The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) announced on September 17, 2015, that the National Science Foundation (NSF) will provide a total of $81 million over five years to support 16 sites and a coordinating office as part of a new National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI).  The awards are for up to five years and range from $500,000 to $1.6 million each per year.  Nine of the sites have at least one regional partner institution.  The 16 sites are located in 15 states and involve 27 universities.  The NNCI sites are intended to provide researchers from academia, government, and companies with access to university user facilities with leading-edge fabrication and characterization tools, instrumentation, and expertise within all disciplines of nanoscale science, engineering and technology.  One of the newly awarded sites will be chosen to coordinate the facilities, including establishing a web portal to link the individual facilities’ websites to provide a unified entry point to the user community of overall capabilities, tools, and instrumentation.  The new NNCI awards include:

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