Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) announced last Thursday that it has received three Technical Proposals in response to its Request for Proposals for the Automated People Mover (APM) project.
Part of LAWA’s $5.5 billion Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP), the APM system will be approximately 2.25 miles long and feature an elevated dual lane guideway, six passenger stations, and an off-line maintenance and storage facility. Three stations will be located within the central terminal area at LAX, and three stations will be located at two new intermodal transportation facilities and a new consolidated rental car center. The stations within the central terminal area will provide fast and easy connections to the airline terminals via pedestrian bridges equipped with moving walkways.
LAWA’s APM project is the first APM system in the United States to be procured through an availability payment public-private partnership (P3) delivery model. The selected proposer will design, build, and partially finance the APM system, and will then operate and maintain the APM system over a 25-year term.
LAWA received Technical Proposals from the following shortlisted proposer teams (listed in alphabetical order):
Gateway Connectors
LAX Connecting Alliance
Financial Proposals for the project are due on December 20, 2017. LAWA will review the Technical and Financial Proposals over the next two months, and expects to make a selection decision in January 2018.
LAWA’s official press release can be found here. For more information, please visit the project website at http://www.connectinglax.com.