On November 13, 2013, the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) issued its first final decision in an inter partes review (IPR) proceeding brought by Garmin under the new administrative procedures established by the America Invents Act of 2012 (Garmin v. Cuozzo, IPR2012-00001). Consistent with its initial finding of unpatentability, the PTAB found all claims unpatentable and denied the patent owner’s motion to amend in the final decision, which numbered 49 pages in length. The PTAB had initially granted Garmin's petition as to certain claims and denied it as to others in a decision dated January 9, 2013, meaning that it reached its final decision in only about 10 months, well within the 12-month time limit required by statute. A copy of the full decision is available here.