While the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit has been in effect since June 30, 2020, here is a summary of the updated recommendations from the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit for returning to in-person instruction.

  • Students in Kindergarten – 5th grade should return to in-person instruction five days per week while complying with all of the health protocols in the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit.  Schools do not need to impose the 6 Feet Social Distancing Requirements for students in Kindergarten -5th grade.
  • Students in 6th -12th grade should return to in-person instruction five days per week while complying with all of the health protocols in the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit.  Students in 6th – 12th grade must adhere to the Six Feet Social Distancing Requirements.
  • Schools are expected to provide 100% remote options to “higher risk” students and teachers as well as to parents opting for the 100% remote option.
  • Schools have the discretion to determine how to implement the provisions of the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit.
  • Schools should maintain their contingency Plans A, B, and C.

Unlike prior Executive Orders, Governor Cooper has left schools with the discretion to determine whether they will resume in-person learning consistent with the above recommendations.  Schools should expect to see a flurry of “special” or “emergency” board meetings in the coming days or weeks to evaluate their next steps in light of Governor Cooper’s “strong recommendation” for resuming in-person instruction.