The updates include a Consultation Paper, new and revised guidance materials from the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and notices from the Companies Registry.
The key updates in November and December 2023 include the launch of the Fast Interface for New Issuance (FINI) platform, the publication of the Guide for New Listing Applicants, and the Global Exchange Market (GEM) listing reforms which resulted in a number of updates being made to the Listing Rules and related guidance materials. Issuers are advised to familiarise themselves with the updated Listing Rules and guidance materials. Potential new applicants for a listing on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Stock Exchange) should note that a prospectus and its accompanying documents for the purpose of authorisation and registration may now be submitted electronically. A relevant guidance letter and FAQs have been published to provide guidance on electronic submission.
Please see full publication below for more information.