Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS)


Dallas, Texas, United States
Phone: 844-992-2337
Areas Of Practice
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
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  • Document Management
  • Electronic Discovery
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  • Investigation Services
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  • Trial Consulting
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How Can We Accelerate the Rebuilding of Trust and Confidence in Financial Services?

According to the annual Edelman Trust Barometer, the banking and financial services sector is routinely rated as the least trusted of all sectors. That’s a serious and systemic problem for a sector that needs to be trusted to…more

Corporate Governance, Customer Service Standard, Financial Services Industry, Risk Management, Transparency

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Understanding Data Privacy in E-Discovery

Data privacy issues continue to be a major topic in e-discovery and litigation, but it can be hard to know exactly what is required by law when it comes to protecting client information. This article discusses how the…more

Data Breach, Data Collection, Data Privacy, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals

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Valuable Windows 10 Artifacts and Evolving Digital Forensic Techniques

Every version of Microsoft Windows brings along improvements in speed, performance, and visuals. Additional “under the hood” elements continue to be introduced that assist in digital forensic investigations. With Windows being…more

Cyberforensics, Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Anthropomorphizing the Algorithm: Animism in the Age of AI

In many ancient cultures people believed that everything had a spirit. Each human, animal, plant, and even each rock and bolt of lightning were understood as we understand ourselves. If we eat because we feel hunger, so must an…more

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Programmers, Data Collection, Document Review

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Balancing In-House and Law Firm Resources to Optimize E-Discovery

In any collaboration between in-house e-discovery teams and law firms, balancing resources is essential to effectively support client outcomes. On August 17, 2021, ACEDS Global Advisory Board Chair Ari Kaplan moderated a…more

Best Practices, Collaboration, Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals

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Same as It Ever Was: How Proven eDiscovery Approaches Help Leverage Generative AI

News flash: Nearly a quarter of legal industry professionals expect generative AI and large language model (LLM) technology to have a transformative effect for eDiscovery this year, according to the 2024 State of the Industry…more

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Data Collection, Discovery, Document Review

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ACEDS NY Metro Newsletter – Autumn 2019

We welcome you to read this first edition of the ACEDS New York Metro Chapter Magazine. We plan to release new issues on a quarterly schedule. If you would like to submit articles or if you have ideas for future content, please…more

Best Practices, Continuing Legal Education, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Popular Jewel-Osco Grocery Chain Claims BIPA is Unlawful

BIPA (Biometric Information Privacy Act) was first introduced by Illinois in 2008 and requires informed consent of the collection of biometric data prior to collection, prohibits companies from profiting from biometric data,…more

Biometric Information, Biometric Information Privacy Act, Data Collection, Data Privacy, Data Retention

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Solving for the Top 3 Challenges of Conducting Remote Internal Investigations

Given the on-again, off-again in-person restrictions imposed around the country due to COVID-19, it is highly likely that internal investigations will continue to be conducted virtually well into 2021. However, during 2020 it…more

Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Information Security

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Technocat Tidbits: What the Heck is Prompt Engineering, and Why Should I Care?

Think of a prompt like a cheat code to get Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to do what you want. Rather than going in bling, you are helping the Large Language Model (LLM) more accurately guess the output you want. And…more

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Legal Technology

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Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Practical Resources for Law Firms

During our recent webinar, “How Law Firms Can Support Their Clients Who Use Microsoft 365”, we promised attendees some practical resources and an overview of Microsoft 365 (M365) plans and licensing options that would be useful…more

Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners

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Towards Developing a Proposed TAR Framework

Recently, ACEDS hosted a webinar entitled “Point|Counterpoint: A Proposed TAR Framework,” during which a stellar panel of lawyers, including Redgrave’s Christine Payne and Kirkland & Ellis’ Michele Six represented the defense…more

Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, Document Review, e-Discovery Professionals

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ACEDS DC Chapter and The Master’s Conference Deliver Thought Provoking Panel on Project Management

Last week the ACEDS DC Chapter presented its second installment in a series of fall educational events. It was an expert panel discussion called “Legal Project Management in 2019” presented in conjunction with The Master’s…more

Cybersecurity, Data Management, Data Privacy, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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So, You Think Privacy Compliance is Costly?

The privacy and compliance arena is quite active these days and, according to Gartner, will continue to be in the near future. Gartner says that by 2023, 65% of the world’s population will have its personal information covered…more

Best Practices, Compliance Costs, Data Privacy, Data Protection, Data Security

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eDiscovery Considerations with Business Use of Zoom

As companies nationwide shifted from in person to remote working overnight, there has been a concurrent increase in the use of video conferencing tools to collaborate internally and interact with clients. There are many…more

Best Practices, Client Services, Data Preservation, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals

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A Guide to the Galaxy – Incorporating Privacy-by-Design into eDiscovery Workflows

Fifty years ago, on July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 lunar mission sent the first astronauts to the surface of the moon. The computing technology used on that Apollo mission was revolutionary. The astronauts could control the…more

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Data Collection, Data Privacy, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals

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How to Identify Your Organization’s eDiscovery Architect

Often times we get caught up on material price (or line item pricing) and projects become penny-wise and pound-foolish. As Doug Austin cited... budgetary constraints are now one of the most impactful factors in this industry…more

Data Collection, Discovery, Discovery Costs, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Kangaroo Court: Bias in AI

What is AI bias? AI bias is an anomaly in the output of machine learning algorithms. These could be due to the prejudiced assumptions made during the algorithm development process or prejudices in the training data…more

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Bias, Ethics, Machine Learning

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Six Reasons to Ask a Question from the Audience

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, educational presentations are inescapable in the legal world. Whether to keep up with new developments in the field, network or simply fulfill a continuing ed requirement, we attend a lot of presentations…more

Career Development, Professional Development, Professional Networking, Thought Leadership

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E-Discovery Gold Nuggets: Part 3

For the third installment of the “E-Discovery Gold Nuggets” blog, ACEDS Kansas City Chapter Leader Daniel Gold tackles topics of data transparency and the slippery slope of data. Gold shares industry insight and e-discovery tips…more

American Bar Association (ABA), Data Collection, Data Security, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals

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Business Considerations for COVID Era Workplaces Related to Employment Law and eDiscovery

With the outbreak of COVID-19, all have been impacted, particularly in the workplace. Many have been furloughed or laid off. Others have transitioned to work-from-home, and essential workers have had to find ways to safely…more

Artificial Intelligence, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in eDiscovery and Information Governance

With the advent of artificial intelligence, significant strides have been made in eDiscovery and Information Governance in some leading companies. The advent and progression of this technology’s predecessors, including data…more

Artificial Intelligence, Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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The Data Most People Don’t Know Exists

Technology has transformed our world, mostly for the better. We can take a road trip without a map in hand, get groceries delivered to our homes and keep track of our physical activity level in real time. But the tradeoff is…more

Android, Cell Phones, Connected Items, Data Collection, Discovery

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Small Case E-Discovery in a Big Litigation Business

Global Advisory Board Chair Ari Kaplan, a legal industry analyst and principal of Ari Kaplan Advisors, moderated a conversation for the ACEDS community about small case e-discovery with Tom O’Connor, an independent e-discovery…more

Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, Document Review, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Practical Resources for Law Firms

During our recent webinar, “How Law Firms Can Support Their Clients Who Use Microsoft 365”, we promised attendees some practical resources and an overview of Microsoft 365 (M365) plans and licensing options that would be useful…more

Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners

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What Happened on LinkedIn?

On June 22, 2021, a hacker announced the sale of over 700,000 pieces of personal information from LinkedIn. In a report detailed by, almost all of LinkedIn’s users were impacted by what the organization is…more

Cyber Crimes, Cybersecurity, Data Breach, Hackers, LinkedIn

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Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Practical Resources for Law Firms

During our recent webinar, “How Law Firms Can Support Their Clients Who Use Microsoft 365”, we promised attendees some practical resources and an overview of Microsoft 365 (M365) plans and licensing options that would be useful…more

Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners

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Unconventional Legal Career Paths

Instead of credential-building, let’s talk about skill-building. The legal industry is shifting from firm power to general counsel power, and law students and lawyers alike need to position themselves ahead of the curve. In this…more

Career Development, Corporate Counsel, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners, Law Students

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Combining Processes & Technology to Make eDiscovery a Standard Business Procedure

eDiscovery has become a well-established industry, having been used in litigation for nearly two decades now. And whether we want to admit it or not, nearly every case filed has a potential eDiscovery element. So, what do you do…more

Discovery, Document Productions, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Legal Project Management

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Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Practical Resources for Law Firms

During our recent webinar, “How Law Firms Can Support Their Clients Who Use Microsoft 365”, we promised attendees some practical resources and an overview of Microsoft 365 (M365) plans and licensing options that would be useful…more

Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners

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Pricing: Compare, Contrast, Decide, Repeat

Many of you have been in the position to “do the math” on eDiscovery vendors. It used to be more complicated, then almost everyone went to gigabyte pricing models. But hear us out – it might be worth looking at something that…more

Discovery, Discovery Costs, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Outsourcing

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Valuable Windows 10 Artifacts and Evolving Digital Forensic Techniques

Every version of Microsoft Windows brings along improvements in speed, performance, and visuals. Additional “under the hood” elements continue to be introduced that assist in digital forensic investigations. With Windows being…more

Cyberforensics, Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Processing in Office 365 eDiscovery

When thinking about the EDRM and how it applies to the cloud in general and Office 365 specifically, a question is commonly raised regarding the processing stage – What does processing mean when dealing with data within the…more

Data Collection, Data Processors, Discovery, Discovery Costs, e-Discovery Professionals

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Anthropomorphizing the Algorithm: Animism in the Age of AI

In many ancient cultures people believed that everything had a spirit. Each human, animal, plant, and even each rock and bolt of lightning were understood as we understand ourselves. If we eat because we feel hunger, so must an…more

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Programmers, Data Collection, Document Review

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Coronavirus Home Office Security – Practical Tips for Securing Your “New” Home Office

I’ve been working as an independent consultant for quite some time. Along the journey, I’ve picked up many tips and tricks to maximize productivity while working from home with great results. There have been many articles…more

Coronavirus/COVID-19, Cyber Crimes, Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Data Protection

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Tips for Paralegals and Litigation Support Professionals – September 2024

9/2/2024 BatchGuru – Transform Metadata in Relativity - BatchGuru from vdiscovery and Nikolai Pozdniakov’s Hashtaglegal, is a set of tools to be used in a Relativity workspace which helps you easily transform metadata in…more

Career Development, Data Management, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Unconventional Legal Career Paths

Instead of credential-building, let’s talk about skill-building. The legal industry is shifting from firm power to general counsel power, and law students and lawyers alike need to position themselves ahead of the curve. In this…more

Career Development, Corporate Counsel, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners, Law Students

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eDiscovery Market Overview 2019

Building an in-house eDiscovery team: the why and how for law firms - Digital data has become one of the most important resources for many aspects of our modern world. Numerous law firms have embraced the use of digital…more

e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, In-House Perspective, Law Firm Ownership, Law Firm Partners

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Analyzing the Impact of the Many New Rules of Cybersecurity

The federal government is trying to find as many ways as possible to handle the cybersecurity crisis facing the United States. While it is unlikely that Congress will pass a comprehensive federal cybersecurity law for the…more

Cybersecurity, Data Collection, Data Privacy, Data Protection, Data Security

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Towards Developing a Proposed TAR Framework

Recently, ACEDS hosted a webinar entitled “Point|Counterpoint: A Proposed TAR Framework,” during which a stellar panel of lawyers, including Redgrave’s Christine Payne and Kirkland & Ellis’ Michele Six represented the defense…more

Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, Document Review, e-Discovery Professionals

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Maybe Next Time Google Should Google “Legal Hold”

Six Simple Steps to Avoid Sanctions for Failure to Preserve Electronic Evidence - I’m not a lawyer, and far be it for me to give legal advice, but I’ve lived and worked around lawyers for all of my professional legal career, so…more

Anticompetitive Behavior, Antitrust Violations, Data Preservation, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronic Communications

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3 Lessons Female Leaders Taught Me (That have Nothing to Do with Tech)

About a year and a half ago, I joined the e-discovery field. Having been a healthcare reporter for two years, acronyms like the EDRM and TAR were foreign to me. After a couple months, I learned the industry lingo. I also…more

Career Development, e-Discovery Professionals, Leadership, Mentors, Women in the Law

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E-Discovery Team Building: Strategies for Cultivating Proficient and Exceptional Teams

At Relativity Fest Chicago 2024, I had the opportunity to moderate the ACEDS-sponsored panel discussion on the crucial subject of building e-discovery teams. Joining me for the session aptly titled “Building an Efficient…more

Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Innovative Technology

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Towards Developing a Proposed TAR Framework

Recently, ACEDS hosted a webinar entitled “Point|Counterpoint: A Proposed TAR Framework,” during which a stellar panel of lawyers, including Redgrave’s Christine Payne and Kirkland & Ellis’ Michele Six represented the defense…more

Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, Document Review, e-Discovery Professionals

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The Impact of Certified eDiscovery Skills on Legal Outcomes

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to deftly navigate through vast volumes of electronically stored information (ESI) has become an invaluable asset within the legal sector. The integration of e-discovery…more

Data Collection, Data Management, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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3 Big Trends Facing Legal Departments in 2023

If the first half of 2022 was about a return to normalcy and the consolidation of some of the pandemic-wrought changes in workplaces, the second half of the year showed that there was still plenty of potential for disruption as…more

Chief Legal Officers, Corporate Counsel, e-Discovery Professionals, Legal Operations, Legal Technology

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Digital Forensics: The Good, the Bad, and the AI-Generated

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past year, you have heard something about artificial intelligence (AI). AI chat, art, and everything in between have been all over social media and news feeds. The AI craze isn’t…more

Artificial Intelligence, Data Collection, Data Preservation, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals

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Public vs. Private ESI as Evidence Best Practices

In the evolving landscape of the legal industry, the management of electronically stored information (ESI) has become a focal point of discussion and strategy. With the digitization of records and communications, legal…more

Data Collection, Data Management, Data Preservation, Data Retention, Discovery

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Paralegal Training: Filling the Skills Gap

A paralegal’s responsibilities are broad and all-encompassing, with the position wearing many hats in a legal department. The description for the role of paralegal varies depending on the source and has changed over time – but…more

Career Development, Legal Recruiting, Paralegal, Professional Development, Training

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AI: Everything’s an Exception in eDiscovery

Many service providers will tell you that leveraging AI in eDiscovery is the equivalent of using an easy button. Too many repetitive tasks? AI will automate them. Improve on previous cases? Predictive analytics to the rescue…more

Artificial Intelligence, Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Towards Developing a Proposed TAR Framework

Recently, ACEDS hosted a webinar entitled “Point|Counterpoint: A Proposed TAR Framework,” during which a stellar panel of lawyers, including Redgrave’s Christine Payne and Kirkland & Ellis’ Michele Six represented the defense…more

Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Discovery, Document Review, e-Discovery Professionals

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The Role of AI in E-Discovery

Ari Kaplan speaks with George Socha, the senior vice president of brand awareness for Reveal, an e-discovery software company. He’s also a member of the global advisory board for the Association of Certified E-Discovery…more

Artificial Intelligence, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, EDRM

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Part 3: Data, Data Everywhere – Advanced Strategies for Analyzing Mobile Data

In Part 1 of our series on mobile devices, we discussed preserving and collecting mobile device data. In Part 2, we turned to the types of information you can expect to encounter with mobile devices and key considerations for…more

Data Collection, Data Management, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information, Information Technology

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The Time to Move eDiscovery to the Cloud is Now, Part Two: Making It Happen

In Part One of this post, I outlined a business case for migrating eDiscovery operations to the cloud. Now it’s time to review the basic steps you need to take to make it actually happen. Review contracts, map systems - I…more

Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), Cloud Storage, Data Collection, Data Management, Discovery

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Unconventional Legal Career Paths

Instead of credential-building, let’s talk about skill-building. The legal industry is shifting from firm power to general counsel power, and law students and lawyers alike need to position themselves ahead of the curve. In this…more

Career Development, Corporate Counsel, Law Firm Associates, Law Firm Partners, Law Students

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How the Failure to Preserve Led to Production of the Legal Hold Notice

In EEOC v. Formel D USA, Inc. (September 12, 2024), the U.S. District Court’s ruling underscored a critical lesson for litigators: failure to preserve electronically stored information (ESI) can lead to severe sanctions,…more

Data Management, Data Preservation, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Electronically Stored Information

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Remembering eDiscovery Defensibility in a Crisis

Notwithstanding containment efforts, the coronavirus has spread worldwide. According to a recent McKinsey & Co. report, the U.S. economy could be in a state of recovery until as late as 2023. The hardest-hit sectors –…more

Chain of Custody, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Crisis Management, Data Collection, Data Management

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Defining Doxing And Learning How to Avoid It

From August 2015 to August 2017, a man named Rodney Phipps was sentenced to prison for making fake phone calls to emergency services—calls that would end up sending SWAT and police to strangers’ residences in practice known as…more

Cyber Attacks, Cyber Crimes, Cyber Threats, Cybersecurity, Data Breach

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Legal AI Series [Chapter Nine]: Early Case Assessment Software: AI’s “Inner Eye” to Discovery Processes

Artificial intelligence has given legal professionals an arsenal of tools to help them tackle the challenges of ESI and its unprecedented growth in the modern world. However, so far in our AI Legal Revolution series, the tools…more

Artificial Intelligence, Data Collection, Discovery, e-Discovery Professionals, Early Case Assessment

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