On May 1, 2019, a group of California agencies and municipalities filed a petition for writ of mandate and complaint for mandatory relief challenging the State Wetlands Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge and Fill Material to Waters of the State ("Procedures") in Sacramento County Superior Court. The entity bringing the challenge is the San Joaquin Tributaries Authority, a Joint Powers Authority ("JPA") comprised of several member agencies, including the Modesto Irrigation District, Oakdale Irrigation District, and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District. The City and County of San Francisco is also a member. The Procedures were adopted by the State Water Quality Control Board ("Water Board") on April 2, 2019; however, the Water Board has still not made a copy of the adoption resolution publicly available.
According to the JPA, the Water Board’s adoption of the Procedures was unlawful, and must therefore be set aside for several reasons including: