For divorce attorneys, a surge in calls is typical after the holidays are over and the new year begins.  In January, divorce attorneys are busier than usual with calls from new clients who want to begin the divorce process. Although this seems unusual to some, there are several reasons why this time of year is typically busy for divorce attorneys:

  • The holidays are wonderful for many but extremely difficult for others. Many couples agree to wait until after the holidays so that their children are not affected.  Others realize that being with their spouses during the holidays was miserable and if they can’t be happy during such a festive time then when will happiness ever come?
  • Romantic affairs are often times discovered during the holidays and/ or many people realize they would rather spend their holidays with other people who make them happy

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  • Financial hardships are often the demise of many relationships. The holidays tend to be a difficult time financially for many people, leading to more fights and more unhappy marriages.
  • New Year’s resolutions lead people to realize they are ready for a new year and ready to move on from unhappy relationships.

A new year is certainly a time when we all decide that we are going to put our best foot forward for the year ahead. If you believe your marriage is in trouble, calling a divorce attorney to find out your rights and obligations is certainly a step in the right direction to determine if, in fact, you are ready to move ahead with the process.  Being informed and reaching out for guidance is important in every important decision you make.  Whatever your New Year’s resolution is, you should align yourself with the proper professionals who can help you start your new year.