Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? From a public law perspective, the Guidelines for the Promotion and Operation of the System of Internal and External Corruption Whistleblowing Citizens and the Protocol…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? In Argentina, no specific legislation is dedicated exclusively to protecting whistleblowers within the private sector. However, in the public sector, Law No. 21,592…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes. Whistleblowers are protected under two key laws in Vietnam, comprising of Law on Denunciations 2018 and Law on Criminal Procedure 2015. Law on Denunciations 2018…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, several laws in the US protect whistleblowers. For example, 31 USC. § 3730(h) of the US False Claims Act ("FCA”) provides a cause of action for a whistleblower…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law, Securities Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Law No. 4990/2022 came into force on November 11, 2022, to incorporate the EU Directive 2019/1937 into national law…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, there are two federal laws to protect whistleblowers in Australia…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, whistleblowers in France are protected under: -Law No. 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016, on transparency, the fight against corruption, and the modernization of…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, the Swedish Whistleblowing Act (Sw. lag [2021:890] om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden) implements the EU Directive (2019/1937) on the…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, the Protected Disclosures Act, 2000 (the "Protected Disclosures Act") provides protection to employees and workers from being subjected to any "occupational…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, there is a labor law that protects whistleblowers. On February 6, 2003, Law No. 27942, "Law to Prevent and Punish Sexual Harassment,” entered into force…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Part 1: Doing Business in BELGIUM - What is the current business climate in your jurisdiction, including major political, economic, and/or legal activities on the horizon in your country that could have a big impact on…
/ Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, International Law & Trade
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes. The Polish Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers in Poland of June 14, 2024 ("the Act"), which implements the EU Whistleblowing Directive, entered into force on…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? So far, there is no overarching legislation protecting whistleblowers. However, laws and regulations containing provisions affording protection for whistleblowers…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? Yes, Finland has implemented the EU Whistleblowing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 with the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Infringements of European Union and…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
Is there a law to protect whistleblowers? If so, which law? There is no specific piece of legislation in Turkey that regulates whistleblowing…
/ Administrative Law, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law