La planificación fiscal le aplica a todos. El 1/22/24, el IRS le recordó a todos los contribuyentes que comenzaran a prepararse para presentar su declaración de impuestos federales sobre la renta. Planificar con anticipación...more
Tax planning applies to everyone. On 1/22/24, IRS reminded all taxpayers to start getting ready to file their federal income tax return. Planning ahead can help taxpayers file an accurate return and avoid delays that can slow...more
La posesión de moneda virtual, también conocida como criptomoneda, es legal tanto en los EE.UU como en muchas otras partes del mundo. La forma más conocida de moneda virtual es Bitcoin. ...more
Due to its unprecedented level of value appreciation, Bitcoin investors, consumers and businesses are looking for IRS Guidance. IRS recognizes that “virtual currency” may be used to pay for goods or services, or be held for...more
The United States has a voluntary income tax reporting system. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and businesses here must annually file income tax returns with the IRS, reporting their “worldwide income”, deductions, and...more
Voluntary compliance is the foundation of our US tax system. Taxpayers determine the correct amount of their tax and complete appropriate returns, rather than the Government determine their tax for them. According to the...more
The newly-enacted Trade Preference Extension Act boosts the penalties for failing to provide accurate information returns to the IRS and payees – such as Forms W-2, 1098, and 1099, as well as Forms 1095-B and 1094-B. The...more