UK Pensions training materials - Updated March 2023

Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells

We run a comprehensive programme of pension training for clients and their advisers, including training for new pension trustees, training for experienced trustees and regular morning seminars reviewing legal developments in pensions. Material from our pensions seminars is available below.


UK Pensions Dashboards: the way forward - 14 March 2023

Hogan Lovells speakers Katie Banks, Jade Rigby and Sara Marinoni were delighted to be joined by guest speaker Chris Curry, Principal of the Pensions Dashboards Programme and Director of the Pensions Policy Institute. Topics our speakers discussed included:

  • Pensions Dashboards: where we are now? (timestamped 0.00)
  • Legal overview (timestamped 25.26)
  • Challenges for DC schemes (timestamped 36.43)
  • Challenges for DB schemes (timestamped 47.07)
  • What about privacy and cybersecurity? (timestamped 51.54)
  • Enforcement: what happens if things go wrong? (timestamped 1.13.54)

The seminar is available on-demand here.

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Defined benefits pension funding code: what does it mean for you? - 31 January 2023

Hogan Lovells pension partner Claire Southern was joined by Katie Lightstone (Employer Covenant Partner, PwC) and John Dunn (Pensions Director, PwC) to look in more detail at the legal, covenant and actuarial implications of the draft DB funding code for pension trustees and sponsoring employers, covering topics including:

  • How did we get here?
  • Overview of the new approach
  • 3 areas of change, including:
    • New obligations about schemes long term funding
    • Changes and clarifications about the current funding regime
    • Introduction to Fast Track
  • What does this look like in practice?
  • Hot topics

The webinar is available on-demand here.

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Defined benefit pension schemes: approaching the end game? - 23 November 2022

  • Introduction to buy-in and buy-out (timestamped 1.07)
  • Planning for the end game; preparation for buy-in; buying in (timestamped 3.58)
  • Buy-in to buy-out (timestamped 14.01)
  • Protection for members in buy-out: the insurer and FSCS (timestamped 36.16)
  • Protection for trustees (timestamped 1.00.02)

The seminar is now available on-demand here. You can view a copy of the slides here.

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Recent developments in pensions - 6 July 2022

Members of our team discussed:

The webinar is now available on-demand here, or click the title of each talk above for the recording of that section. You can view a copy of the slides here.

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Climate change and pensions: what trustees should know - 2 March 2022

How climate change impacts pension investment (and the employer covenant) is now a major issue for trustees. While only the largest schemes are (currently) subject to the additional and complex requirements arising from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), trustees of all schemes should consider how climate change impacts the risk management of their schemes.

At our webinar speakers from Hogan Lovells pension team we were joined by Jane Evans (covenant adviser and Associate Partner, EY-Parthenon) and James Leeming (investment consultant and Partner, XPS) to discuss:

  • TCFD and pensions: what the law requires
  • Box ticking or meaningful exercise? Ensuring climate-related activity results in value for your scheme
  • Minding the gaps: practical approaches to incomplete data and other challenges
  • Climate risk and the employer covenant: what is needed

Click to access the recording on demand and slides from this webinar.

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Recent developments in pensions - 19 January 2022

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • Scam protection: the new transfer requirements (recording timestamp: 1:48)
  • Update from the Pensions Regulator (recording timestamp: 17:00)
  • Increasing normal minimum pension age (recording timestamp: 33:30)
  • Recent cases - Mitchells & Butlers (recording timestamp: 46:30)

Click to access the recording on demand and slides from this webinar.

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Recent developments in pensions - 8 July 2021

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • Transfers and pension liberation: what’s changing? (recording timestamp: 1:40)
  • Update from the Regulator (including tPR’s annual funding statement and application of the new contribution notice tests) (recording timestamp: 17:30)
  • What’s new in DC? (recording timestamp: 31:30)
  • Recent Pensions Ombudsman determinations (recording timestamp: 47:30)

Click to access the recording on demand and slides from this webinar.

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Recent developments from the Pensions Regulator - 23 April 2021

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • The new single code of practice: implications for trustees
  • New criminal offences: the Regulator's approach to investigation and prosecution
  • Regulatory intervention: why the Regulator acted against the owners of Silentnight

To access the slides, please click here.

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Recent developments in pensions - 12 February 2021

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • Where are we with GMP equalisation (recording timestamp: 1:25)
  • Climate change: draft regulations and guidance (recording timestamp: 27:43)
  • Re Prudential Assurance Company, Re Rothesay Life (recording timestamp: 45:10)
  • Pensions Ombudsman determinations: Mr S case; Mr K case (recording timestamp: 49:30)

Click to access the recording on demand and the slides from this webinar.

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Recent developments in pensions - 4 December 2020

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • Transfers to superfunds: Recent Pensions Regulator guidance (recording timestamp: 1:00)
  • GMP equalisation (recording timestamp: 14:30)
  • New PASA cybercrime guidance: reminder of steps trustees should be taking to protect their scheme (recording timestamp: 34:20)
  • Transferring to a master trust: what trustees and employers should consider (recording timestamp: 47:55)

Click to access the recording on demand and slides from this webinar.

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Recent developments in pensions - 7 October 2020

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • Investment: changes in relation to pension schemes
  • Brexit and pensions
  • GMP equalisation: where are we?
  • Recent Pensions Ombudsman determinations: Mr E (Liberty SIPP); Mr T (James Hay)

Click to access the slides from this webinar.

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Recent developments in pensions - 9 July 2020

Members of our pension team discussed:

  • GMP equalisation: where are we? (recording timestamp: 2:45)
  • Developments in scheme funding (recording timestamp: 22:24)
  • Pension Schemes Bill and Investigatory Powers Regulations (recording timestamp: 36:35)
  • Recent Pensions Ombudsman determinations: Mr N (PO-25899); Mrs S (PO-30336) (recording timestamp: 46:00)

Click to access the recording on demand and slides from this webinar.

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Hogan Lovells


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