The Election Day Edition – An Overview of the Candidates’ Views of Workplace Laws

Snell & Wilmer

Only one day away from an election that, at best, can be described as a rollercoaster. The Arizona readers of the blog have undoubtedly observed that activity is at a high in this state since–for the first time in many years–Arizona is considered a battleground state. Whether you are pro-Hillary or pro-Donald, here are some highlights on their views of workplace laws, such as minimum wage.

Happy Voting!

Secretary Hillary Clinton

It has widely been discussed that Clinton plans to raise the minimum wage to $12. Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Washington already have measures on their ballots to increase the minimum wage over the next four years to $12.00 and the latter to $13.80.

Some of the items in Secretary’s plan applicable to the workforce are:

Reward companies that share profits with their employees, not just their executives

Fight for unions that built the great American middle class and strengthen collective bargaining

Encourage businesses to provide worker training and apprenticeships

End the tyranny of “quarterly capitalism” and encourage companies to invest in America for the long-run

Reform our tax code to reward businesses that invest in jobs in the United States, and impose an exit tax on companies that move overseas to avoid paying their taxes

Strengthen our antitrust laws and enforcement so businesses get ahead by competing and benefitting their customers – not by unfairly concentrating markets

Claw back the special tax breaks that corporations receive for locating research and production here at home if they ship jobs overseas, and use the proceeds to invest in America

Make the minimum wage a living wage and fight for equal pay

Pursue worker-friendly policies to make it harder for companies to race to the bottom in search of profits

Defend Wall Street reform and push for new measures to ensure that Wall Street never threatens Main Street again


In Arizona, Secretary Clinton spoke about diversity and embracing the various cultures within the United States. She also focused some of her talk on workplace issues–such as raising the national minimum wage and guaranteeing equal pay for women’s work.

See the video here.

Donald Trump

Trump, on the other hand, supports an increase of the minimum wage to $10 an hour, but wants states to guide the changes in regulations. Some have argued Trump has changed his perspective on minimum wage; however, the recent conversations suggest he does support an increase.

Trump’s vision includes his plan to:

Create a dynamic booming economy that will create 25 million new jobs over the next decade. For each 1 percent in added GDP growth, the economy adds 1.2 million jobs. Increasing growth by 1.5 percent would result in 18 million jobs (1.5 million times 1.2 million, multiplied by 10 years) above the projected current law job figures of 7 million, producing a total of 25 million new jobs for the American economy.


You can read his plan to create 25 million jobs here. He says he will “[a]sk all Department heads to submit a list of every wasteful and unnecessary regulation which kills jobs, and which does not improve public safety, and eliminate them.”

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