McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP

300 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606-6709, United States
Phone: 312.913.0001
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Areas Of Practice
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  • Litigation
Other U.S. Locations
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51-99 Attorneys

MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 16, Issue 2

Intelligent Machines - Engines of Intellectual Property Creation? - Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasing part of our daily lives. Many of us utilize virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri and…more

Copyright, Graphical User Interface, Intellectual Property Protection, Patents, Trade Secrets

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Why we think AI can be an inventor on a patent application

On April 18, 2023, we submitted a Supreme Court amicus brief expressing our encouragement for the justices to rule on the question of whether it is proper for an artificial intelligence (AI) to be an inventor on a patent…more

Artificial Intelligence, Computer-Related Inventions, Intellectual Property Protection, Inventions, Inventors

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United States v. Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Last month, the United States government, acting on behalf of its Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), filed suit in Delaware against Gilead Sciences, Inc. and Gilead Sciences Ireland UC for infringing four patents…more

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Gilead Sciences, Life Sciences, Patent Infringement, Patents

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The fungal revolution and IP — the next frontier

Healthier and more eco-friendly alternatives to animal-based products are becoming an increasingly popular choice with consumers. Demand is high for animal-free products that can provide a more sustainable protein substitute and…more

Food Manufacturers, Food Supply, Intellectual Property Protection, Startups, Trade Associations

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 15, Issue 4

Patent Exhaustion: Supreme Court Expands Patent-Limiting Doctrine - The U.S. Supreme Court at the end of the past term handed down a decision, Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark International, Inc., that greatly expanded…more

Fair Use, Marijuana, Patent Exhaustion, Patent Litigation, Patents

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The IP Owner’s Guide to Brexit: Don’t Panic

By now, everyone has likely heard about the United Kingdom’s vote last week to leave the European Union. Few things are certain at this time, as governments around the world are still making plans to deal with Brexit. Further,…more

Community Designs, EU, European Patent Convention, European Patent Office, Intellectual Property Protection

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Why Method of Treatment Patents for Repurposed Drugs Are Worth the Investment

Scientists, clinicians, and other investigators are discovering new uses for drugs previously known for different medical indications. Such “drug repurposing” (also called drug repositioning, profiling, or re-tasking) has great…more

Actavis Inc., Coronavirus/COVID-19, Eli Lilly, Intellectual Property Protection, Investment Opportunities

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PTAB Life Sciences Report - February 2018

About the PTAB Life Sciences Report: periodically, we will report on developments at the PTAB involving life sciences patents. Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH - PTAB Petition: …more

Life Sciences, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Patent Litigation, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Patents

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USPTO Guidance on Use of AI-Based Tools

The USPTO has issued several recent Federal Register Notices this calendar year. The latest, entitled Guidance on Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools in Practice Before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, 89 FR…more

Artificial Intelligence, Confidentiality Policies, Copyright, Executive Orders, Information Disclosure Statement

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MBHB Snippets: Review of Developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2014)

In This Issue: - “Patent Trolls” in the Crosshairs – But How Will Patent Reform Legislation Impact the Rest of Us - USPTO Guidance Takes an Expansive View of Patent-Ineligible Subject Matter - Functional Claim…more

Data Protection, Non-Practicing Entities, Patent Exhaustion, Patent Litigation, Patent Reform

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Supreme Court Grants Certiorari on Appointment of PTAB Judges

Today, the Supreme Court granted petitions for a writ of certiorari to review the Federal Circuit’s decision in Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc. Last Halloween, a Federal Circuit panel held in Arthrex that the way the U.S…more

Administrative Patent Judges, Appointments Clause, Certiorari, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Patents

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 16, Issue 2

Intelligent Machines - Engines of Intellectual Property Creation? - Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasing part of our daily lives. Many of us utilize virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri and…more

Copyright, Graphical User Interface, Intellectual Property Protection, Patents, Trade Secrets

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Coming Soon: New Claim Construction Standard for Many AIA Trial Proceedings

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced today, Octoer 10, 2018, that it is issuing a final rule that will change the claim construction standard applied during many inter partes review (IPR), post-grant review…more

America Invents Act, Claim Construction, Covered Business Method Patents, Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding, Patent Trial and Appeal Board

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 17, Issue 2

USPTO Issues CBD Trademark Guidelines in Light of the 2018 Farm Bill: Key Takeaways - On May 2, 2019, the USPTO released its new guidelines on how it will examine federal trademark applications for CBD products in light of…more

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, Controlled Substances Act, Copyright, Design Patent, Due Diligence

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MBHB Snippets: Review of Developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2014)

In This Issue: - “Patent Trolls” in the Crosshairs – But How Will Patent Reform Legislation Impact the Rest of Us - USPTO Guidance Takes an Expansive View of Patent-Ineligible Subject Matter - Functional Claim…more

Data Protection, Non-Practicing Entities, Patent Exhaustion, Patent Litigation, Patent Reform

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Strategies for Expediting the Patenting Process

Intellectual property protection, particularly patent protection, is important for many companies, and the ability to speed up the patenting process may be essential for a variety of reasons. For instance, one or more issued…more

Corporate Counsel, Fast Track Process, Intellectual Property Protection, Patent Litigation, Patent Prosecution

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Five Reasons Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Startups Should Prioritize IP

Despite recent headlines that have proclaimed “The End of Crypto” in view of large-scale failures at cryptocurrency companies like FTX, Celsius, and Blockfi, innovation in the space continues at an accelerating pace. Startups…more

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Digital Assets, Intellectual Property Protection

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Allergan, Inc. v. Apotex, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2014)

In a not particularly well-written opinion that breaks no new ground, the Federal Circuit considered a consolidated appeal of two patents directed to methods of promoting hair growth, including, in particular, eyelash hair…more

Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), Allergan Inc, Apotex, Appeals, Claim Construction

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 17, Issue 3

2019 Patent Trial and Appeal Board Key Practice Updates: A Year in Review - 2019 has been an active year for procedural changes in the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”). These changes include not only the PTAB’s issuance…more

Artificial Intelligence, Cannabis-Related Businesses (CRBs), Farm Bill, FOIA, Patent Ownership

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Patent Valuation – Damages Amounts Based on Patent Quality

Damages awarded in a patent infringement lawsuit are one of the most accurate metrics that can be used to value a patent. While other metrics, such as sale price, may be helpful in determining the value of a patent, damages…more

Damages, Patent Infringement, Patent Validity, Patents

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So You Won At The PTAB -- Can You Defend The Final Written Decision On Appeal?

Many people have come to believe that Inter Partes Review (IPR) proceedings in front of the Patent and Trademark Appeal Board (PTAB) are a good substitute for litigation. The reasons for this belief are not without basis. IPRs…more

America Invents Act, Appeals, Final Written Decisions, Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding, Patent Trial and Appeal Board

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PTAB Remains Hostile to Section 101 Appeals

There is ample evidence that patent examiner allowance rates vary dramatically from examiner to examiner and art unit to art unit.[1]  This has resulted in the general understanding that there are "easy" examiners and "tough"…more

Intellectual Property Protection, Patent Applications, Patent Examinations, Patent Litigation, Patent Trial and Appeal Board

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Life Sciences Court Report & COVID-19 Impact on District Court Filings

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world economy to a standstill and the U.S. legal industry has not been immune. Firms continue to implement cost-saving measures by reducing salaries, implementing furloughs, and in dire…more

Coronavirus/COVID-19, Court Closures, Court Schedules, Life Sciences, Patent Infringement

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Epic Tech, LLC v. Fusion Skill, Inc. (S.D. Tex. 2021)

Electronic Gaming Patents Found Invalid under § 101 - In the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Houston Division), Plaintiff Epic Tech, LLC (a seller of so-called "sweepstakes games") sued Defendants…more

Abstract Ideas, Computer-Related Inventions, Intellectual Property Protection, Patent Litigation, Patent-Eligible Subject Matter

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MBHB Snippets: Review of Developments in Intellectual Property Law - Spring 2013 - Volume 11, Issue 2: Implementing the New Micro Entity Status at the U.S. Patent Office

As part of new rules introduced by the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), a new section that defines a “micro entity” was added to Title 35 of the United States Code. As a subset of small entity status, micro entity status…more

America Invents Act, Fees, Micro Entity Status, Patent Applications, Patent Reform

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MBHB Snippets: Review of Developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2014)

In This Issue: - “Patent Trolls” in the Crosshairs – But How Will Patent Reform Legislation Impact the Rest of Us - USPTO Guidance Takes an Expansive View of Patent-Ineligible Subject Matter - Functional Claim…more

Data Protection, Non-Practicing Entities, Patent Exhaustion, Patent Litigation, Patent Reform

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The Status of Patent Laches after Petrella v. MGM

Today in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (case number 12-1315), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the doctrine of laches could not be invoked to bar a copyright claim that was brought within the statutorily allowed…more

Copyright, Copyright Infringement, Laches, Lanham Act, Petrella v. MGM

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 15, Issue 4

Patent Exhaustion: Supreme Court Expands Patent-Limiting Doctrine - The U.S. Supreme Court at the end of the past term handed down a decision, Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark International, Inc., that greatly expanded…more

Fair Use, Marijuana, Patent Exhaustion, Patent Litigation, Patents

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Personalized Media Communications, LLC v. Apple, Inc. (E.D. Tex. 2021)

Signal Processing Claims for Decrypting Encrypted Information Found Patent Ineligible - Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division ruled that Defendant Apple, Inc. (hereinafter…more

Abstract Ideas, Computer-Related Inventions, Encryption, Motion to Dismiss, Patent Invalidity

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 16, Issue 3

Avoiding Common IP Pitfalls: What Every Startup Needs to Know - Startup companies often face significant risk and liability with respect to Intellectual Property (IP) on their path to success. The failure to adequately…more

Artificial Intelligence, Design Patent, Intellectual Property Protection, Patents, Pharmaceutical Industry

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Supreme Court Upholds PTAB and Clarifies USPTO Director Power Under 35 U.S.C. § 6(c)

In Arthrex v. Smith & Nephew, the Supreme Court determined: (i) whether the authority of Administrative Patent Judges (APJs) to issue decisions on behalf of the Executive Branch is consistent with the Appointments Clause of the…more

Administrative Patent Judges, Appointments Clause, Arthrex Inc v Smith & Nephew Inc, Constitutional Challenges, International Trade Commission (ITC)

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 17, Issue 2

USPTO Issues CBD Trademark Guidelines in Light of the 2018 Farm Bill: Key Takeaways - On May 2, 2019, the USPTO released its new guidelines on how it will examine federal trademark applications for CBD products in light of…more

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, Controlled Substances Act, Copyright, Design Patent, Due Diligence

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Heavy Uptick in Patent and Trademark Mass Mailers

Mass mailers have been around in the U.S. since at least 1835.i Most are innocuous. “10% off at your local pizzeria.” “Weekly specials on bananas and ground beef at your local grocery.” Rarely do they catch your attention or…more

Intellectual Property Protection, Patents, Trademark Cancellation, Trademarks

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PTAB Life Sciences Report -- Part IV

About the PTAB Life Sciences Report: Each month we will report on developments at the PTAB involving life sciences patents. Smith & Nephew, Inc. v. ConforMIS, Inc. - PTAB Petition: IPR2017-00510; filed December 20,…more

Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding, Life Sciences, Patent Litigation, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Patents

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 17, Issue 2

USPTO Issues CBD Trademark Guidelines in Light of the 2018 Farm Bill: Key Takeaways - On May 2, 2019, the USPTO released its new guidelines on how it will examine federal trademark applications for CBD products in light of…more

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, Controlled Substances Act, Copyright, Design Patent, Due Diligence

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Bette Midler, Generative AI and the Right of Publicity

In part one of this article, we discussed the challenges artists face as they seek to protect their intellectual property from generative AI using copyright law. In part two, we explore a legal approach that may be more…more

Artificial Intelligence, Copyright, Intellectual Property Protection, Jurisdiction, Machine Learning

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Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo -- Views of the Dissenting Justices

In addition to Justice Gorsuch's concurrence (to be discussed in a later post), the three "liberal" Justices on the Court differed from their colleagues and thought overturning the Chevron precedent to be both erroneous and…more

Administrative Procedure Act, Chevron Deference, Chevron v NRDC, Dissenting Opinions, Government Agencies

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Patent Valuation – Damages Amounts Based on Patent Quality

Damages awarded in a patent infringement lawsuit are one of the most accurate metrics that can be used to value a patent. While other metrics, such as sale price, may be helpful in determining the value of a patent, damages…more

Damages, Patent Infringement, Patent Validity, Patents

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Court Report - September 2016

About Court Report: Each week we will report briefly on recently filed biotech and pharma cases. Horizon Therapeutics, Inc. v. Lupin Ltd. et al. 1:16-cv-04438; filed July 21, 2016 in the District Court of New Jersey…more

Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), Actavis Inc., Allergan Inc, AstraZeneca, Biotechnology

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Amgen v. Sandoz – Did the Federal Circuit Just Doom the New Biosimilar Approval Pathway?

Congress passed the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (“BPCIA”) in 2009 in an effort to bring biosimilar drug products to market. The goal was for the BPCIA to mimic for biologic drugs the Hatch-Waxman statute for…more

aBLA, Biologics, Biosimilars, BPCIA, Disclosure Requirements

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SCOTUS: Supreme Court Holds Disparagement Clause of the Lanham Act Violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment

On June 19, 2017, in Matal v. Tam, previously Lee v. Tam, the Supreme Court handed down its most impactful interpretation of the disparagement clause of the Lanham Act to date by holding that at its intersection with the First…more

Disparagement, First Amendment, Free Speech, Lanham Act, Matal v Tam

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 17, Issue 2

USPTO Issues CBD Trademark Guidelines in Light of the 2018 Farm Bill: Key Takeaways - On May 2, 2019, the USPTO released its new guidelines on how it will examine federal trademark applications for CBD products in light of…more

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, Controlled Substances Act, Copyright, Design Patent, Due Diligence

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MBHB Snippets: Review of Developments in Intellectual Property Law: Spring 2015 - Vol. 13, Issue 4

Issues to Be Aware of When Seeking Trademark Protection - Trademarks are valuable tools for businesses since they allow a trademark holder to identify and distinguish its goods from those manufactured or sold by others…more

Advertising Substantiation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Costco, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Green Guides

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Former Directors Request Rescission of Proposed Rule Change

As discussed previously on this blog (see "USPTO Proposed Rule Change to Terminal Disclaimer Practice" and "The USPTO's Proposed Terminal Disclaimer Rule: A Litigator's Perspective") and elsewhere, the U.S. Patent and Trademark…more

Chevron Deference, Double Patent, Innovation, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), Patent Validity

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MBHB Snippets: Review of Developments in Intellectual Property Law - Winter 2013 - Volume 11, Issue 1: Conducting Efficient Patent Litigation Discovery, Part 2

The costs associated with discovery, and particularly electronic document discovery, in patent litigation can be effectively controlled with upfront planning, preparation, and coordination between in­house and outside counsel…more

Discovery, Document Coding, Document Productions, Patents, Work-Product Doctrine

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MBHB Snippets: A review of developments in Intellectual Property Law - Volume 17, Issue 3

2019 Patent Trial and Appeal Board Key Practice Updates: A Year in Review - 2019 has been an active year for procedural changes in the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”). These changes include not only the PTAB’s issuance…more

Artificial Intelligence, Cannabis-Related Businesses (CRBs), Farm Bill, FOIA, Patent Ownership

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The fungal revolution and IP — the next frontier

Healthier and more eco-friendly alternatives to animal-based products are becoming an increasingly popular choice with consumers. Demand is high for animal-free products that can provide a more sustainable protein substitute and…more

Food Manufacturers, Food Supply, Intellectual Property Protection, Startups, Trade Associations

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FDA Announces "Purple Book"

The new phone book is here? No, but close. The Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") announced on Friday that it has published its first listing of approved biologic drugs. The list will be supplemented with approved…more

Biologics, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Patent Litigation, Patents, Pharmaceutical Patents

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Illinois Passes Act Further Incentivizing Quantum Industry

On June 26, 2024, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a collection of bills (HB5005, now Public Act 103-0595) into law. This package of bills provides tax incentives for various industries, such as the film industry and the…more

Investment, Semiconductors, Tax Credits, Tax Incentives

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IPO Releases Resources for Retention and Advancement of Women in the Legal Profession

In a document entitled the "Push Forward Report," the Intellectual Property Owners Association ("IPO") Women in IP Committee pointed out that "[w]omen are under-represented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics…more

Intellectual Property Owners Association, STEM, Young Lawyers

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USPTO and Federal Courts Update in Light of Coronavirus / COVID-19

Both the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and Federal courts have issued alerts regarding their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effect of the pandemic on their operations and procedures. In this Alert, we…more

Coronavirus/COVID-19, Court Closures, Court Schedules, Federal Court Litigation, Patent Litigation

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Supreme Court Reverses Apple’s $400 Million Damage Award Against Samsung

On December 6, 2016, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously, in an opinion by Justice Sotomayor, that an award of total profits for infringing a design patent need not be calculated based only on the end product sold to an ordinary…more

Apple, Apple v Samsung, Damages, Design Patent, Patent Infringement

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USPTO Further Transitions to DOCX Format

In an email News Brief distributed today, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reminded stakeholders that starting at 12:01 am (ET) on January 17, the filing of new, non-provisional utility patent applications with…more

Patent Applications, Shareholders, USPTO, Utility Patents

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150 Harbor Drive, #2760
Sausalito, CA 94965

Some browsers have incorporated a Do Not Track (DNT) feature. These features, when turned on, send a signal that you prefer that the website you are visiting not collect and use data regarding your online searching and browsing activities. As there is not yet a common understanding on how to interpret the DNT signal, we currently do not respond to DNT signals on our site.

Access/Correct/Update/Delete Personal Information

For non-EU/Swiss residents, if you would like to know what personal information we have about you, you can send an e-mail to We will be in contact with you (by mail or otherwise) to verify your identity and provide you the information you request. We will respond within 30 days to your request for access to your personal information. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why. If you would like to correct or update your personal information, you can manage your profile and subscriptions through our Privacy Center under the "My Account" dashboard. If you would like to delete your account or remove your information from our Website and Services, send an e-mail to

Changes in Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Please refer to the date at the top of this page to determine when this Policy was last revised. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will become effective upon posting of the revised policy on the Website. By continuing to use our Website and Services following such changes, you will be deemed to have agreed to such changes.

Contacting JD Supra

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, your dealings with our Website or Services, or if you would like to change any of the information you have provided to us, please contact us at:

JD Supra Cookie Guide

As with many websites, JD Supra's website (located at (our "Website") and our services (such as our email article digests)(our "Services") use a standard technology called a "cookie" and other similar technologies (such as, pixels and web beacons), which are small data files that are transferred to your computer when you use our Website and Services. These technologies automatically identify your browser whenever you interact with our Website and Services.

How We Use Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to:

  1. Improve the user experience on our Website and Services;
  2. Store the authorization token that users receive when they login to the private areas of our Website. This token is specific to a user's login session and requires a valid username and password to obtain. It is required to access the user's profile information, subscriptions, and analytics;
  3. Track anonymous site usage; and
  4. Permit connectivity with social media networks to permit content sharing.

There are different types of cookies and other technologies used our Website, notably:

  • "Session cookies" - These cookies only last as long as your online session, and disappear from your computer or device when you close your browser (like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari).
  • "Persistent cookies" - These cookies stay on your computer or device after your browser has been closed and last for a time specified in the cookie. We use persistent cookies when we need to know who you are for more than one browsing session. For example, we use them to remember your preferences for the next time you visit.
  • "Web Beacons/Pixels" - Some of our web pages and emails may also contain small electronic images known as web beacons, clear GIFs or single-pixel GIFs. These images are placed on a web page or email and typically work in conjunction with cookies to collect data. We use these images to identify our users and user behavior, such as counting the number of users who have visited a web page or acted upon one of our email digests.

JD Supra Cookies. We place our own cookies on your computer to track certain information about you while you are using our Website and Services. For example, we place a session cookie on your computer each time you visit our Website. We use these cookies to allow you to log-in to your subscriber account. In addition, through these cookies we are able to collect information about how you use the Website, including what browser you may be using, your IP address, and the URL address you came from upon visiting our Website and the URL you next visit (even if those URLs are not on our Website). We also utilize email web beacons to monitor whether our emails are being delivered and read. We also use these tools to help deliver reader analytics to our authors to give them insight into their readership and help them to improve their content, so that it is most useful for our users.

Analytics/Performance Cookies. JD Supra also uses the following analytic tools to help us analyze the performance of our Website and Services as well as how visitors use our Website and Services:

  • HubSpot - For more information about HubSpot cookies, please visit
  • New Relic - For more information on New Relic cookies, please visit
  • Google Analytics - For more information on Google Analytics cookies, visit To opt-out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit This will allow you to download and install a Google Analytics cookie-free web browser.

Facebook, Twitter and other Social Network Cookies. Our content pages allow you to share content appearing on our Website and Services to your social media accounts through the "Like," "Tweet," or similar buttons displayed on such pages. To accomplish this Service, we embed code that such third party social networks provide and that we do not control. These buttons know that you are logged in to your social network account and therefore such social networks could also know that you are viewing the JD Supra Website.

Controlling and Deleting Cookies

If you would like to change how a browser uses cookies, including blocking or deleting cookies from the JD Supra Website and Services you can do so by changing the settings in your web browser. To control cookies, most browsers allow you to either accept or reject all cookies, only accept certain types of cookies, or prompt you every time a site wishes to save a cookie. It's also easy to delete cookies that are already saved on your device by a browser.

The processes for controlling and deleting cookies vary depending on which browser you use. To find out how to do so with a particular browser, you can use your browser's "Help" function or alternatively, you can visit which explains, step-by-step, how to control and delete cookies in most browsers.

Updates to This Policy

We may update this cookie policy and our Privacy Policy from time-to-time, particularly as technology changes. You can always check this page for the latest version. We may also notify you of changes to our privacy policy by email.

Contacting JD Supra

If you have any questions about how we use cookies and other tracking technologies, please contact us at:

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