Kate Fairweather of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle on Why Every Law Firm Needs a Podcast Strategy - Passle's CMO Series EP166

With podcast listening at a record high, there’s a significant opportunity for law firms to reach their target audience. In episode 166 of the CMO Series Podcast, we dive into the world of podcasting and learn how an effective strategy can support your marketing and business development efforts.

Recorded live in London, Will Eke is joined by Kate Fairweather, Director of Business Development and Marketing at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, to discuss the power of podcasts and why law firms should See more +

With podcast listening at a record high, there’s a significant opportunity for law firms to reach their target audience. In episode 166 of the CMO Series Podcast, we dive into the world of podcasting and learn how an effective strategy can support your marketing and business development efforts.

Recorded live in London, Will Eke is joined by Kate Fairweather, Director of Business Development and Marketing at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, to discuss the power of podcasts and why law firms should include podcasting in their strategy.

We explore Curtis’s podcast and how it’s supporting their recruitment efforts with the potential to drive business growth within the firm. We’ll also hear more about Kate’s podcast journey, her award-winning ‘Dogs with Jobs’ series which won the Podcast of the Year 2022, and why she’s championing podcasting in legal marketing.

Kate and Will cover:

- Kate’s background in podcasting and broadcasting and what drives her passion

- Why law firms should consider podcasting to reach their market

- The vision and aims of the ‘On Tour with Curtis’ podcast Kate has managed and hosted

- The progress of the podcast and the results that Curtis is seeing

- Curtis's podcast strategy and new podcast plans for the future

- Advice to other law firms looking to integrate podcasting into their marketing and business development strategies

A transcript of this episode is available: https://blog.passle.net/post/102jzl8/cmo-series-ep166-kate-fairweather-of-curtis-mallet-prevost-colt-mosle-on-wh See less -


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