
Clarendon House
2 Church Street
Hamilton, HM 11 Bermuda
Phone: +1 441 295 1422
Fax: +1 441 292 4720
Areas Of Practice
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
  • Bankruptcy
  • Business Organizations
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Finance & Banking
  • Insurance
  • Intellectual Property
  • Litigation
  • Maritime Law
  • Real Estate
  • Securities Law
  • Transportation
  • Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning
  • Zoning, Planning & Land Use
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Other Countries
  • Bermuda
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom
Number of Attorneys
100+ Attorneys

Successful Defense of Contentious Special General Meeting Dispute: the Nan Hai Judgment

In Ho Kwok Leung Glen, Hau Kai Ling and Ge Jun v Nan Hai Corporation Limited [2024] SC (Bda) 2 Civ, 31 January 2024, the Supreme Court of Bermuda (the “Court”) rejected the Plaintiffs’ application for a declaration that seven…more

Bermuda, Board of Directors, Bylaws, Commercial Litigation, Corporate Restructuring

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Structuring a Cayman Islands Closed-Ended Fund

This article provides an overview of common structures for investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Investment funds in the Cayman Islands must be registered either under the Private Funds Act or the Mutual Funds Act, depending…more

Cayman Islands, Closed-End Funds, Fund Managers, Investment, Investment Funds

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Six Reasons for Investment Fund Managers to Locate in Bermuda

The introduction of economic substance requirements in offshore jurisdictions has sharpened the impetus for investment fund managers to establish a physical office where their funds are incorporated. Here are six good reasons to…more

Bermuda, Economic Substance Doctrine, FATF, Financial Institutions, Fund Managers

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Norway Bulletin 2024

We are pleased to bring you the Conyers Norway Bulletin for 2024, in which we highlight developments affecting Bermuda incorporated companies in the Norwegian market over the past year. The Oslo Børs continues to serve as an…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Corporate Taxes

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Bermuda Data Privacy Bulletin

With Data Privacy Day occurring internationally on 28 January, 2024, it seems a good time to issue our Data Privacy Bulletin for 2024. 2023 was an eventful year for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PrivCom), and a…more

Bermuda, Chief Privacy Officer, Corporate Governance, Data Privacy, Data Protection

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Private Client & Trust Bulletin – Fall 2021

Welcome to the sixth edition of our Private Client Bulletin, bringing you the latest private client and trust news and insights from Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, BVI and Asia. This edition features articles on offshore trust…more

Asia, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands

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The Effect of Subordination Agreements in the Event of Insolvency

Is it possible for a debtor company to issue debt (such as bonds) and contractually agree for that debt to rank lower in priority than debts owed by a company to other unsecured creditors? This article examines the commercial…more

Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation

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Conyers Coverage Summer 2023 – Issue 9 – Cayman Islands

A warm welcome to our latest edition of Conyers Coverage. It’s been a dizzying year to date for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry, so it’s time for some updates and insights. The momentum is real and the pipeline is…more

Acquisitions, AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA

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Bermuda Data Privacy Bulletin

With Data Privacy Day occurring internationally on 28 January, 2024, it seems a good time to issue our Data Privacy Bulletin for 2024. 2023 was an eventful year for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PrivCom), and a…more

Bermuda, Chief Privacy Officer, Corporate Governance, Data Privacy, Data Protection

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Limited Partners’ Extensive Right to True and Full Information

In the Matter of Gulf Investment Corporation et al v The Port Fund LP et al (“Gulf Investment”) and the earlier judgment of Dorsey Ventures Limited v XIO GP Limited (“Dorsey Ventures”), the Cayman Islands Grand Court provided…more

Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation, Exempted Limited Partnership Law, Investment Firms, Investment Funds

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Why BVI?

The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) are home to 361,491 active companies as of 31 December 2023. This article considers the reasons for the BVI’s popularity as a jurisdiction to structure international transactions…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Entities, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Governance, Corporate Taxes

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Bermuda Regulatory Outlook 2023

An old adage says that the only things in life that are certain are death and taxes. We think regulatory changes can surely be added to that list. A number of regulatory updates will affect Bermuda entities this year, and we…more

Beneficial Owner, Bermuda, Code of Conduct, Companies Act, Corporate Governance

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Winding Up Proceedings Prevail: Privy Council Confirms No Stay of Liquidation in Favour of Arbitration

The Privy Council has recently upheld a BVI judgment refusing stay of a winding up petition in favour of arbitration. The recent Sian Participation Corp (In Liquidation) v Halimeda International Ltd1 Privy Council decision…more

Appeals, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Creditors

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Private Client & Trust Bulletin – Fall 2021

Welcome to the sixth edition of our Private Client Bulletin, bringing you the latest private client and trust news and insights from Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, BVI and Asia. This edition features articles on offshore trust…more

Asia, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands

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Conyers Coverage November 2022 – Issue 8 – Cayman Islands

A very warm welcome to our eighth edition of Conyers Coverage. As we start to wind down on 2022 #TeamConyers is already reflecting on what a hectic and exciting year it’s been for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry –…more

AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Corporate Counsel

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Why Choose Bermuda for Private Clients

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory with a parliamentary legislature and has been largely self-governing since 1620. It has economic, legal and political stability which attracts international businesses and…more

Bermuda, Corporate Governance, Economic Development, Estate Planning, Family Offices

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Cayman Islands Litigation: Reflecting on the Year 2023

As the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands reopens for 2024, we reflect on 2023 and some of the large-scale cross-border insolvency and restructuring proceedings, and complex commercial disputes dealt with in the jurisdiction over…more

British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Commercial Litigation

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Economic Substance Regime Overview

The International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act (2024 Revision) (the “ES Act”) was brought into force to demonstrate the commitment of the Cayman Islands as a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and…more

Cayman Islands, Collective Investment Schemes, Economic Substance Doctrine, EU, International Tax Issues

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Hidden Assets and Divorce

Disagreements are not uncommon in divorce. If a separation is acrimonious, one spouse may try to deprive the other of their share of assets. In some cases, a party may hide bank accounts or assets as part of an effort to evade…more

Bermuda, Disclosure, Division of Assets, Divorce, Family Law Courts

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Trustee's Duty and Anti-Bartlett Clauses - The Ivanishvilli Redux

Just when trustees are feeling safe to go back into the water after the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal spoke in Zhang Hong Li v. DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd [2019] along comes Ivanishvilli v. Credit Suisse Trust Ltd [2023] where…more

Asset Management, Breach of Duty, Business Litigation, Corporate Governance, Fiduciary Duty

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Conyers BVI Quarterly Corporate Update – Q2 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of our Quarterly Corporate Update covering recent developments in the British Virgin Islands. Following the flurry of legislative amendments in the latter half of 2022 and Q1 2023, Q2 has been…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Entities, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Governance, Corporate Sales Transactions

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Key Advantages of Using Cayman Islands Exempted Companies

Cayman Islands companies are commonly used in structuring international transactions. The Cayman Islands has also established itself as the jurisdiction of choice for the listed issuers on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As at May…more

Acquisitions, Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Cross-Border Transactions, Hong Kong Stock Exchange

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Hard Deadline for Filing 2019 Economic Substance Return Upcoming on 30 April 2021

Relevant entities carrying on all types of relevant activity (except for those carrying on intellectual property business) under the International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act (2021 Revision) (“ES Act”) with a…more

Cayman Islands, Corporate Taxes, Economic Substance Doctrine, International Tax Issues, Offshore Funds

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Bermuda Insurance Code of Conduct: Conduct of Business and Conflict of Interest Policy Compliance Deadline

Effective 1 September 2022, the Bermuda Monetary Authority (the “BMA”) issued a revised Insurance Code of Conduct (the “Code of Conduct”) which, among other things, expanded the duties, requirements, standards and principles…more

Bermuda, Code of Conduct, Conflicts of Interest, Insurance Acts, Insurance Industry

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Norway Bulletin 2024

We are pleased to bring you the Conyers Norway Bulletin for 2024, in which we highlight developments affecting Bermuda incorporated companies in the Norwegian market over the past year. The Oslo Børs continues to serve as an…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Corporate Taxes

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Bermuda Philanthropic Structures Continue to Grow in Popularity

With its well-respected regulatory regime and highly regarded professional services industry, Bermuda continues to be an ideal location for the creation of an international philanthropic or charitable structure. Companies and…more

Bermuda, Companies Act, Corporate Governance, Philanthropy, Professional Services Companies

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Family Wealth Management with Bermuda Trusts

Bermuda is a popular and highly regarded jurisdiction for managing the offshore family assets of wealthy, international families due to several favourable characteristics. As a high-quality international financial centre,…more

Asset Management, Bermuda, Investment, Investors, Jurisdiction

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Cayman Islands Restructuring: Obtaining Consent in a Crisis

Although there are occasions when formal insolvency proceedings are unavoidable, there are many cases where a consensual, out-of-court approach is more appropriate and desirable. We are often engaged to assist creditors,…more

Board of Directors, Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation, Contingency Plans, Corporate Governance

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Voidable Dispositions under the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act – an Underutilised Tool in the BVI Asset Tracing Toolbox

Voidable dispositions in the BVI are governed by section 81 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance. The Act was passed in 1961 and is often overlooked in the heady world of fast-paced litigation where fraudsters need…more

Asset Tracing, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Governance

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केमैन आइलैंड का EU की एंटी-मनी लौंडरिंग सूची से बाहर निकलना

केमैन आइलैंड को EU की एंटी-मनी लौंडरिंग सूची से बाहर निकालने की पूरी तैयारी हो चुकी है। यह कार्रवाई वित्तीय एक्शन टास्क फोर्स (Financial Action Task Force, FATF) निगरानी समूह के 27 अक्तूबर 2023 के फैसले के बाद और फिर उसके बाद 5…more

Anti-Money Laundering, Cayman Islands, Corporate Governance, EU, FATF

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The Artful Trustee: Practical Tips for Holding Artwork in Trust Structures

Acquiring artworks, antiques, and other collectibles is a common pastime of private clients, for reasons that can vary greatly from profit-making to maintaining cultural ties, or simply as a general reflection of their…more

Art, Art Collections, Asset Management, Cayman Islands, Trust Assets

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In the Matter of the P Trusts: Court Ensures Public Trustee v Cooper Application Does Not Get Hijacked

By means of a category two Public Trustee v Cooper application, in which Jeffrey Elkinson and Britt Smith of Conyers, led by Brian Green KC, acted for the successful plaintiffs, the first plaintiff as trustee, and the second…more

Beneficiaries, Bermuda, Settlement Agreements, Trustees, Trusts

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Cayman Islands improves its FATF technical compliance

The Cayman Islands has further improved its technical compliance with the 40 Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations relating to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT)…more

AML/CFT, Anti-Money Laundering, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, Compliance

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The Effect of Non-Disclosure in Unfair Prejudice Claims

A successful party to a buy-out order made in the course of unfair prejudice proceedings can find themselves in a difficult position, at the hands of an uncooperative respondent. Commonly, the Court will try liability and…more

Appeals, British Virgin Islands, Buy-Out Agreements, Commercial Litigation, Controlling Stockholders

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Economic Substance Regime Overview

The International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act (2024 Revision) (the “ES Act”) was brought into force to demonstrate the commitment of the Cayman Islands as a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and…more

Cayman Islands, Collective Investment Schemes, Economic Substance Doctrine, EU, International Tax Issues

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Converting a PIC to a Standalone Licensed Entity

The Conyers insurance team regularly assists clients looking to convert their licensed insurer into a segregated portfolio company (“SPC”) in order to separate their programs by cedents or lines of business into segregated…more

Cayman Islands, CIMA, Corporate Governance, Insurance Industry, Regulatory Agenda

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Winding Up Proceedings Prevail: Privy Council Confirms No Stay of Liquidation in Favour of Arbitration

The Privy Council has recently upheld a BVI judgment refusing stay of a winding up petition in favour of arbitration. The recent Sian Participation Corp (In Liquidation) v Halimeda International Ltd1 Privy Council decision…more

Appeals, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Creditors

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Ready, Jet, Go!

Despite mounting environmental concerns and political pressure around the use of private jets, the private aviation sector continues to experience strong growth, particularly in the Middle East and Asia. With increasing numbers…more

Asia, Aviation Industry, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, Cayman Islands

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Key Insights from Cayman Islands Seminar on CIMA Onsite Inspections

The Financial Services Institute in collaboration with Conyers, Grant Thornton and Cayman Finance hosted its fourth comprehensive training seminar on “Preparing for an Onsite Inspection from the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority…more

Business Entities, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Corporate Governance, Corporate Investigations

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Keeping Options Open – The Growing Demand for BVI Hybrid Funds

Hedge funds and private equity funds were traditionally considered to be two completely different alternative investment classes, but as managers and investors increasingly seek to take advantage of exposure to both asset…more

British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Hedge Funds, Hybrid Capital Instruments, Investment Funds

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Modified Universalism in the Context of Officeholder Sanction Applications

Russell Crumpler & Christopher Farmer (as Joint Liquidators of Three Arrows Capital Ltd (in Liquidation)) v Three Arrows Capital Ltd (in Liquidation) and BVIHC (Com) 2022/0119 (unreported 26 July 2023) The BVI liquidation of…more

Appeals, Bankruptcy Code, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies

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CIMA Announces Private Funds Filing Extension

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) recently announced that the deadline for filing audited accounts and the requisite Annual Return Form (“Form”) in accordance with the Private Funds (Annual Returns) Regulations, 2021…more

Cayman Islands, CIMA, Filing Deadlines, Filing Requirements, Investment Funds

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Successfully Secures Dismissal of Application to Set Aside a Statutory Demand in the British Virgin Islands

On 8 February 2024, the Honourable Mr Justice Paul Webster KC dismissed an application to set aside a statutory demand served on Angola Group Holdings Limited (the “Company”) by Bai Jun Tian Cheng Limited (“Bai Jun”). Conyers…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Commercial Contracts, Dismissals

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Insurance Bulletin - Spring 2021

What a year it has been since our last Insurance Bulletin in March 2020. Although the full impact of Covid-19 on the re/insurance industry remains unclear, the need to retain capital to meet potential losses has contributed to a…more

Acquisition Agreements, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Corporate Sales Transactions, Insurance Regulations

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Challenges of Taking Security over the Shares of a Licensed Insurer

Our insurance finance practice continues to grow at pace and is now regularly called on by clients to assist on credit facilities being put in place for Cayman licenced insurers. Traditionally the transactions and facilities we…more

Cayman Islands, CIMA, Financial Regulatory Agencies, Insurance Industry, Regulatory Agenda

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Beyond the Betrayal: Navigating Strategies for Victims of APP Fraud

Authorised Push Payment (“APP”) fraud, where victims are tricked into authorising payments to fraudsters, resulted in losses of £485.2m in 2022 and is reported to have risen by 22% in 2023. With consumer protection laws…more

Asset Tracing, Banking Sector, Banks, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation

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BVI Quarterly Corporate Update Q1 2024

Welcome to the first edition of our Quarterly Corporate Update for 2024 covering recent developments in the British Virgin Islands. The first quarter of 2024 saw continued strong activity in the BVI office. Our corporate…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Entities, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Governance, Incorporation

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Restoration of BVI Companies Struck Off Before 1 January 2023

BVI companies that were struck off prior to 1 January 2023 were automatically dissolved and ceased to exist after 30 June 2023. Any assets held by such companies have now automatically been vested in the Crown. In order to…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Companies Act, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Dissolution

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Navigating Property Disputes

Boundary disputes typically arise in situations where the apparent physical and legal (or “deeded”) boundaries of properties do not accord with one another leading to one owner asserting ownership and title to property, and use…more

Bermuda, Dispute Resolution, Homeowners, Property Owners, Territorial Disputes

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Bermuda – Economic Substance Declaration Filings – May 2024 Alert

The Economic Substance Act 2018 (the “Act”)1 requires Bermuda-based entities that are carrying on a “relevant activity” in a relevant financial period and entities claiming “non-resident entity” status under the Act to file an…more

Bermuda, Business Entities, Companies Act, Economic Substance Doctrine, Filing Deadlines

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Cayman Islands M&A: on the rise

Many acquisitions, especially privatisations, are structured as a statutory merger, and in this article, we provide a brief overview of Cayman Islands (“Cayman”) mergers and consolidations and the general requirements for each…more

Acquisitions, Borrowers, Capital Markets, Cayman Islands, Corporate Governance

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Ready, Jet, Go!

Despite mounting environmental concerns and political pressure around the use of private jets, the private aviation sector continues to experience strong growth, particularly in the Middle East and Asia. With increasing numbers…more

Asia, Aviation Industry, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, Cayman Islands

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BVI Commercial Court Dismisses Judgment Debtors’ Attempt to Set Aside US$97 Million Judgment

In a recent decision of the BVI Commercial Court, the Honourable Mr Justice Wallbank dismissed an application by the Defendants in King Bun Limited & Ors v Lau Man Sang James & Ors to set aside a previous order granting…more

Asset Tracing, Breach of Duty, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies

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First Cruise Ship to Homeport in Bermuda

Royal Caribbean International is to homeport a cruise ship in Bermuda in the summer of 2021, which marks the first time the jurisdiction has been homeport for a major cruise line. From 26 June through August, the Vision of the…more

Bermuda, Cruise Ship Passengers, Cruise Ships, Maritime Transport, Ports

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Bermuda – Economic Substance Declaration Filings – May 2024 Alert

The Economic Substance Act 2018 (the “Act”)1 requires Bermuda-based entities that are carrying on a “relevant activity” in a relevant financial period and entities claiming “non-resident entity” status under the Act to file an…more

Bermuda, Business Entities, Companies Act, Economic Substance Doctrine, Filing Deadlines

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Bermuda Economic Substance Declaration Filings—February 2023 Alert

The Economic Substance Act 2018 (the “Act”) requires Bermuda-based entities that are carrying on a “relevant activity” in a relevant financial period and entities claiming “non-resident entity” status under the Act to file an…more

Beneficial Owner, Bermuda, Business Entities, Companies Act, Economic Substance Doctrine

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Draft Rule and Statement of Guidance: Investment Activities for Insurers

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“the Authority”) recently published a Private Sector Consultation Paper with a draft Rule and draft Statement of Guidance on Investment Activities for Insurers (the draft “Rule” and “SOG”)…more

Asset Management, Cayman Islands, IAIS, Investment, Private Sector

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BVI Commercial Court Dismisses Judgment Debtors’ Attempt to Set Aside US$97 Million Judgment

In a recent decision of the BVI Commercial Court, the Honourable Mr Justice Wallbank dismissed an application by the Defendants in King Bun Limited & Ors v Lau Man Sang James & Ors to set aside a previous order granting…more

Asset Tracing, Breach of Duty, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies

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Bermuda Public Companies Update, Summer 2023

This edition of the Bermuda Public Companies Update summarises significant transactions involving Bermuda companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq during the first half of 2023. Global Market Update…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Global Market

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Winding Up Proceedings Prevail: Privy Council Confirms No Stay of Liquidation in Favour of Arbitration

The Privy Council has recently upheld a BVI judgment refusing stay of a winding up petition in favour of arbitration. The recent Sian Participation Corp (In Liquidation) v Halimeda International Ltd1 Privy Council decision…more

Appeals, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Creditors

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Bermuda Insurance Code of Conduct: Conduct of Business and Conflict of Interest Policy Compliance Deadline

Effective 1 September 2022, the Bermuda Monetary Authority (the “BMA”) issued a revised Insurance Code of Conduct (the “Code of Conduct”) which, among other things, expanded the duties, requirements, standards and principles…more

Bermuda, Code of Conduct, Conflicts of Interest, Insurance Acts, Insurance Industry

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Unveiling Tax Realities: Debunking Myths about the British Virgin Islands

In this review of taxation and the British Virgin Islands, Conyers Corporate Counsel Nicholas Kuria discusses some of the most commonly misunderstood notions relating to the use of offshore jurisdictions, with a focus on the…more

AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, British Virgin Islands, Business Assets, Capital Gains Tax

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Cayman Court of Appeal Provides Important Guidance on Leave to Appeal to the Privy Council in Re Limited

On 20th December 2022, the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal (“CICA”) delivered its second judgment in the matter of Limited v Fourworld Global Opportunities Fund Ltd & others (“ case”). The CICA provided…more

Appeals, Appellate Courts, Cayman Islands, CICA, Companies Act

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Cayman Islands’ Corporate Governance Rule and Internal Controls Guidance and Rule

A reminder that the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority’s (CIMA) new Rule on Corporate Governance for Regulated Entities (Corporate Governance Rule) and Rule and Statement of Guidance on Internal Controls for Regulated Entities…more

Cayman Islands, CIMA, Committee Meetings, Corporate Governance, Deadlines

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Key Advantages of Using Cayman Islands Exempted Companies

Cayman Islands companies are commonly used in structuring international transactions. The Cayman Islands has also established itself as the jurisdiction of choice for the listed issuers on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As at May…more

Acquisitions, Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Cross-Border Transactions, Hong Kong Stock Exchange

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The Effect of Subordination Agreements in the Event of Insolvency

Is it possible for a debtor company to issue debt (such as bonds) and contractually agree for that debt to rank lower in priority than debts owed by a company to other unsecured creditors? This article examines the commercial…more

Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation

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Ready, Jet, Go!

Despite mounting environmental concerns and political pressure around the use of private jets, the private aviation sector continues to experience strong growth, particularly in the Middle East and Asia. With increasing numbers…more

Asia, Aviation Industry, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, Cayman Islands

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Bermuda Regulatory Outlook 2024

As we enter 2024 the myriad of regulatory changes can appear overwhelming. We are here to help and have set out below some key changes and issues that can impact Bermuda entities. Bermuda has introduced a corporate income tax…more

Anti-Money Laundering, Beneficial Owner, Bermuda, Business Entities, Corporate Governance

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The Case for Captives in the Aviation Industry Is Stronger Than Ever

In Rising insurance premium rates, limited capacity with commercial insurance carriers and a looming global recession made 2022 extremely challenging for aviation insurance buyers. In this environment, the aviation industry…more

Aviation Industry, Bermuda, Captive Insurance Company, Commercial Insurance Policies, Insurance Industry

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Private Client & Trust Bulletin: Fall 2023

Welcome to the festive edition of the Conyers Private Client & Trust Bulletin, where we update on recent matters of interest from our jurisdictions of Bermuda, BVI and the Cayman Islands. This edition combines the practical…more

Beneficial Owner, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies

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Piercing the Corporate Veil, or ‘Alter Ego’ liability, in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and the British Virgin Islands

Creative attempts to ‘pierce the corporate veil’ sometimes come before the Courts of Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, and the Cayman Islands. In some cases, an attempt is made to establish personal liability on the part…more

Alter Ego, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands

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Norway Practice Bulletin 2021

Welcome to Conyers’ 2021 Norway Practice Bulletin. Our annual publication underscores the importance of the Norwegian market to our Bermuda corporate practice. The 12 months since our last issue have been very different, to…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Raising, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Equity Transactions

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New Registration Requirement for Cayman Entities That Own Property in the UK

On 1 August 2022, a new Register of Overseas Entities came into force in the UK pursuant to the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 (the “ECA”). Overseas entities are entities with legal personality,…more

Beneficial Owner, Business Entities, Cayman Islands, Criminal Prosecution, Failure to Comply

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Bermuda Insurance Code of Conduct: Conduct of Business and Conflict of Interest Policy Compliance Deadline

Effective 1 September 2022, the Bermuda Monetary Authority (the “BMA”) issued a revised Insurance Code of Conduct (the “Code of Conduct”) which, among other things, expanded the duties, requirements, standards and principles…more

Bermuda, Code of Conduct, Conflicts of Interest, Insurance Acts, Insurance Industry

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Cayman Islands M&A: on the rise

Many acquisitions, especially privatisations, are structured as a statutory merger, and in this article, we provide a brief overview of Cayman Islands (“Cayman”) mergers and consolidations and the general requirements for each…more

Acquisitions, Borrowers, Capital Markets, Cayman Islands, Corporate Governance

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Orienteering Change: Navigating Restructuring Under the New Cayman Islands Regime

After a substantial industry consultation process, the Cayman Islands introduced the concept of Court-appointed restructuring officers into Part V of the Cayman Islands Companies Act (the “Companies Act”) with effect from 31…more

Cayman Islands, Chapter 11, Companies Act, Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency

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Ready, Jet, Go!

Despite mounting environmental concerns and political pressure around the use of private jets, the private aviation sector continues to experience strong growth, particularly in the Middle East and Asia. With increasing numbers…more

Asia, Aviation Industry, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, Cayman Islands

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Bestway Global Holdings Inc: A summary of the principles applied when considering sanction applications for schemes of arrangement and capital reductions

In Bestway Global Holdings Inc. (FSD 208 of 2021 – unreported), Doyle J gave a comprehensive and helpful review of the principles to be applied by the Court when considering whether to sanction a scheme of arrangement and…more

Capital Reduction, Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Creditors, International Litigation

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The English Arbitration Act Consultation Paper: A BVI Lens

On 22 September 2022, the Law Commission published a consultation paper (the “Consultation Paper”) on the English Arbitration Act 1996 (the “English Arbitration Act”) which included a number of significant provisional proposals…more

Appeals, Arbitration, Arbitration Agreements, Arbitrators, British Virgin Islands

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Conyers Coverage November 2022 – Issue 8 – Cayman Islands

A very warm welcome to our eighth edition of Conyers Coverage. As we start to wind down on 2022 #TeamConyers is already reflecting on what a hectic and exciting year it’s been for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry –…more

AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Corporate Counsel

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Cayman Islands Non-Petition Clauses: Precision Is Paramount

In a very recent judgment in the wake of the Abraaj Group fallout, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands refused to strike out a just and equitable winding up petition and, in the process, analysed the effect of a purported…more

Business Litigation, Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Corporate Restructuring, Dispute Resolution

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Conyers Coverage Summer 2023 – Issue 9 – Cayman Islands

A warm welcome to our latest edition of Conyers Coverage. It’s been a dizzying year to date for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry, so it’s time for some updates and insights. The momentum is real and the pipeline is…more

Acquisitions, AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA

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No-Fault Legislation Will Reduce Stress, Cost of Divorce

On 2 March 2022, the Senate passed legislation aimed at reducing the stress and cost of obtaining a divorce by introducing “no-fault divorce” to Bermuda. This legislation will be the first of a “raft” of reforms that aim to…more

Bermuda, Divorce, Legislative Agendas, Marriage, New Legislation

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Limited Partners’ Extensive Right to True and Full Information

In the Matter of Gulf Investment Corporation et al v The Port Fund LP et al (“Gulf Investment”) and the earlier judgment of Dorsey Ventures Limited v XIO GP Limited (“Dorsey Ventures”), the Cayman Islands Grand Court provided…more

Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation, Exempted Limited Partnership Law, Investment Firms, Investment Funds

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Guiding Captives Through Global Developments

Bermuda formed the first modern captive in 1962 and remains the leading offshore captive domicile, with approximately 700 licenced captives on its register. Bermuda’s captive industry has remained resilient in the face of…more

BEPS, Bermuda, Capital Markets, Captive Insurance Company, Corporate Governance

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An Overview of Cayman Islands Private Trust Companies

Many high-net-worth individuals and families use a private trust company (PTC) when looking to structure their family wealth. Given that settlors of trusts are sometimes reluctant to relinquish control over the assets…more

Board of Directors, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Companies Act, Corporate Management

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Challenges of Taking Security over the Shares of a Licensed Insurer

Our insurance finance practice continues to grow at pace and is now regularly called on by clients to assist on credit facilities being put in place for Cayman licenced insurers. Traditionally the transactions and facilities we…more

Cayman Islands, CIMA, Financial Regulatory Agencies, Insurance Industry, Regulatory Agenda

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Conyers Coverage November 2022 – Issue 8 – Cayman Islands

A very warm welcome to our eighth edition of Conyers Coverage. As we start to wind down on 2022 #TeamConyers is already reflecting on what a hectic and exciting year it’s been for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry –…more

AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Corporate Counsel

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Directors in the Firing Line

While those running companies may be aware of the numerous management and accounting breaches that can give rise to civil liability, there is generally less recognition of the possibility that breaches can also give rise to…more

Bermuda, Board of Directors, Breach of Duty, BVI Business Companies, Civil Liability

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Structuring a Cayman Islands Closed-Ended Fund

This article provides an overview of common structures for investment funds in the Cayman Islands. Investment funds in the Cayman Islands must be registered either under the Private Funds Act or the Mutual Funds Act, depending…more

Cayman Islands, Closed-End Funds, Fund Managers, Investment, Investment Funds

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Norway Practice Bulletin 2021

Welcome to Conyers’ 2021 Norway Practice Bulletin. Our annual publication underscores the importance of the Norwegian market to our Bermuda corporate practice. The 12 months since our last issue have been very different, to…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Raising, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Equity Transactions

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Key Advantages of BVI Companies

BVI companies are flexible and low cost vehicles which can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of their members and their proposed purposes while being internationally recognised and listed on exchanges around the…more

Beneficial Owner, Board of Directors, British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Governance

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Private Client & Trust Bulletin – Fall 2021

Welcome to the sixth edition of our Private Client Bulletin, bringing you the latest private client and trust news and insights from Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, BVI and Asia. This edition features articles on offshore trust…more

Asia, Beneficiaries, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands

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Why BVI?

The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) are home to 361,491 active companies as of 31 December 2023. This article considers the reasons for the BVI’s popularity as a jurisdiction to structure international transactions…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Entities, BVI Business Companies, Corporate Governance, Corporate Taxes

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Bermuda – Economic Substance Declaration Filings – May 2024 Alert

The Economic Substance Act 2018 (the “Act”)1 requires Bermuda-based entities that are carrying on a “relevant activity” in a relevant financial period and entities claiming “non-resident entity” status under the Act to file an…more

Bermuda, Business Entities, Companies Act, Economic Substance Doctrine, Filing Deadlines

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Cayman Islands Restructuring: Getting Oriented With the New Regime – Part II

On 11 November 2022, Mr Justice Kawaley ordered the first appointment of restructuring officers in Re Oriente Group Limited (FSD 231 of 2022) under the new Cayman Islands restructuring regime, with reserved written reasons to…more

Advertising, Business Litigation, Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Corporate Officers

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Changes to Economic Substance Filing for Entities Carrying on Holding Business

BVI legal entities are required to make an annual economic substance filing. A large number of BVI entities carry on passive holding business. As a result of recent changes to the Economic Substance Guidance Notes, the questions…more

Beneficial Owner, British Virgin Islands, Brokers, Business Entities, BVI Business Companies

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Why Choose Bermuda for Private Clients

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory with a parliamentary legislature and has been largely self-governing since 1620. It has economic, legal and political stability which attracts international businesses and…more

Bermuda, Corporate Governance, Economic Development, Estate Planning, Family Offices

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Government of Bermuda to Introduce Corporate Income Tax

In response to the Pillar Two global minimum tax rules (the GloBE Rules) set out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and following three rounds of public consultation, in December 2023 the…more

Bermuda, Corporate Governance, Corporate Taxes, OECD

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Norway Practice Bulletin 2021

Welcome to Conyers’ 2021 Norway Practice Bulletin. Our annual publication underscores the importance of the Norwegian market to our Bermuda corporate practice. The 12 months since our last issue have been very different, to…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Raising, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Equity Transactions

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10 Things Lawyers Should Know About BVI Transactions

The British Virgin Islands is one of the world’s leading international financial centres and is well known for its flexible commercial legislation and English-based legal system. BVI companies feature prominently in all types…more

Board of Directors, British Virgin Islands, Business Assets, Business Taxes, Corporate Finance

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Update to the Adler High Court Decision: The UK’s Court of Appeal Overturns the High Court’s Approval of the Adler Restructuring Plan

Following the English High Court’s written reasons for sanctioning the Adler Group restructuring plan on 21 April 2023, the English Court of Appeal has overturned the High Court’s decision and sent a strong message regarding…more

Appeals, Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation, Corporate Governance, Corporate Restructuring

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BVI Commercial Court Dismisses Judgment Debtors’ Attempt to Set Aside US$97 Million Judgment

In a recent decision of the BVI Commercial Court, the Honourable Mr Justice Wallbank dismissed an application by the Defendants in King Bun Limited & Ors v Lau Man Sang James & Ors to set aside a previous order granting…more

Asset Tracing, Breach of Duty, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies

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Conyers Coverage November 2022 – Issue 8 – Cayman Islands

A very warm welcome to our eighth edition of Conyers Coverage. As we start to wind down on 2022 #TeamConyers is already reflecting on what a hectic and exciting year it’s been for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry –…more

AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Corporate Counsel

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First Cayman Company IPO and Listing on SGX-ST in Over Four Years

On 18 December, 2020, GHY Culture & Media Holding Co., Limited (GHY) was officially listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST), following its successful initial public offering of…more

Capital Markets, Capital Raising, Cayman Islands, Foreign Corporations, Initial Public Offering (IPO)

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The Effect of Non-Disclosure in Unfair Prejudice Claims

A successful party to a buy-out order made in the course of unfair prejudice proceedings can find themselves in a difficult position, at the hands of an uncooperative respondent. Commonly, the Court will try liability and…more

Appeals, British Virgin Islands, Buy-Out Agreements, Commercial Litigation, Controlling Stockholders

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Family Wealth Management with Bermuda Trusts

Bermuda is a popular and highly regarded jurisdiction for managing the offshore family assets of wealthy, international families due to several favourable characteristics. As a high-quality international financial centre,…more

Asset Management, Bermuda, Investment, Investors, Jurisdiction

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In the Matter of the P Trusts: Court Ensures Public Trustee v Cooper Application Does Not Get Hijacked

By means of a category two Public Trustee v Cooper application, in which Jeffrey Elkinson and Britt Smith of Conyers, led by Brian Green KC, acted for the successful plaintiffs, the first plaintiff as trustee, and the second…more

Beneficiaries, Bermuda, Settlement Agreements, Trustees, Trusts

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Offshore SPACs

The resurgence of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) as an alternative to traditional IPOs was one of the major talking points of 2020. SPACs enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance in 2020, particularly in the United…more

British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands, Initial Public Offering (IPO), Interest Rates

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Getting Ready for the Big Day – Keys for Planning a Successful Virtual Trial

British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) companies are widely used as corporate vehicles for joint ventures in Asia, especially at their pre-listing stage. There are over 450,000 active BVI companies set-up by users around the world. From…more

Arbitration, Asia, British Virgin Islands, Business Disputes, Business Litigation

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ReConnect Recap: 10 Takeaways from Cayman’s First Reinsurance Conference

The first dedicated reinsurance conference in the Cayman Islands was by every conceivable metric an incredible success. Hosted by CIRCA, close to 450 reinsurance professionals gathered at [Re]Connect to network and hear directly…more

Artificial Intelligence, Cayman Islands, CIMA, Infrastructure, Investment

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How to Fail at Service Out: Misleaders Beware Jurisdiction Challenge – BVI Court Sets Aside Ex Parte Service Out Order in US$230 Million Claim

In a recent judgment, which was heavily critical of the claimant bank, the BVI Commercial Court has set aside an order obtained ex parte permitting service on non-BVI resident defendants of a fraud claim out of the jurisdiction…more

British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Commercial Court, Commercial Litigation, Court-Appointed Receivers

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10 Things You Need to Know About… Utilising a Cayman Islands SPV for Aviation Finance Transactions

Special purpose vehicles (SPVs) are commonly employed in cross-border aviation finance transactions, and can be a particularly useful structuring tool for both owners and financiers. In their most basic form, they offer a way to…more

Aircraft, Aviation Industry, Corporate Counsel, Corporate Governance, Corporate Structures

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Bermuda Public Companies Update - H2 2023

This edition of the Conyers Bermuda Public Companies Update summarises significant transactions involving Bermuda companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq in the second half of 2023. Global Market Update…more

Acquisitions, Bermuda, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, EU

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Changes to Economic Substance Filing for Entities Carrying on Holding Business

BVI legal entities are required to make an annual economic substance filing. A large number of BVI entities carry on passive holding business. As a result of recent changes to the Economic Substance Guidance Notes, the questions…more

Beneficial Owner, British Virgin Islands, Brokers, Business Entities, BVI Business Companies

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Cayman Islands Non-Petition Clauses: Precision Is Paramount

In a very recent judgment in the wake of the Abraaj Group fallout, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands refused to strike out a just and equitable winding up petition and, in the process, analysed the effect of a purported…more

Business Litigation, Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Corporate Restructuring, Dispute Resolution

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Conyers Coverage Summer 2023 – Issue 9 – Cayman Islands

A warm welcome to our latest edition of Conyers Coverage. It’s been a dizzying year to date for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry, so it’s time for some updates and insights. The momentum is real and the pipeline is…more

Acquisitions, AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA

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Revamped Cayman Islands Restructuring Regime Takes Shape

Recent amendments to Part V of the Cayman Islands Companies Act have updated the domestic restructuring regime and introduced the new role of a court appointed restructuring officer and a dedicated restructuring petition. This…more

Cayman Islands, Companies Act, Corporate Restructuring, Creditors, Debt Restructuring

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Conyers Coverage Summer 2023 – Issue 9 – Cayman Islands

A warm welcome to our latest edition of Conyers Coverage. It’s been a dizzying year to date for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry, so it’s time for some updates and insights. The momentum is real and the pipeline is…more

Acquisitions, AML/CFT, Beneficial Owner, Cayman Islands, CIMA

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Bermuda – Economic Substance Declaration Filings – May 2024 Alert

The Economic Substance Act 2018 (the “Act”)1 requires Bermuda-based entities that are carrying on a “relevant activity” in a relevant financial period and entities claiming “non-resident entity” status under the Act to file an…more

Bermuda, Business Entities, Companies Act, Economic Substance Doctrine, Filing Deadlines

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Piercing the Corporate Veil, or ‘Alter Ego’ liability, in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and the British Virgin Islands

Creative attempts to ‘pierce the corporate veil’ sometimes come before the Courts of Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, and the Cayman Islands. In some cases, an attempt is made to establish personal liability on the part…more

Alter Ego, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands

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Limited Partners’ Extensive Right to True and Full Information

In the Matter of Gulf Investment Corporation et al v The Port Fund LP et al (“Gulf Investment”) and the earlier judgment of Dorsey Ventures Limited v XIO GP Limited (“Dorsey Ventures”), the Cayman Islands Grand Court provided…more

Cayman Islands, Commercial Litigation, Exempted Limited Partnership Law, Investment Firms, Investment Funds

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BVI Commercial Court Dismisses Judgment Debtors’ Attempt to Set Aside US$97 Million Judgment

In a recent decision of the BVI Commercial Court, the Honourable Mr Justice Wallbank dismissed an application by the Defendants in King Bun Limited & Ors v Lau Man Sang James & Ors to set aside a previous order granting…more

Asset Tracing, Breach of Duty, British Virgin Islands, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies

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Estate in the BVI and other Offshore Jurisdictions: Your Family Business

Many high-net-worth individuals have used companies incorporated in offshore financial centres, such as the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) to hold their assets and business. When they plan their estate or distribute the estate…more

British Virgin Islands, Business Assets, Estate Planning, Forgery, Fraud

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Bermuda Renews Expedited Actuarial Work Permit Process

The Bermuda Ministry of Economy and Labour has renewed the expedited Actuarial Work Permit process for one year, from 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024. The initiative has been in place since mid-2022 in response to the ongoing,…more

Actuaries, Bermuda, Employees, Employer Liability Issues, Hiring & Firing

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Paperless Listing Regime and Mandatory Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications: Impact on Bermuda, Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands listed issuers

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited has recently published conclusions to their consultation launched last December on proposals to expand the paperless listing regime and other Listing Rule amendments. The key proposal to…more

Board of Directors, Compliance, Corporate Governance, Electronic Communications, Hong Kong

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Successful Defense of Contentious Special General Meeting Dispute: the Nan Hai Judgment

In Ho Kwok Leung Glen, Hau Kai Ling and Ge Jun v Nan Hai Corporation Limited [2024] SC (Bda) 2 Civ, 31 January 2024, the Supreme Court of Bermuda (the “Court”) rejected the Plaintiffs’ application for a declaration that seven…more

Bermuda, Board of Directors, Bylaws, Commercial Litigation, Corporate Restructuring

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A Clever Shortcut? Thoughts on the China Properties Group Case

In the case of Re China Properties Group Limited (in Liquidation) [2023] HKCFI 2346, the Hong Kong Court has shown its commitment to providing assistance to local liquidators appointed by it by asserting in personam jurisdiction…more

Board of Directors, Business Disputes, Business Litigation, BVI Business Companies, Cayman Islands

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Updated: Dec 28, 2021:

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Controlling and Deleting Cookies

If you would like to change how a browser uses cookies, including blocking or deleting cookies from the JD Supra Website and Services you can do so by changing the settings in your web browser. To control cookies, most browsers allow you to either accept or reject all cookies, only accept certain types of cookies, or prompt you every time a site wishes to save a cookie. It's also easy to delete cookies that are already saved on your device by a browser.

The processes for controlling and deleting cookies vary depending on which browser you use. To find out how to do so with a particular browser, you can use your browser's "Help" function or alternatively, you can visit which explains, step-by-step, how to control and delete cookies in most browsers.

Updates to This Policy

We may update this cookie policy and our Privacy Policy from time-to-time, particularly as technology changes. You can always check this page for the latest version. We may also notify you of changes to our privacy policy by email.

Contacting JD Supra

If you have any questions about how we use cookies and other tracking technologies, please contact us at:

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