Litigation Byte (February 2025 Edition)

McGlinchey Stafford

McGlinchey Stafford

District Court Holds Debt Verification In Response to Consumer’s Letter Refusing to Pay, But Disputing the Debt, Is Not a FDCPA Violation

The District of Maryland rejected a plaintiff’s arguments that a debt collector’s verification of a debt in response to a letter refusing to pay, but disputing the debt, violated the cease communication directive under the FDCPA.

Fifth Circuit Erie-Guess Excludes Retirement Accounts from Spousal Restitution Garnishment

The Fifth Circuit’s Erie-guess in this case will likely provide further guidance for similarly situated parties in Mississippi.

Fourth Circuit Rules that SCRA Does Not Preclude Arbitration

The Fourth Circuit reversed a district court’s decision to deny a national bank’s motion to compel arbitration, finding that amendments to SCRA did not override the applicability of the FAA to arbitrate claims under the SCRA.

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McGlinchey Stafford


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