News & Analysis as of

8(a) Program Minority-Owned Businesses Small Business

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA Update: Final Rule Makes Investing in 8(a) Firms Easier Than Ever!

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As PilieroMazza has been reporting, the Small Business Administration (SBA) recently issued its much-anticipated final rule, which updates and clarifies many regulations that impact small businesses. The revised regulations...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA Proposes Substantive Changes to Negative Control and Unconditional Ownership and Control Considerations Across Socioeconomic...

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As PilieroMazza noted recently, the Small Business Administration (SBA) released a proposed rulemaking that will impact government contractors. This client alert discusses a major proposed change that would significantly...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA’s 8(a) Program Again Challenged and the Potential Impacts on Native Owned Entities

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The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program (8(a) program) faced new constitutionality challenges in a case filed at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (COFC) by Advanced Simulation Technology...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

8(a) Program's Future in Question as New Arguments are Raised in Federal Court

As the Small Business Administration ("SBA") has scrambled to adapt to the July 19, 2023, federal court decision that found the 8(a) program's rebuttable presumption of social disadvantage for certain races and ethnicities to...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA to Require Individually-Owned 8(a) Firms to Support Social Disadvantage Prior to 8(a) Award Approval

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As PilieroMazza recently reported, on July 19, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee declared that the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) rebuttable presumption of social disadvantage violated...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

The Impact of Ongoing Challenges to Federal Programs

In the past several months, various challenges have been made to federal programs and policies including tribal gaming support, the Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) program, the Minority Business Development Program...more

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