapists, phlebotomists, pharmacists, students and trainees, contractual staff not employed by the healthcare facility, mortuary services, and persons not directly involved in patient care, but who could be exposed to infectious agents that can be transmitted in the healthcare setting.

Phase 1b: critical workers at highest risk for work related exposure (first responders, firefighters, law enforcement, corrections officers, food and agriculture workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, K-12 school personnel; child care workers; higher education faculty and staff; judiciary; clergy; state personnel required for continuity of government; persons age 75 and older; persons working or living in congregate settings including but not limited to homeless shelters, group homes, prisons, or jails.

Phase 1c: critical workers not recommended for vaccination in Phase 1b; persons ages 65-74; persons ages 16-64 with specified high-risk medical conditions.

Phase 2: general population not included in earlier phases.


Alabama COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 11/6/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Alabama COVID-19 Vaccination Allocation Plan (rev. 1/29/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccination Provider Support site and Enrollment Portal

Alabama Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals may check eligibility and, if currently eligible, schedule an appointment here. Individuals may also contact the registration hotline: COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Hotline - 1-855-566-5333.


Phase 1a, Tier 1: hospital-based frontline health care workers and hospital personnel who are frequently exposed to COVID-19 patients; long-term care facility staff and residents.

Phase 1a, Tier 2: frontline EMS and fire service personnel providing medical services; community health aides/practitioners; healthcare workers providing vaccinations.

Phase 1a, Tier 3: workers in healthcare settings at highest risk of contracting COVID-19 who are essential to the healthcare infrastructure and who regularly provide health care services that cannot be postponed or provided remotely. 

Phase 1b, Tier 1: persons age 65 and older.

Phase 1b, Tier 2: frontline essential workers age 50 years and older who must work within 6 feet of others; law enforcement, public safety, and other first responders; education (including people not covered in phase 1b tier 2); food and agriculture (food manufacturers, distributors, restaurant workers, seafood workers, grocery store workers); energy (electricity, petroleum, natural gas, utility and power workers); water and wastewater; transportation and logistics (public transit workers, aviation workers, taxi drivers, port workers, bus drivers, U.S. postal service workers and mail carriers, warehouse operators); public works and infrastructure support service; critical manufacturing; communications and information technology; other community-or government-based operations and essential functions; critical manufacturing; hazardous materials; financial services; chemical; defense industrial base; commercial facilities; residential/shelter facilities, housing and real estate, and related services; hygiene products and services; pre-k-12 educators and school staff, childcare workers and support staff, including indigenous language and culture educators; people living or working in congregate settings not covered under Phase 1a. 

Phase 1b, Tier 3: persons ages 55-64; frontline essential workers with 2 or more underlying high risk health conditions; all persons age 16 and older living in unserved communities; people over 40 with high-risk medical conditions; people 16 and older living in multigenerational households with at least 3 generations, or skipped generations.

Phase 1c: persons age 16 and older with underlying high-risk health conditions; frontline essential workers not covered in previous tiers.


Alaska COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Allocation Phase and Tier Descriptions (rev. 2/10/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Alaska Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals currently eligible to receive vaccine must schedule an appointment here.


Phase 1A: healthcare practitioners and technical occupations; healthcare support occupations; skilled nursing facility residents; assisted living, independent living, HUD senior housing; DES group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities and ICF-IIDs, and staff.

Prioritized Phase 1B: adults 65 and older; education and childcare providers; protective service occupations.

Phase 1B: adults with high-risk medical conditions living in shelters or other congregate living settings; education and childcare providers; protective service occupations; power and utility workers; food and agriculture related occupations; transportation and material moving occupations; state and local government workers that provide critical services for continuity of government; other essential workers.

Phase 1C: adults with underlying medical conditions; adults 65+; adults living in congregate settings.


Arizona COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3, 1/15/2021)

Gov. Ducey Executive Order 11/18/2020

Gov. Ducey Executive Order 12/30/2020 (requires the state health department to direct allocation and distribution of the vaccine rather than permitting counties to develop their own plans)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Arizona Vaccine and Antiviral Prioritization Advisory Committee (VAPAC) COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Recommendations (rev. 1/13/2021)

Phase 1B Essential Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Request Form

Vaccine registration portal for individuals. Registration may also be available at the county level.

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Arizona Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1-A: healthcare workers; long-term care facility residents and staff; first responders. 

Phase 1-B: persons age 70 and older; teachers, school staff, childcare workers; higher education faculty and staff; food and agriculture workers; firefighters and police not included in Phase 1-A; manufacturing workers; grocery workers; public transit personnel; U.S. Postal Service; essential government workers; other corrections staff.

Phase 1-C: persons age 65 and older; persons ages 16-64 with chronic conditions putting them at risk for severe COVID-19 illness; water and wastewater workers; transportation and logistics workers; food service workers; shelter and housing workers; finance; IT and communications; energy and utilities; public safety and public health workers; media.


Arkansas COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 1/2021)

Phases 1A – 1C Guidance (rev. 1/12/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Program Provider Agreement and Enrollment

Arkansas Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: persons at risk of virus exposure through their work in any role in direct healthcare or long-term care settings; residents of skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and similar long-term care settings for older or medically vulnerable individuals.

NOTE: the state has also proposed several variations for subprioritization during Phase 1A, summarized here.

Phase 1B, Tier 1: individuals age 65 and older; those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: education, childcare, emergency services, and food and agriculture.

Phase 1B, Tier 2: those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: transportation and logistics; industrial, commercial, residential, and sheltering facilities and services; critical manufacturing; congregate settings with outbreak risk: incarcerated and homeless.

Phase 1C: individuals ages 50-64; those ages 16-64 and have an underlying health condition or disability which increases their risk of severe COVID-19; those at risk of exposure at work in the following sectors: water and wastewater; defense; energy; chemical and hazardous materials; communications and IT; financial services; government operations / community-based essential functions.


California COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Allocation Guidelines (rev. 1/22/2021)

Vaccine Planning Questions and Answers

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Resources

California Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals may register here to check eligibility and schedule a vaccine appointment or get notified when they become eligible.


Phase 1A: healthcare workers who have direct contact with COVID-19 patients for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period; long-term care facility staff and residents.

Phase 1B1: healthcare workers with less direct contact with COVID-19 patients (e.g., home health, hospice, pharmacy, and dental settings); EMS, firefighters, police, public health personnel, corrections officers, COVID-19 response personnel, funeral services; people age 70 and older.

Phase 1B2: pre-K-12 educators and staff, childcare workers, school transportation and nutrition workers, school counselors, school administration, and safety and other support staff; essential state government officials (executive and judicial branch); people ages 65-69.

Phase 1B3: frontline essential workers in food and agriculture, manufacturing, postal service, public transit and specialized transportation staff, grocery, public health, direct care providers for homeless individuals, essential human services workers, clergy/faith leaders, essential frontline journalists; people ages 16-64 with two or more specified high-risk health conditions. 

Phase 2: people ages 60-64; people ages 16-64 with one or more specified high-risk health conditions; personnel necessary to ensure continuity of local government; adults who received a placebo during the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials.

Phase 3: anyone age 16 and older.


Colorado COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Frequently Asked Questions

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Colorado Vaccine Data Dashboard

No statewide registration portal for individuals to receive vaccine. Individuals must go through their health providers. K-12 school staff should go through their employer.


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel who are actively risking exposure to COVID-19 in their current work, including home health providers; school nurses; dentists; students doing clinical rotations.

Phase 1b: persons age 75 and older; persons ages 65-74; frontline essential workers; individuals and staff in congregate settings; persons ages 16-64 with high-risk underlying health conditions; individuals and staff in congregate settings.


Connecticut COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/15/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/27/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Employers - steps employers must take to ensure access to vaccine for employees, enroll employees, and communicate vaccine information.

Vaccine Advisory Group

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Connecticut Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: residents of long-term care facilities and high-risk workers with routine exposure to infected individuals/materials in health/patient care settings.

Phase 1b: adults age 65 and older; frontline essential workers.

Remaining Phase 1: persons ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions; residents and staff of high-risk congregate settings; other essential workers.

Phase 2a: persons ages 50-64; persons ages 16-49 with moderate risk medical conditions; other congregate settings; essential workers not vaccinated in Phase 1.

Phase 3: persons ages 16-49; essential workers not vaccinated in Phase 2.

Phase 4: anyone who did not have access to vaccination during previous phases.


Delaware COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 1/7/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Allocation Framework (rev. 12/29/2020)

Vaccine Planning Checklist for Employers (rev. 12/18/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Delaware Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccines for non-healthcare essential workers will be available through their employer through either onsite vaccination events, off-site clinics, or a voucher system that can be used at pharmacies or vaccine clinics run by the state or its partners.

District of Columbia

Phase 1A: workforce in acute care hospitals, specialty care hospitals, long-term care facilities, intermediate care facilities, EMS, front-line public health, home health aides, outpatient settings, dental settings, and pharmacy settings; residents of skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and longer-term psychiatry inpatients.

Phase 1B Tier 1: DC residents age 65 years and older and DC residents in intermediate care facilities, group homes, or other higher-risk congregate settings; corrections officers; non-healthcare personnel supporting operations of COVID-19 vaccination clinics.

Phase 1B Tier 2: law enforcement; public safety; school teachers and staff; childcare providers; grocery store workers; community outreach workers.

Phase 1B Tier 3: public transit workers; manufacturing; U.S. Postal Service workers; food packaging and distribution; court staff and legal services; health, human services, and/or social services outreach programs.

Phase 1C Tier 1: food service; essential employees in local government agencies; essential employees of public utilities; essential employees in non-governmental health, human, and social services organizations/agencies; commercial and residential property maintenance and environmental services; DC residents ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions.

Phase 1C Tier 2: non-public transit transportation services; logistics/delivery/courier services; media and mass communications.

Phase 1C Tier 3: essential employees of institutions of higher education; construction; essential employees working in information technology; essential employees in federal government agencies; commercial and residential property management.

Phase 2: all DC residents age 16 and older not included in previous phases.


District of Columbia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 11/27/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary

Vaccination Program Phases with Tiers (rev. 1/11/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Agreement and FAQ

District of Columbia Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccination Registration Portal (currently available only to people working in healthcare settings and people age 65 and older)

For purposes of distributing vaccine, DC will count those who reside in another state but work in District healthcare facilities as part of the essential personnel who will require a COVID-19 vaccination in the District.


Phase 1: long-term care facility residents and staff; persons 65 and older; healthcare personnel with direct patient contact. Hospital providers are also authorized to vaccinate those they deem to be extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.


Florida COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Provider Information and Enrollment

Gov. DeSantis 12/23/2020 Executive Order re Phase 1 Priority Populations

Florida Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1-A: workers in healthcare settings; adults age 65 and older and their caregivers; first responders, firefighters, law enforcement personnel; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1-B: law enforcement and first responders not included in Phase 1-A; critical workforce employees.

Phase 1-C: persons ages 16-64 at higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness not already vaccinated.


Georgia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3, 1/1/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/15/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Georgia Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: essential healthcare workers.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers; individuals age 75 and older.

Phase 1c: individuals age 65 and older and adults with high-risk medical conditions; essential workers not recommended for vaccination in Phase 1b.

Phase 2: all persons age 16 and older not previously recommended for vaccination.


Hawaii COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 1/7/2021)

Hawaii Vaccine Data Dashboard

Frontline essential workers are also receiving vaccinations coordinated through their employer or industry organizations.

Employers with Phase 1B-eligible workers may complete the Allocation Planning for Organizations with Essential Workers survey.

Registration portal for individuals to receive vaccine. Island-level registration is also available for currently eligible individuals: Oahu, Maui, Kauai, Hawaii


Group 1: healthcare personnel; home care providers for older adults and people with high-risk medical conditions; emergency medical services; long-term care facility residents and staff; dentists and staff; pharmacists and staff; public health and emergency management response workers who are unable to telework.

Group 2A: first responders; pre-K-12 school teachers and staff; child care staff; correctional and detention facility staff; adults age 65 and older.

Group 2B: food and agriculture workers; Idaho National Guard if not included earlier; manufacturing; public transit; U.S. Postal Service workers.

Group 3: other essential workers; individuals ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions.

Group 4: general public age 16 and older.


Idaho COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 10/19/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary

Groups 1 and 2 Prioritization (rev. 1/26/2021)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment FAQ

Idaho Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: workers in hospital settings; workers in non-hospital healthcare; workers in other congregate care; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1B Part 1: persons age 65 and older; first responders; corrections officers/inmates; food and agricultural workers; manufacturing workers; grocery store workers; public transit workers; education workers (congregate child care, pre-k through 12); shelters/adult day care.

Phase 1B Part 2: adults ages 16-64 with specified high-risk medical conditions.

Phase 1C: workers in transportation & logistics, water & wastewater, food service, shelter and housing, finance, information technology & communications, energy, legal, media, and public safety, and public health workers.


Illinois COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.5.0, 1/27/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance (rev. 1/25/2021)

Phase 1b Guidance (rev. 1/25/2021)

No COVID-specific vaccine provider portal available. Providers must enroll in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE).

Illinois Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1-A: patient-facing healthcare personnel; higher ed students enrolled in a health profession program and receiving patient-facing clinical training; local health department staff working at a COVID-19 testing sites or other patient-facing clinic, coroners, funeral directors; long-term care facility residents; workers in youth congregate living facilities that have direct close contact with or provide in-person care to residents; public-facing first responders who could be called to the scene of an emergency.

Phase 1-B: persons age 60 and older (with priority given to individuals 80+, then working backwards in 5-year increments).


Indiana COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and Executive Summary (rev. 10/20/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Vaccine – Who is Currently Eligible (rev. 2/1/2021)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Indiana Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Registration Portal

Proof of eligibility: People eligible to get the vaccine because of their jobs (not age-based eligibility) must bring documentation of their roles, such as a badge, pay stub or letter from their employer.


Phase 1A: paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1B, Tier 1: people age 65 and older; first responders; PK-12 staff, early childhood education, childcare workers.

Phase 1B, Tier 2: frontline essential workers in food, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors who live or work in non-social distanced settings; individuals with disabilities living in home settings and their direct care staff.

Phase 1B, Tier 3: staff and individuals living in congregate settings not covered by previous Phase or Tier; government officials, including staff, engaged in business at the state capitol.

Phase 1B, Tier 4: inspectors responsible for health, life and safety.

Phase 1B, Tier 5: correctional facility staff and individuals incarcerated.


Iowa COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/4/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 11/20/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Information Brief (rev. 12/3/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Iowa Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1: healthcare workers.

Phase 2: high-contact critical workers; congregate settings.

Phase 3: individuals with high-risk underlying conditions; other critical workers.

Phase 4: individuals with underlying conditions.


Kansas COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1.2, 11/4/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Prioritization Phases (rev. 1/7/2021)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Kansas Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel in clinical settings; long-term care/assisted living facilities residents and staff.

Phase 1b: persons ages 70 and older; first responders; K-12 school personnel and childcare workers.

Phase 1c: persons age 60 and older; persons age 16 and older with highest-risk underlying conditions; essential workers.

Phase 2: persons age 40 and older.

Phase 3: persons age 16 and older.

Phase 4: children under 16, if approved to receive vaccine.


Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 2/8/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ (rev. 11/25/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Kentucky Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals, rather than employers, make appointments to be vaccinated. Individuals may use this eligibility tool to determine when they may receive vaccine, and schedule an appointment if currently eligible.


Priority Group 1-A: healthcare workers at Tier 1 and Tier 2 hospitals; staff and residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities; Emergency Medical Services employees and firefighters.

Priority Group 1-B, Tier One: dialysis providers and patients; ambulatory and outpatient providers and staff; behavioral health providers and staff; urgent care clinic providers and staff; community care providers and staff; dental providers and staff; professional home care providers (including hospice workers) and home care recipients (including older and younger people with disabilities over the age of 16 who receive community or home-based care, as well as clients of home health agencies); American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters and Support Service Providers (SSPs) working in community and clinic-based settings, and clients who are both deaf and blind; health-related support personnel (lab staff, mortuary staff who have contact with corpses, pharmacy staff); schools of allied health students, residents and staff; law enforcement and other first responders; persons age 65 and older; Louisiana Unified Command Group; state and local essential COVID emergency response personnel; some elections staff ahead of March and April elections.

Priority Group 1-B, Tier Two: health-related support personnel; essential governmental response personnel; judiciary personnel; Department of Homeland Security personnel, National Guard (non-COVID deployed), federal intelligence and security personnel, military personnel; first responders not covered in Phase 1A; corrections officers and jailers; medical transportation services; homeless shelter and other congregate group home/center staff; K-12 school and daycare personnel; food processing and agricultural workers; postal personnel; public transit workers; grocery store workers and others deemed frontline essential workers.


Louisiana COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccine Provider Worksite Survey and Enrollment

Louisiana Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals eligible to receive vaccine must contact a participating pharmacy to make an appointment.


Phase 1a: high-risk workers in healthcare facilities; nursing home/long term care residents; first responders and public safety personnel; critical COVID-19 response personnel.

Phase 1b: people age 65 and older (with priority given to people over 70); people of all ages with comorbid and underlying conditions that put them at significantly higher risk; frontline workers.

Phase 1c: other critical workers.

Phase 2: persons ages 16-64 not included in previous phases.


Maine COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Detailed Phase Descriptions (rev. 1/13/2021)

Vaccine Provider Portal

Maine Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A: front-line hospital staff and healthcare workers; nursing home residents and staff; law enforcement and firefighters, EMS; all licensed, registered and certified health care providers; correctional health care staff and officers; front-line judiciary staff.

Phase 1B: adults age 75 and older; residents and staff of assisted living, group homes, and other congregate facilities; school and childcare faculty and staff; personnel needed for continuity of government.

Phase 1C: individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities; public safety workers not covered in Phase 1A; health care workers not covered in Phase 1A, including but not limited to lab services, public health, vaccine manufacturing and other health care professions; food/agriculture production; critical manufacturing; U.S. Postal Service; public mass transit; grocery store employees; veterinarians and support staff; clergy and other essential support for houses of worship; adults age 65 and older; severely immunocompromised individuals.

Phase 2: adults ages 16-64 at increased risk due to underlying conditions; incarcerated adults; essential workers in critical utilities, transportation, logistics, infrastructure.

Phase 3: general population.


Maryland COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccine Distribution Phases (rev. 1/14/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Portal (ImmuNet)

Maryland Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1: healthcare workers doing direct and COVID-facing care; long-term care facilities, rest homes and assisted living facilities; first responders; congregate care settings; home-based healthcare workers; healthcare workers doing non-COVID facing care.

Phase 2 (in order of priority): Group 1: adults age 75 and older; Group 2: adults age 65 and older; residents and staff of low-income/affordable senior housing; individuals with 2+ comorbidities; Group 3: early education, k-12 teachers and staff; employees across the food, beverages, agriculture, consumer goods, retail, and food service sectors; meatpackers; sanitation, public works and public health workers; vaccine development workers; food pantry workers and volunteers; transit/transportation; Uber/Lyft/ride share services/pharmacy delivery drivers, workers in the passenger ground transportation industry, Massport workers other than police; airline workers; convenience store workers; water and wastewater utility staff; court system workers, other than court officers who are listed under first responders; medical supply chain workers; funeral directors and funeral services workers; shipping port and terminal workers; Group 4: individuals with one comorbid condition.

Phase 3: general public, including higher education faculty and staff, bottled beverage industry, veterinarians.


Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/20)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Distribution Priority Outline

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Massachusetts Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A Priority 1: Group A: emergency medical service providers, including medical first responders; Group B: general medical floor; Group C: emergency department; Group D: intensive care units.

Phase 1A Priority 2: Group A: skilled nursing facility staff; psychiatric hospital staff; homes for aged staff; adult foster care centers staff; assisted living facility staff; home health care workers caring for high risk clients with large patient loads (e.g., people with a tracheostomy/ ventilator at home); Group B: skilled nursing facility residents; psychiatric hospital patients; homes for aged residents; adult foster care centers residents; assisted living facility residents.

Phase 1A Priority 3:  Group A: workers with direct patient contact who conduct high-risk procedures (e.g., dentists, endoscopy, dialysis); Group B: other workers who have direct patient contact, including outpatient, urgent care, ambulatory care, and home health care; Group C: workers who have indirect patient contact with specialized skills critical to health care system functioning (e.g., hospital and public health laboratories, pharmacy).

Phase 1B: Group A: individuals age 75 and older not included in Phase 1A; Group B, prioritized frontline workers: prek-12 school and child-care staff with direct contact with children; first responders not included in Phase 1A; corrections workers; workers in homeless shelters, congregate childcare institutions, and adult and child protective services; Group C: other frontline essential workers: food and agriculture; critical manufacturing; public transit; grocery store workers; U.S. Postal Service; workers with unique skill sets not covered above, such as non-hospital laboratories and mortuary services.

Phase 1C: Group A: individuals age 65 and older; Group B: Individuals age 16-64 with COPD, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, obesity or other conditions that puts them at high risk of negative COVID-19 outcome; Group C: all remaining essential workers.

Phase 2: individuals age 16 year and older who did not otherwise fit into the earlier groups for whom the vaccine is recommended.

Note: Beginning January 11, all areas of the state may, as vaccine supplies are available, implement vaccination of people who are health care workers or working or residing in long-term care facilities (Phase 1A Priority One and Three), age 65 years or older (Phase 1 B Group A and Phase 1C Group A), or frontline workers whose work role has frequent or intense exposure, and, due to the nature of the work, are not able to maintain social distance (including frontline responders, school and child care staff, or corrections staff) (Phase 1B Group B). Vaccination will take place in different phases that occurs simultaneously.


Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 11/2/2020)

Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination Prioritization Guidance (rev. 2/3/2021)

Vaccine Provider Guidance and Educational Resources

Michigan Vaccine Data Dashboard

Persons age 65 and older may make appointments at the county level. The state will be providing information to eligible employers about which types of workers are eligible for vaccination and how these workers can be vaccinated. Eligible frontline essential workers will be notified by their employers about vaccine clinic dates and locations.


Phase 1a, first priority: hospitals (all personnel working in dedicated COVID-19 units, ICU, emergency departments, designated COVID-19 urgent care clinics); LTCF (skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes); EMS personnel; first responder personnel; COVID testers; COVID community vaccinators; residents of skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes.

Phase 1a, second priority: hospitals (all personnel providing direct patient services or handling infectious materials and not included in the first priority group); LTCF (assisted living facilities/housing with services with an arranged home care provider); urgent care settings; dialysis centers; assisted living, including recipients of home care.

Phase 1a, third priority: all remaining healthcare personnel not included in the first two groups that are unable to telework; adult residents living in intermediate care facilities for people with intellectual disabilities and other adult residents living in residential care facilities, primarily serving at-risk people including older adults, people with intellectual and physical disabilities, in settings such as community residential settings and adult foster care.

Other priority populations who will begin receiving vaccine during Phase 1: adults age 65 and older, pre-K-12 educators, school staff, and child care workers. 


Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/21/2020)

Phase 1a Guide (rev. 1/22/2021)

Vaccine Provider Registration

Minnesota Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials and are unable to work from home; first responders; long-term care facility residents and staff; people with underlying medical conditions that are risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness; people age 65 and older; people ages 16-64 with a specified chronic health condition.


Mississippi COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/22/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccination Planning PPT

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Mississippi Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Appointment Scheduling (open to eligible individuals only)


Phase 1A: healthcare workers; long-term care facility staff and residents; home health; urgent care; vaccination staff; congregate community; school nurses; dental office staff; mental/behavior health providers; EMS/EMT/paramedics.

Phase 1B Tier 1:  morticians, undertakers, embalmers, crematory operators and other related occupations; first responders; federal, state, or local government employees in emergency management and public works agencies, identified nonprofit organizations designated as partner voluntary agencies; other emergency services.

Phase 1B Tier 2:  anyone age 65 and older; any adults with cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart conditions, weakened immune system due to organ transplant, severe obesity (BMI >40), pregnancy, sickle cell disease, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, or individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Phase 1B Tier 3: teachers, faculty, and staff in public, private, and nonprofit pre k-12; faculty and staff in a DHSS or DSS-licensed facility providing basic care to children; communications sector; dams sector; energy sector; food/agriculture; elected officials in any branch of government at the state, county, and/or municipal levels required for the continuity of government; members of the judiciary at the federal, state, and/or local levels required for the continuity of government; employees designated by the federal government that fall within; IT; nuclear reactors, materials, and waste sector; transportation systems; water and wastewater workers.

Phase 2:  chemical sector; commercial facilities sector; critical manufacturing; defense industrial base sector; financial services sector; food and agriculture workers not included in 1B, including restaurant workers; other state and local government designated personnel required to provide essential services; faculty and staff at public, private, and/or nonprofit higher education institutions; populations at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, with emphasis on racial/ethnic minorities not otherwise included in 1B; homeless individuals.

Phase 3: all Missouri residents.


Missouri COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 11/11/2020)

Vaccine Distribution Phases 1/14/2021

Phase 1A Expanded Definitions

Phase 1B Expanded Definitions

Phase 2 Expanded Definitions

Vaccinating Missouri's Workforce Against COVID-19 (rev. 1/18/2021)

Employer portal for asking questions or requesting a higher priority phase

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Missouri Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals may use this portal to register, take an eligibility assessment, get notified when they become eligible, and schedule an appointment.


Phase 1A: frontline healthcare workers; long-term care facility staff and residents; healthcare workers with direct patient contact or virus exposure.

Phase 1B: persons age 70 and older; persons ages 16-69 with high-risk medical conditions; Native Americans and people of color who may be at elevated risk for COVID-19 complications.

Phase 1C: persons age 60 and older; frontline essential workers; individuals residing in congregate care and corrections facilities; persons ages 16-59 with medical conditions not included in Phase 1B that may have an elevated risk of COVID-19 complications.

Phase 2: all remaining persons over 16.


Montana COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.5, 1/6/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Proposed Allocation Plan (rev. 1/6/2021)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Montana Vaccine Data Dashboard

No statewide online registration portal to receive vaccine.  Online registration may be available at the county level.


Phase 1A: healthcare personnel excluding staff who are working remotely or do not provide patient care; long-term care facility residents and staff.

Phase 1B, in order of priority: people age 65 and older (those age 75 and older are prioritized); first responders, utilities workers, homeless shelter and corrections staff, educators, childcare providers, school support staff; coroners and funeral home staff, grocery workers; food and agriculture workers; transportation, U.S. Postal Service, public transit including buses and airlines.

Phase 1C: medically vulnerable populations.

Phase 2: general population.


Nebraska COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 12/31/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1A Allocation Recommendations (rev. 12/14/2020)

Phase 1B Allocation Recommendations (rev. 12/31/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/22/2020)

Nebraska Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Information

Vaccine Registration Portal for individuals


Tier 1 (in order of priority): general medical and surgical hospital staff; long-term care facility staff and residents; EMS; frontline public health workers and volunteers; laboratory workers; pharmacists and pharmacy techs; outpatient and home health providers; Dept. of Corrections staff; law enforcement and public safety; deployed and mission critical personnel who play an essential role in national security; state and local emergency operations personnel.

Tier 2 (in order of priority): education and childcare staff; state higher education system faculty; essential public transportation; agriculture and food processing; essential retail workers; logistics and supply chain; utilities and communications infrastructure; NDOT and local emergency road personnel; community support/social services; airport operations; depository credit institution workforce; mortuary services; remaining public health workforce; additional critical infrastructure; Dept. of Corrections inmates.

Tier 3 (in order of priority): transitional housing for released offenders; homeless individuals; people who are at increased risk due to underlying medical conditions; people who may be at increased risk due to underlying medical conditions; adults age 65 and older; remainder of NSHE staff.

Tier 4: healthy adults ages 16-64.

Note: Prioritization may be slightly different at the county level. County level plans are available here.


Nevada COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3, 1/11/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 1/11/2021)

Employer Vaccine Sign Up (state and Clark County)

Distribution Tiers (rev. 12/1/2020)

Individuals and employers interested in the COVID-19 vaccine can complete this online form

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Nevada Vaccine Data Dashboard

County level plans and registration details here.

New Hampshire

Phase 1a: high-risk health workers; moderate-risk health workers; first responders; residents of long-term care facilities, skilled nursing, and assisted living facilities; COVID-19 responders; first responders; older adults living in residential care settings.

Phase 1b: people age 65 and older; people with underlying or comorbid conditions that put them at high risk for severe infection, and family caregivers for members of that population who are unable to receive the vaccine; staff and residents of facilities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; corrections officers and staff; healthcare workers and first responders not already vaccinated.

Phase 2a: K-12 teachers, school staff, childcare workers.

Phase 2b: people ages 50-64.

Phase 3a: people under age 50 with underlying or comorbid conditions that put them at moderately higher risk for severe COVID-19.

Phase 3b: remaining population.


New Hampshire COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/30/20)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Vaccination Allocation Plan Summary (rev. 1/16/2021)

Vaccination Planning FAQ (rev. 12/18/2020)

Vaccine Provider Agreement

Registration portal for individuals eligible in the current phase

New Jersey

Phase 1A: long-term care residents and staff; licensed healthcare professionals and staff; consultants, per diem, and contractors who are not directly employed by the facility; unpaid workers like health professional students, trainees, volunteers, and essential caregivers; community health workers, doulas, and public health professionals; personnel with variable venues like EMS, paramedics, funeral staff, and autopsy workers; all workers in acute, pediatric, and behavioral health hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers; all workers in health facilities; all workers in clinic-based settings; all workers in long-term care settings; all workers in occupational-based healthcare settings like health clinics within workplaces, shelters, jails, colleges and universities, and K-12 schools; all workers in community-based healthcare settings like PACE and Adult Living Community Nursing; all workers in home-based settings like hospice, home care, and visiting nurse services; all workers in office-based healthcare settings like physician and dental offices; all workers in public health settings like local health departments, LINCS agencies, harm reduction centers, and medicinal marijuana programs; all workers in retail, independent, and institutional pharmacies.

Phase 1B: adults age 65 and older; adults ages 16-64 with underlying medical conditions; first responders and law enforcement.

Phase 1C: essential workers.


New Jersey COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/15/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 12/15/2020)

Gov. Murphy Executive Order 12/4/2020

Vaccine Phases Fact Sheet (rev. 12/28/2020)

Vaccine Priority Groups

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Vaccine Registration Portal (individuals may pre-register)

New Jersey Vaccine Data Dashboard

New Mexico

Phase 1a: all hospital personnel with direct patient care; persons providing direct medical care or other in-person services; long-term care facility residents and staff; pharmacists and pharmacy techs who interact with patients; home health and hospice workers; people who work with patients undergoing chemotherapy; autopsy room staff, coroners, embalmers, and funeral home staff at risk of exposure to bodily fluids; COVID-19 testing site staff and those administering COVID-19 vaccine; support service providers for persons with disabilities and persons providing in-person interpretation services; medical first responders; persons working in congregate settings.

Phase 1b, in the following order: persons age 75 or older; persons age 16 or older with at least one specified chronic medical condition; frontline essential workers, as defined and prioritized here; vulnerable populations. 

Phase 1c: persons age 60 and older; workers for businesses that store, transport or deliver goods or services directly to residences, retailers, government institutions, or essential businesses; automobile repair facilities, bike repair facilities, and retailers who generate the majority of their revenue from the sale of automobile or bike repair products; airrlines and airport operations; taxis and other private transportation providers; transportation network companies; utilities, including contractors, suppliers, and supportive operations, engaged in power generation, fuel supply and transmission, water and wastewater supply; food service personnel not included in Phase 1B, including restaurant and quick service food operations and food prep centers; consumer goods, retail; finance/banking staff; information technology and communications personnel; energy industry personnel; legal and accounting personnel; media personnel; veterinary and livestock services, animal shelters and facilities providing pet adoption, grooming, daycare or boarding services.

Phase 2: all people age 16 and older not recommended for vaccination in an earlier phase.


New Mexico COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Allocation Plan for Phases 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 (rev. 1/22/2021)

Vaccine Provider Portal

New Mexico Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals may pre-register to schedule a vaccination appointment. Employers may submit a list of employees to schedule their appointments.

New York

Phases 1a and 1b:  high-risk hospital workers; residents and staff at nursing homes and other congregate care facilities; Federally Qualified Health Center employees; EMS workers; coroners, medical examiners and certain funeral workers; staff and residents at OPWDD, OMH and OASAS facilities;  Urgent Care providers; individuals administering COVID-19 vaccines, including local health department staff; all Outpatient/Ambulatory front-line, high-risk health care workers of any age who provide direct in-person patient care; all staff who are in direct contact with patients; all front-line, high-risk public health workers who have direct contact with patients, including those conducting COVID-19 tests, handling COVID-19 specimens and COVID-19 vaccinations; individuals age 65 and older; first responders and support staff for first responder agencies; fire service; police and investigators; public safety communications; emergency communication and public safety answering point personnel, including dispatchers and technicians; other sworn and civilian personnel; court officers; other police or peace officers; support of civilian staff for any of the above services, agencies, or facilities; corrections; pre-k through 12 school or school district faculty or staff; contractors working in a pre-k through 12 school or school district; licensed, registered, approved or legally exempt group childcare providers; employees or support staff of licensed or registered childcare setting; public transit; individuals living or working in a homeless shelter or other congregate setting; public-facing grocery store workers, including convenience store and bodega workers; in-person college instructors; people of any age with specified underlying high-risk medical conditions.


New York COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Executive Order of 1/23/2021:  Local health departments and county governments receive allocation for and must prioritize essential workers in the 1b category.  Hospitals receive allocations for and must prioritize healthcare workers.  Pharmacies are to prioritize individuals that are 65+.  NYSDOH approved general population mass vaccination sites are to prioritize 65+ and essential workers in the 1b category.

Phase 1a Guidance (rev. 1/6/2021)

New York Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Provider Information and Registration

Individuals may check their eligibility to receive vaccine here; if eligible, the site will help them schedule an appointment. Note: depending on priority category, proof of eligibility may include an employee ID card, a letter from an employer or affiliated organization, or a pay stub.

North Carolina

Group 1: every health care worker at high risk for exposure to COVID-19; long-term care staff and residents.

Group 2: adults age 75 and older, regardless of health status or living situation; adults ages 65-74.

Group 3: frontline essential workers (Pre-K-12 teachers and support staff, childcare workers, first responders, law enforcement, corrections officers, food and agricultural workers, restaurant workers,U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store and other essential retail workers, public transit workers, transportation workers).

Group 4: adults younger than 65 with one chronic condition that puts them at risk of severe illness as defined by the CDC.

Group 5: remainder of population.


North Carolina COVID-19 Vaccination Plan with Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

NCDHHS COVID-19 Vaccine Update and FAQ (rev. 11/18/20)

Group 1 Fact Sheet (rev. 1/14/2021)

Group 2 Fact Sheet (rev. 1/14/2021)

Group 3/Essential Frontline Worker Fact Sheet (rev. 2/10/2021)

Find My Vaccine Group eligibility tool

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

North Carolina Vaccine Data Dashboard

North Dakota

Phase 1A: healthcare workers and long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1B, in order of priority: persons age 75 and older; persons ages 65-74 with two or more high-risk medical conditions; staff and residents of corrections facilities, shelters, and similar congregate settings; persons age 65 and older with one high-risk medical condition; persons age 65 and older with or without high-risk medical conditions; persons with two or more high-risk medical conditions regardless of age; childcare workers; preschool and K-12 workers, including support staff, bus drivers, nutritional workers, custodians, etc.

Phase 1C, in order of priority, and does not include those able to telework: National Guard not previously covered; workers enabling access to human food (not including restaurant workers); public safety dispatchers; manufacturing related to the development or supply of COVID-19 vaccine; other healthcare/public health workers not included in 1A; free-standing clinical laundries; public transit; blood bank workers not previously vaccinated; IT workers; all other essential workers as defined by CISA guidelines.


North Dakota COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/11/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Prioritization Phases (rev. 12/31/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Ethics FAQ

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

North Dakota Vaccine Data Dashboard

Essential Worker FAQ (rev. 12/7/2020)


Phase 1A: healthcare personnel routinely involved in the care of COVID-19 patients; nursing home and assisted living facility residents and staff; patients and staff at psychiatric hospitals; residents and staff of group homes or facilities for people with intellectual disabilities, substance abuse issues, or mental illness; residents and staff at veterans’ homes; EMS responders.

Phase 1B: people age 65 and older (beginning with people 80+, then adding 5-year age ranges each week); people with severe congenital, developmental, or early-onset medical disorders; adults who work in K-12 schools.


Ohio COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1A and 1B Distribution Fact Sheet (rev. 1/26/2021)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Ohio Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1:  long-term residents and staff; healthcare workers providing direct inpatient COVID care; public health staff conducting front-line COVID-19 pandemic mitigation and control activities; emergency medical responders.

Phase 2: other first responders; healthcare workers providing direct COVID outpatient care and services; adults 65 and older, and adults of any age with comorbidities; staff and residents in congregate locations and worksites; certain manufacturing facilities with limited social distancing capacity who are critical to the maintenance of the food supply; public health staff supporting front-line efforts, officials critical to maintain continuity of governmental operations and services; teachers and support staff.

Phase 3: students, residents and administrative staff in educational settings; critical infrastructure personnel.

Phase 4: open to all Oklahoma residents.


Oklahoma COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/14/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/20/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Population Framework for Oklahoma (rev. 12/8/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Vaccine Scheduler Portal

Oklahoma Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1A, Group 1: hospitals; urgent care; skilled nursing and memory care facility healthcare providers and residents; tribal health programs; EMS providers and other first responders; health care interpreters and traditional health workers.

Phase 1A, Group 2: other long-term care facilities and congregate care sites including healthcare providers and residents; hospice programs; mobile crisis care and related services; secure transport; individuals working in a correctional setting.

Phase 1A, Group 3: outpatient settings serving specific high-risk groups; in-home care; day treatment services; non-emergency medical transport; caregivers of medically fragile children or adults who live at home; adults and age-eligible children with a medical condition or disability who receive services at home.

Phase 1A, Group 4: all other outpatient healthcare providers; public health settings; other healthcare providers in direct care of high-risk populations.

Phase 1B: Group 1: childcare providers, early learning and K-12 educators and staff; Group 2: people age 80 and older; Group 3: people ages 75 and older; Group 4: people ages 70 and older; Group 5: people age 65 and older.

Subsequent groups: critical workers in high risk settings; people of all ages with underlying health conditions that put them at moderately high risk; general population.


Oregon COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1.1, 11/6/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1A and 1B Vaccine Plan and Sequencing (rev. 2/10/2021)

Vaccine Provider Information Portal

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 12/30/2020)

Oregon Vaccine Data Dashboard

Registration may also be available at the county level.


Phase 1A: health care personnel including, but not limited to: EMS personnel; nurses; nursing assistants; physicians; dentists; dental hygienists; chiropractors; therapists; phlebotomists; pharmacists; technicians; pharmacy technicians; health professions students and trainees; direct support professionals; clinical personnel in school settings or correctional facilities; contractual HCP not directly employed by the health care facility; persons not directly involved in patient care but potentially exposed to infectious material that can transmit disease among or from health care personnel and patients; long-term care facilities, with priority given to skilled nursing facilities; adults age 65 and older; people ages 16-64 with specified underlying health conditions not included in Phase 1.

Phase 1B: people in congregate settings not otherwise specified as long-term care facilities, and persons receiving home and community-based services; first responders; correctional officers and other workers serving people in congregate care settings not included in Phase 1A; food and agricultural workers; U.S. Postal Service workers; manufacturing workers; grocery store workers; education workers; clergy and other essential support for houses of worship; public transit workers; individuals caring for children or adults in early childhood and adult day programs.

Phase 1C: essential workers in various specified sectors.

Phase 2: people age 16 and older not included in earlier phases.


Pennsylvania COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.5, 1/19/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/23/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Information and Enrollment

Pennsylvania Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals may check their eligibility, and if eligible, schedule an appointment.

Puerto Rico

Phase 1A: healthcare workers; long-term care facility residents and employees; employees and residents in facilities and shelters for the mentally disabled.

Phase 1B: adults age 65 and older; front-line workers; food chain, school system.

Phase 1C: people with chronic medical conditions and disabilities; people in detention/correctional facilities; people experiencing homelessness or living in shelters; higher education students; other essential workers (federal, state and municipal employees, PR Aqueduct Authority, PR Electric Authority, communications, waste disposal, etc.); clergy/spiritual assistance personnel; restaurant workers.

Phase 2: persons age 16 and older without a history of chronic health conditions.


Puerto Rico COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Phase Chart rev. 12/21/2020 (Spanish)

Health Department Order 2021-480, 2/2/2021: modifies the Phase 1B prioritization so that except in the case of school teachers in vaccination centers established for that specific purpose, private and public entities assisting in the vaccination effort shall give exclusive priority to people over 65  for administration of the first dose. Groups belonging to other priority phases will be vaccinated once this population has received their vaccination, and only if there is written authorization by the Health Department.

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment (Spanish)

Rhode Island

Phase 1A: hospital staff; EMS and other first responders; home health and hospice providers; nursing home staff and residents; COVID vaccinators; community health center staff; COVID specimen collectors; urgent care clinic staff; respiratory clinic staff; pharmacists; dentists; primary care and other outpatient providers dialysis center staff; blood, organ, and tissue donation staff; morticians, funeral home workers, other death care professionals; COVID testing lab staff; other public health and emergency preparedness workers; corrections facilities; long-term care facility staff and residents (e.g., group homes for individuals primarily 65 and older, assisted living, elderly housing with residential services); persons experiencing homelessness.

Age-based groups in order of priority: people ages 75+; people ages 65-74; people ages 60-64; people ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions; people ages 50-59; people ages 40-49; people ages 16-39.


Rhode Island COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Rhode Island Vaccine Data Dashboard

The state health department is sending registration links to eligible people to register for their vaccination appointment.

South Carolina

Phase 1a: people age 65 and older; anesthesiology assistants, registered cardiovascular invasive specialists, and operating room staff; athletic trainers; ASL and other interpreters in healthcare facilities; autopsy room staff, coroners, embalmers, and funeral home staff at risk of exposure to bodily fluids; chiropractors; dentists and dental hygienists and technicians; dietary and food services staff in healthcare facilities; environmental services staff in healthcare facilities; harbor pilots; home health and hospice workers; hospital transport personnel; hospital inpatients 65 and older; laboratory personnel and phlebotomists; licensed dietitians; long-term care facility residents and staff; medical assistants; medical first responders (paid and volunteer): EMS; fire department and law enforcement personnel who provide emergency medical care; nurses, nurse practitioners, and nurse’s aides/assistants; opticians and optometrists and assistants/technicians; persons providing medical care in correctional facilities and correctional officers; pharmacists and pharmacy technicians; physical and occupational therapists and assistants; physicians, including medical house staff, and physician assistants; podiatrists; public health healthcare workers who are frequently interacting with persons with potential COVID-19 infection; radiology technicians; respiratory care practitioners, such as respiratory therapists; speech language pathologists and assistants and audiologists; state/local government employees and their contractors who are mission-critical for maintaining operations of COVID-19 vaccinations and testing in the state; students and interns of the above categories.

Phase 1b: frontline essential workers (those considered at highest risk for work-related exposure to SARS-CoV-2 who experience unavoidable, substantially increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2).

Phase 1c: essential workers not included in Phase 1b; persons ages 16-64 with specified underlying medical conditions.

Phase 2: rest of population.


South Carolina COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 1/16/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/22/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation (rev. 1/11/2021)

Vaccine Appointment Scheduling Portal

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

South Carolina Vaccine Data Dashboard

South Dakota

Phase 1A: frontline healthcare workers in emergency departments, intensive care units, and dedicated COVID-19 acute care units.

Phase 1B: long-term care facility residents.

Phase 1C: other healthcare workers; EMS workers; public health workers; law enforcement; corrections officers.

Phase 1D: adults age 65 and older (age to be lowered in 5-year increments as allocation allows); people with more than 2 underlying medical conditions that put them at significantly higher risk; high-risk patients; teachers and other school and college staff; workers and residents of congregate care settings; funeral services workers.

Phase 1E: fire service personnel; other critical infrastructure workers.


South Dakota COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.3.0, 12/14/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/23/2020)

Vaccine Priority Groups for Phase 1 (rev. 2/10/2021)

Vaccine Eligibility Tool

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

South Dakota Vaccine Data Dashboard


Along with the phases below, there will be a simultaneous age-based rollout, with people ages 75+ receiving vaccine first.

Phase 1a1: hospital/freestanding ER staff with direct patient exposure and/or exposure to potentially infectious materials; home care staff; mass testing site staff; student health providers; long-term care/skilled nursing/assisted living facility staff and residents; first responders with direct public exposure; individuals 18 years or older who cannot live independently due to a serious chronic medical condition or intellectual or developmental disability.

Phase 1a2: other healthcare providers; outpatient laboratory staff handling COVID-19 specimens; funeral or mortuary staff with direct decedent contact.

Phase 1b: K-12 teachers and school staff, including school bus drivers; childcare providers; other first responders not included in Phase 1a.

Phase 1c: persons ages 16 and older with one or more specified high-risk medical conditions; parents, caregivers, and other residents of households with medically fragile children.

Phase 2a: critical infrastructure workers (social services, commercial agriculture, commercial food production, corrections staff, public transit).

Phase 2b: critical infrastructure workers (transportation, postal workers, public infrastructure, telecommunications, utilities/energy).

Phase 3: others in higher-risk settings (individuals in congregate living and corrections facilities, grocery workers).

Phase 4: anyone not already vaccinated.


Tennessee COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.4, 1/22/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (rev. 11/18/2020)

Vaccine Phase Descriptions and Timeline

Vaccine Provider Registration and Resources

Tennessee Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine appointments are available by visiting this page and clicking on county of residence on the map. Counties not yet vaccinating anyone beyond healthcare workers will not yet have appointment scheduling available.


Phase 1A (Tier 1): healthcare providers; long-term care staff working directly with vulnerable residents; direct care providers at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and state-supported living centers; EMS providers; home healthcare workers.

(Tier 2): staff in outpatient care offices and other support staff; direct care staff in freestanding emergency medical care facilities and urgent care clinics; community pharmacy staff; public health and emergency response staff directly involved in administration of COVID testing and vaccinations; last responders; school nurses who provide health care to students and teachers.

Phase 1B: people 65 and older; people 16 and older with at least one specified chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19.


Texas COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Phase 1A Definition (rev. 12/17/2020)

COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Phase 1B Definition (rev. 12/22/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Texas Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: any healthcare worker who has contact with patients; tribal health, tribal EMS, and tribal public health workers; long-term care facility staff and residents; K-12 teachers and school staff; all first responders; people age 70 and older.  

Phase 1b: people ages 65-69; people age 18 and older with specified high-risk underlying medical conditions; tribal reservation communities; additional age-based groups (TBD); additional people with underlying medical conditions; people living in congregate care settings; racial and ethnic groups at higher risk.


Utah COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.1, 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Vaccine Distribution Timeline

Vaccine Provider Portal

Utah Vaccine Data Dashboard

Individuals eligible in the current phases must contact their local health department or school district to schedule their vaccination. There is no waiting list.


Phase 1: long-term care staff who have direct patient contact; healthcare workers primarily located in the Emergency Departments and Intensive Care Units, providing care to patients with COVID-19; Emergency Medical Services personnel and first responders; home healthcare clinical staff and caregivers who have contact with multiple patients or who are high-risk for serious illness from COVID-19; other healthcare providers and staff who have patient contact.

Phase 2: (in order of priority): adults age 75 and older; adults age 70 and older; adults age 65 and older; people with specified high-risk health conditions.


Vermont COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 12/28/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/21/2020)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Vermont Vaccine Data Dashboard

Vaccine Self-Registration Appointment Portal (open to currently eligible recipients)


Phase 1a: healthcare personnel; persons age 75 and older.

Phase 1b: essential workers listed in order of priority: police, fire, and hazmat; corrections and homeless shelter workers; childcare/k-12 teachers/staff; food and agriculture, including veterinarians; manufacturing; grocery store workers; public transit workers; public and private mail carriers; officials needed to maintain continuity of government; persons age 65 and older; persons living in shelters, correctional facilities, migrant labor camps.

Phase 1c: essential workers listed in order of priority: energy; water and wastewater; housing/construction; food service; transportation and logistics; institutions of higher education faculty/staff; finance; information technology & communication; media; legal services; public safety (engineers); other public health workers; those ages 16-64 with high-risk underlying medical conditions.


Virginia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 11/16/2020)

Summary of Changes in Plan Version 2.0

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance

Phase 1b Guidance

Phase 1c Guidance

Vaccine Provider Enrollment

Virginia Vaccine Dashboard

Statewide pre-registration portal here. The pre-registration system is for individuals to register themselves to receive vaccine.


Phase 1a, Tier 1: high-risk workers in healthcare settings; residents and staff of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other community-based, congregate living settings where most individuals over age 65 are receiving care, supervision, or assistance.

Phase 1a, Tier 2: workers in healthcare settings who are at risk of acquisition or transmission of COVID because they are interacting in close proximity (less than 6 feet) with patients, co-workers, or specimens and are unable to remain socially distant.

Phase 1b, Tier 1: people age65 and older; people age 50 and older who live in multigenerational households.

Phase 1b, Tier 2: high-risk critical workers age 50 and older who work in certain congregate settings (agriculture; food processing; grocery stores; K-12 (teachers and school staff); childcare; corrections, prisons, jails or detention facilities (staff); public transit; fire; law enforcement).

Phase 1b, Tier 3: people age 16 and older with two or more co-morbidities or underlying conditions.

Phase 1b, Tier 4: high-risk critical workers younger than age 50 in certain congregate settings; staff and volunteers all ages in congregate living settings.


Washington COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 1/7/2021)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/2020)

Phases 1A and 1B Distribution Guidance (rev. 1/18/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccination Phase 1a Guidance for Workers Not Getting the Vaccine from their Employer

Vaccine Provider Enrollment and Toolkit

Washington Vaccine Data Dashboard

West Virginia

Phase 1-A: hospital personnel; longer-term care staff and residents; pharmacy staff; persons ages 80+.

Phase 1-B: community infrastructure workers; emergency responders; public health officials; dental/orthodontic/oral surgery personnel; corrections staff.

Phase 1-C: other healthcare.

Phase 1-D: other critical sectors vital to state/government services.


West Virginia COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (rev. 10/16/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Overview of Allocation and Registration Process for Phases 1A-1D (rev. 1/8/2021)

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

Vaccine Provider Resources

West Virginia Vaccine Data Dashboard

All individuals are encouraged to pre-register to receive vaccine.

Phase 1 priority occupations, such as healthcare workers, will use the CDC's VAMS system to schedule their vaccination appointment. People eligible due to age-based priority may contact their local health departments and may be placed on a wait list if no appointments are available.

Retail and manufacturing: "Due to limited supply, this group is not yet being scheduled for the vaccine. If you fall into this eligibility category due to your job and have not yet heard from your employer or your association yet – please be patient. Your employer and or association is working with the state to coordinate the COVID-19 vaccination process and more information will be coming soon."


Phase 1a: frontline health care personnel; residents and staff in skilled nursing and long-term care facilities.

Phase 1b: police and fire personnel; correctional staff; adults age 65 and older; education and child care personnel; individuals enrolled in Medicaid long-term care programs; some public-facing essential workers; non-frontline essential health care personnel; facility staff and residents in congregate living settings.

Phase 1c: persons ages 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions; essential workers not included in Phase 1b. 


Wisconsin COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (10/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/26/2020)

Phase 1a Guidance for Vaccinating Entities to Prioritize COVID-19 Vaccine in Priority Populations (rev. 12/2020)

Phase 1b Prioritization and Definitions (rev. 1/2021)

Vaccine Provider Enrollment Portal

Wisconsin Vaccine Data Dashboard


Phase 1a: hospital staff; EMS personnel/fire department personnel that are EMTs; long-term care facilities and healthcare providers; public health nursing staff and other HCPs administering vaccines; tribal public health; public health nurses and HCPs who regularly conduct COVID sample collection; inpatient/residential behavioral health facility HCPs; urgent care clinics and other medical clinics; law enforcement; licensed/credentialed medical and dental direct care staff working in other locations who have regular exposure to potentially positive COVID-19 patients or infectious material; public health offices and local health departments; home healthcare providers; school nurses; laboratories; pharmacy staff; other healthcare facility staff.

Phase 1b priority hierarchy: (1) fire, police, 911, correctional staff, search and rescue, and other in-person emergency response personnel not included in Phase 1a; (2) funeral service practitioners and in-person employees necessary for funerals; (3) in-person employees within congregate settings such as group homes, halfway houses, homeless shelters, child and youth serving facilities; (4) healthcare providers, behavioral health providers, and social workers unable to physically distance and unable to provide services through telehealth; healthcare facility surveyor/compliance evaluator and ombudsmen; (5) K-12 teachers and support staff; (6) child care and adult day care service providers; (7) public transit employees; (8) grocery store employees, commercial meat processing employees, feedlot employees, other food supply chain facility employees, and food manufacturing companies with 25 or more employees; (9) U.S. Postal Service employees and delivery service companies likely to have more than 15 minutes of exposure to members of the public; clinical laboratory specimen courier employees; (10) workforce service center employees; port of entry employees; parole and probation officers; veterinarians; court system employees; and non-law enforcement security officers that must have in-person close interactions, unable to physically distance and unable to provide services virtually; attorneys, judges, and court personnel necessary for in person criminal hearings or trials; and custodial staff responsible for cleaning areas known to have been contaminated by people positive for COVID-19. 

Starting with Phase 1b3, persons age 65 and older and those with specified high risk underlying medical conditions may also receive vaccine. 


Wyoming COVID-19 Vaccination Plan (v.2, 11/25/2020)

Vaccination Plan Executive Summary (rev. 10/16/2020)

Phase 1a and 1b COVID-19 Vaccination Priorities (rev. 2/1/2021)

Vaccine Provider Resources and Enrollment

Wyoming Vaccine Data Dashboard

No statewide online registration portal to receive vaccine. Frontline essential workers listed in Phase 1b will be contacted through their employers by local county health offices. Online registration for individuals may be available at the county level.

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