Updata is an international report produced by Eversheds Sutherland’s dedicated Privacy and Cybersecurity team – it provides you with a compilation of key privacy and cybersecurity regulatory and legal developments from the past quarter. This edition covers October to December 2020 and is full of newsworthy items from our team members around the globe. Of note, during that quarter we have seen updates including:
..COVID testing and remote working guidance across multiple jurisdictions;
..Increase in privacy enforcement action and litigation across many jurisdictions;
..the CJEU issued the judgment in the much anticipated Privacy International case concerning the mass use of surveillance technologies;
..not surprisingly, the Schrems II decision (which invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield and requires additional due diligence before using the Standard Contractual Clauses) continues to feature prominently and the EDPB published recommendations for consultation in response;
..the European Commission published updated drafts of both the SCCs and controller-processor terms;
..California voters passed sweeping amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act;
..The rampant SolarWinds hack, including the New York Department of Financial Services requirement to report on its effects;
..The Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the launch of the enhanced Cybersecurity Fortification Initiative 2.0;
..China unveiled the full text of the draft Personal Data Protection Law of the People's Republic of China...
Please see full publication below for more information.