Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today, Lee and Alison are talking about resumes. It's important to have a clean, professional resume that highlights your relevant experiences and interests. Join us as we share our top 10 resume tips for law students.
In this episode we discuss:
>Polishing the look of your See more +
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today, Lee and Alison are talking about resumes. It's important to have a clean, professional resume that highlights your relevant experiences and interests. Join us as we share our top 10 resume tips for law students.
In this episode we discuss:
>Polishing the look of your resume
>Explaining gaps in education/employment history
>Tailoring your application materials to specific jobs
>How to approach the "Interests" section in your resume
>Getting feedback
>And more!
>CareerDicta (https://lawschooltoolbox.com/careerdicta/)
>Podcast Episode 111: Resumes and Cover Letters (with an ex-BigLaw Recruiter) (https://lawschooltoolbox.com/podcast-episode-111-resumes-cover-letters-ex-biglaw-recruiter/)
>Advice from a Law Recruiter, Part One: Top Tips for a Perfect Resume (https://lawschooltoolbox.com/advice-law-recruiter-part-one-resumes/)
Download the Transcript (https://lawschooltoolbox.com/episode-494-top-10-tips-for-a-legal-resume/)
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Thanks for listening!
Alison & Lee See less -