In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Savage Curtain, which aired on March 7, 1969, Star Date 5906.4.
While scanning planet Excalbia, Spock detects strange readings which seem to indicate the presence of carbon cycle life forms. The subsequent appearance of Abraham Lincoln on the viewing screen and his transportation to the Enterprise demonstrates that whatever intelligence resides on the planet has the See more +
In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Savage Curtain, which aired on March 7, 1969, Star Date 5906.4.
While scanning planet Excalbia, Spock detects strange readings which seem to indicate the presence of carbon cycle life forms. The subsequent appearance of Abraham Lincoln on the viewing screen and his transportation to the Enterprise demonstrates that whatever intelligence resides on the planet has the ability to read minds and manipulate matter. Shortly before beaming Lincoln aboard, Spock reports sensors showing an object resembling a living rock with claws at the same position.
On board, Lincoln appears to be human with knowledge of technology from the mid-1800s but is strangely also aware of the Vulcan philosophy. When Kirk accepts Lincoln’s invitation for Spock and him to beam down to a patch of Earth-type environment on the planet, they encounter Surak, the father of Vulcan civilization. A piece of rock suddenly becomes animated and informs them that the planet’s inhabitants are conducting an experiment to discover which of the opposing human philosophies is stronger: good or evil. To carry out their experiment, the rock creatures pit Lincoln, Surak, Kirk, and Spock against Genghis Khan, Colonel Green, Zora, and Kahless the Klingon in a battle to the death.
Green appears to parlay with Surak but sends his associates to sneak up on him. They then attempt to trick Kirk’s party into rescuing him when he (apparently) screams out in pain. Lincoln attempts to sneak into Green’s camp, but this action had been expected. As he discovers that Surak is already dead, Lincoln is speared from behind. Col. Green’s party then attacks Spock and Kirk. Spock kills Col. Green, and the others are forced to flee. The rock creatures discover that evil is defeated when directly confronted by good, and Spock, Kirk, and the Enterprise are released.
Compliance Takeaways:
1. Executives behaving badly?
2. Internal control workarounds and overrides.
3. Who watches the watchers? See less -