Health Care Update - July 2014 #3

Mintz - Health Care Viewpoints

In This Issue:

- First Guidance following Hobby Lobby released

- Implementation of the Affordable Care Act

- Other Federal Regulatory Initiatives

- Other Congressional and State Initiatives

- Other Health Care News

- Upcoming Hearings and Markups

- Excerpt from First Guidance following Hobby Lobby released:

The Department of Labor (DOL) published a notice on Thursday, July 17th that all “closely held” for-profit companies are required to inform their employees if they plan to opt out of providing the coverage in response to the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision. This is the first formal action the Obama Administration has taken, after the failed attempt to pass legislation in the Senate that would have overturned the Supreme Court’s decision. DOL said that as part of “longstanding regulations,” the employer must explain what coverage areas aren’t provided in an insurance plan.

Please see full publication below for more information.

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Mintz - Health Care Viewpoints


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